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Newspaper Archive of
San Miguel Basin Forum
Nucla , Colorado
December 27, 1984     San Miguel Basin Forum
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December 27, 1984
Newspaper Archive of San Miguel Basin Forum produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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8oSan Miguel Basin Forum, Thursday, December 27, 1984 C( (contfrompg4) began a "cottage indust- Russell Dove married she fell from a clift and in- King and Queen. April 2. ry," affording the area toCindy Sweten May 4. to Howard Creek near Births: Joseph Wayne Management wage in- have hand-made craft Mark Buderus was nam- Telluride. She was killed Hannigan, born July 8, crease angered power com- items, ed Coach of the Year in instantly. Brandy Renee' Greathouse IV pany union employees. A Trout Lake mud slide the Class A Division. Clyde Stewart won was born June 25; and ri New marshal in Naturita claimed the life a a pap David Puderbaugh won $100 in the Nucla Chamb- Lacie Lea Dell Noble Nix, (~q was Fred Gay of Redcliff. senger in a car on Mother's the $100 in the Chamber er Drawing. " born June 14. Roy Johnson was nomi- Day. drawing. Lee Apanel was released Sandra Hale married nated most outstanding With two games to play, Birth: Trilby Janene on murder charges during Vernon Cadman May 19. superintendent, the Mavericks headed to Skees was born May 15. his preliminary hearing Tom and Betty Davis b Mayor deKoevend and the semi-finals in Colorado Stephanie Wilson was due to insufficient evi- were grandparents of two council woman Louise De- Springs. San Miguel Basin Rodeo dence presented at the new additions in July: rr Weese were adament on no Dutch Jones of Nucla Queen. Her attendant was hearing. Apanel walked Shelby Nolan and Tiffany marshal pay raise, found his family after a 37 Cindy Williams. out of the court room a Tyra. in April -- Uranium plung- year search. Roy Johnson was chos- free man after 34 days in LaVonne Mellon and ed to $17.00. Run-away Dove Creek en "Most Outstanding jail. Tracy Roberts were mar- w Ken Sanders won the girls were found in Indiana Rural Superintendent." A new pressbox was ried June 30. $100 in the Nucla Chamb- A plane crash near Tammy Wilson Post constructed at the football Charlie and Kim Berry er Drawing. Nucla injured a Norwood graduated at Boulder. field in Norwood. were new owners of the M Wilbur Binder kept his man and totalled the planeJudy Wilson graduated at Shane Zunich earned a Sweetie Pie Bakery and mayorial seat. Ollie Odle won Norwood's Mayor race by 27 votes. Birth: Lana Marie Franklin was born March 17. Clark and Reva Stowe celebrated their 62nd anni- versary. April 5, Clark was 88 years old. Nucla-Naturita Tele- phone Company was granted rate increases. Sally and Gayiord Plast- er of Grand JunCtion won a West End Weekend. Uravan and daughter we~ rescued from the Color,do River. Births: Albi~ Lewis, born April 3, Daniel Leber was born Ap~l 2; and Kasie Christen, born March 31. +: Jeff White and Karen Higgins were married April 9. Nucla Town Council gave Marshal Connett a $ ] 00 raise. Obituaries: Gertrude Counts, Clyde French, and James Stanley Reed. Birth: Ambrose Nathan Krause, born April 8. Nucla High Archery team took state at Denver meet. The Nucla Chamber, Moose Lodge and Town of Nucla presented awards on Student Appreciation Day to Heidi Vanderpool and Karl McGee. Record water content warned of flood possibili- ties. Uranium was up 75 cents a pound in May to $17.25. Diana Farnsworth won the $100 in the Nucla Chamber drawing. All-Conference athletes were Dutch Landis, Tony Royer, Dave Walrath, Sandy AIIridge, Cindy Williams, Wendy Wilson, Karl McGee and Heidi Vanderpool. Naturita box numbers changed after 30 years of the same numbers. Nucla and Norwood seniors graduated in mid. May. Obituaries: Elsie Suther- land, Virgil Williams, Edna Williams, Wayne Wright, and Andrea Wood. A medical fund was set up for Dale Williams of Nucla who sustained facial injuries when a bondo ma- chine exploded. Joan Elliott of Nucla Floods from spring run- off were damaging roads and bridges. Birth : Cy. Treven Hainey was born~May 17. Dr. Mark Apling com- pleted education requir- ments to retain active membership in the Ameri- can Academy of Family Physicians. Obituaries: Fred Stubbs, Mary Saunders, Vernon Roberts and George Crabtree. Mavericks took third at state. Tammy Bennett placed second at the state track meet. Sharon Hudson and Roger Williams were mar- ried February 3. Lee Apanel was charged with first degree murder of Patricia Erickson of Red- vale. Nucla was looking for a doctor to fill the vacancy left by Dr. H.H. Rosen- zweig. Taleena Erickson was Junior Rodeo Queen. Juni- or princess was Michelle McCullock. Charlie Anders was the new Hopkins Airport man- ager. Colorado-Ute scheduled a scoping meeting June 14 in Nucla regarding the fluidized bed project at the power plant. Obituaries: Frank Wilson and Thomas Edgell. A wild horse round-up took place in Dry Creek Basin and Disappointment Valley. Pocatello. Norwood was opposing former marshal Dennis Fancher in a law suit. Uranium remained $17.75 for June. Steve Carpenter resign- ed his position from the Norwood Ranger District. County Commissioner Nell Reams was seeking re- election. A skeleton was found at Fall Creek. Kim Stephens was crowned Naturita Days Queen. Births: Amy Lynne Bennett was born June 12, Christie Nicole Simmons was born June 6. Patricia Morgan gradu- ated at Ft. Lewis College. Obituaries: Gordon Sul- livan, Virgil Cottrell and Letitia Hawkes. Byron Files was acci- dently shot in an arm while target shooting. More than 200 people attended the REA scoping meeting in Nucla to strongly speak out in favor of the fluidized-bed Colo- rado-Ute project. Ed Jacobs was hospital- ized after a fall from a horse. Wild buffalos were be- ing raised by Earl and Randi Kelley. Birth : Jeremy Karl Stephens was born June 18. Obituaries: Theodore Stone, Theodore Barnard. Lisa Alexander was found ]/2 mile from where COW POKES By Ace Reid +;! .:?i .. ~ ~t.t RIIIp MasterCard "Now, ;s fee k;nd of air i like--never did I;ke to breathe stuff I couldn't see!" trophy belt buckle in bull riding. Colorado-Ute named Ted Rosiak as project manager of the Nucla Plant. The annual Maverick Roundup and Norwood Chamber Day was July 14. Nucla's Water Day was July 4 with Tom and Mary Puderbaugh as reigning Cafe in Norwood. Tisha Hatfield was chos- en grand champion in 4-H Review. Birth: Evan Allen was Born July 19. The Nucla-Naturita Fire Department was co-winn- ers at the tri-state. Cocaine overdose was blamed in the death of a (cont on pg 9) West End The Action Bank likes the kind of com- munity San Miguel Basin is! You have made us the kind of bank you need and we are proud to have you as customers and friends! TN! L~:TmN IUtNII STATE BANK ~o---;~.oo~ Serving Southwestern Colorado 327-4255 Building A Bank A Customer At A T|mlle W M L G J( • ar J¢ BI El 3( ar m b( M M hi B( Ju t~ Wl th th CU ce sh au po Sc kil Wl we as id( un sas Fa du, ur( be! vet We thr SC~ $1 we Kiv Ea! wa kill