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San Miguei Basin Forum, Thursday, December~30~ 1999~- 3
Continued from Page 2
Norwood Superintendent, Dan
Bitner, handed in his resigna-
Births: Payton 'Jade
Deaths: Tracy Thompson,
Mildred Bauer, John Victor
James "Jim" Armstrong.
A meat processing
center was planned for
Norwood. Sno-Tel revealed lit-
tle snowpack in the area. The
Mustang baseball team headed
to state. Nucla held a public
hearing on animal control. 88%
of the Nucla 3rd graders were
proficient in reading. Norwood
qualified 5 for the state track
meet, while two qualified from
Nucla. Nucla's Dakota Smith
went on to win the title at High
Jump, and Norwood's Adam
Priestley took second in the 200
meter, as did the relay team.
Laura Snyder was crowned
Basin Rodeo Queen. Norwood
graduated 30 seniors, and Nucla
graduated 43, St. Mary's
Hospital announced their inten-
tions to manage the Basin
Births: Carlie Elaine
Wytulka,Mystery Dawn
Deaths: Joe Riddle, James
Patterson, Lorraine Irene
Zurlich, Clarence "Ike" Miller,
Irene Houser, Anna Virginia
Richards Webher.
June Locals and law
enforcement continued to
search for Dale Williams, who
disappeared on May 27.
Several local families also
searched for their runaway
teenaged daughters. "The
Colorado Bureau of
Investigation found the Naturita
embezzlement complaint
unfounded. It was a cold day
for the Naturita Days Parade. A
3.7 earthquake was felt in
Bedrock. Umetco reported a
168-acre parcel up for grabs.
Basin Clinic, Inc. reported their
firsMmirum for an annual meet-
ing,q~IEe 1995. The DOW
searched for an individual who
had dumped 14 fish in the trash
at Miramonte. Garry Edson was
the new Forest Service manager
in Norwood. West End school
employees aired frustrations
regarding several district issues.
Deaths: Mario Dalpez,
William Tanner.
July - Dale William's pickup
truck was found in the river.
The Paradox Charter School got
a thumbs up from the West End
School Board. Dr. Janice
Lumnitz resigned from the
Basin Clinic. A car accident fol-
lowing the Nucla fireworks dis-
play injured .9 people. Paradox
man, Derek McCarty, surren-
dered to authorities days after
he had allegedly violated a
restraining order at the Paradox
Post Office and dragged Sergent
Bill McClellan a short distance
with his pickup. Bob Conder
was hired as Norwood's new
superintendent. The first female
deputy in the West End reported
for duty. A managed fire near
Naturita was deemed a success
by BLM officials. 20-year-old
John Stakes was sentenced to 24
years for the 1998 triple stab-
bing of three local men. Flash
floods left Naturita a sopping,
muddy mess. Dakota Smith,
Malisha Sutherlin and Zane
Wilson had the Grand
Champion livestock at this
year's fair.
Births: Stephanie Jean Robb.
Deaths: Donald Hubbs, Sr.,
Betty Swain, Jerry Helkey~
August - Nucla and Naturita
received DOLA grant funding
for their water treatment plant
feasibility study. A Bayfield
pilot wrecked his plane upon
take-off in Dry Creek Basin just
days after he made an emer-
gency landing there. Placerville
floods caused big delays for
comnluters to Telluride, and
Naturita continued to explore
their own flood-control options.
A marijuana cultivation bust
was made in Naturita. A survey
showed that the Norwood clin-
ic's patients were pleased with
their service. 500 people were
in attendance at a Christian rock
Continued on Page 4
£an .Kt ttel
. aaln
(USPS 573-600)
Roger Culver
Susan Cuiver
Karen Murphy
Lolly Ross
Published every Thursday
by Roger Culver, Publisher/
Editor, at 807 Main, Nucla,
CO. Subscription rate is
$20 per year in San Miguel
and Montrose Counties, and
$28 per year outside of
those counties.
Periodical postage is paid at
Nucla, CO.
Send address changes to San
Miguel Basin Forum, EO.
Box 9, Nucla, CO 81424.
Ip 4. • ¢~•
Dlnmer Menu
Back Narrows Inn &
1550 Grana Ave. • Norwood
Nice home in quiet area of
Nucla on 3 lots 3
Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms
Hew Dwlez il llemeed
'lldg ~ ill~iex/llele elhu
IlesIiIilul ldewJ, llrp K JN m
declumul muclt more. Ulit t Im 3
beeeelu~ 2 ba~ UId8 1 2
1 bat YIIo fatal
incsm is $t400 per mlUlk Mut 8oo to
Iqq~. '
lm U
prime IlUnlil~ Pared at rite base of
Lone Cone Mountain. 80 acres. All
utilities In place, manufactured home
in good condition, multiple water
place, was used as an Rv
ark. J ree at ,YJ ),ooo.oo
270 Acres mol, excellent hay
pt~dudng ranch with 100 shares
of Farm's wat~ stock included.
Corrals on .ate. Adjoining pasture
Will subdivid~
For more information on buying or selling
mesa, valley, or ranch property please call
Alice at 970-327-4728 evening or weekends,
and of~ce phone during the
Fax 970-327-4294 or
E O. Box 4S7, 333 W.
Telluride, CO.
Alice Fae Brown
Broker Assoc.