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December 4, 1986 San Miguel Basin Forum | ![]() |
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December 4, 1986 |
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2-San Miguel Basin Forum, Thursday, December 4, 1986
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I had a proposal on hiring the Nucla Marshal
Dear Editor,
One aspect of town bus-
iness of much concern to
me--now and over the
years--is the recruitment,
hiring, training and, most
of the time, firing of the
Nucla marshals. I had a
proposal to make-to our
Board and community
about this, but, alas, am
too late, for Nucla has hir-
ed a new marshal; I barely
was aware the incumbent
had resigned.
Well, I still have my
proposal, and ! still wish
to propose it. My concern
is that since 1980, every
marshal or deputy marshal
hired by successive town
boards has left employ-
want to speculate about
What I had to propose
was that before hiring a
new officer, we have a
public meeting at which
every Nucla citizen could
be present and to which
ment under a cloud and every Board member,
usually in the midst of - every- law enforcement of-
controversy. Maybe our in- ricer, every business per-
cumbent marshal is an ex-son, representatives of the
ception, but with less than school district, and West
three months between hit-End parents whose chil-
ing and leaving, one might dren go to school in Nucla
Schools' lunches listed
WEST END SCHOOLS MENU: December 8- 11, 1986
Monday - Fish Cakes, rolls & butter, macaroni and cheese,
green beans, raisin coOg-ies and milk.
Tuesday - Chicken drumsticks, potatoes and gravy, rolls & but-
ter, fruit jello and inilk~
Wednesday - Sloppy Joes on bun, oven cooked potaoes, finger
salad, applesauce fruit cake, chocolate milk.
Thursda2;r~-~a~'fo~S'upreme, lettuce & Cheese, buttered corn,
sweet bread and m~'110~"
NORWOO ! ' ¢HOOLS MENU: December 8-12, 1986
" would, under the strongest
Urging, be invited to at-
tend. At that meeting, we
could hear ideas, com-
ments and statements of
expectations from every-
one concerned with law
enforcement and public
safety. We could ask some-
one from Naturita's Town
Board to attend to share
any ideas about any mat-
ters our towns might work
on together.
I would ask for and,
hopefully, receive the
don't work out and then
blame the Board for not
making everyone happy all
the time.
Well, here is the revised
proposal. Let's have a
meeting, maybe even a pic-
nic or other type of com-
munity sharing, at which
A proposed contract for
police services for both
the matters covered in the
proceeding paragraphs can
be addressed. Now that
the Board has done its
work and hired a marshal,
our meeting could have an
additional purpose, specifi-
cally that of welcoming
and getting to know our
new marshal. It could be
our opportunity to discuss
concerns and expectations;
to let the new marshal
know we are sincere about
inviting him to work here,
that we want to have him
around for a long, long
time and will go out of our
way to make him want to
Naturita and . Nucla has stay and provide good en-
been tendered to the forcement and public safe-
Town Councils by Natur-
ita Deputy Marshal Cody Maybe our sharing will
The proposal hinges up-
on both towns agreeing to
contract with McPherson.
Nucla Mayor Bob Freeman
said last week that Nucla
assist the Board in formu-
lating a job description for
our new marshal.
Fellow citizens, please,
please let us pull together
and help ourselves rather
has not made any response than be pulled apart and
to the contract. "The hurt ourselves. Let's do
blessing of Nucla's trustees board will meet on Decem- things positively. Please!
Monday - Ravioli, ~leslaw, hot rolls and butter, cookie bar and oerhaos one o th m
" +'k ___ ..... ..... f __e+_ ber 10 to read over the Sincerely,
ann mu . _ would chair such a meet-
Tuesday - MeatUS', scalloped potatoes, buttered peas, hot in" After all their lob is proposal. Then we'll make Dale Williams
~°llsandbuttet, frl]l~a~ndmilk- ..... to rerru'it hire =nd any official comment," he
Wednesday - Burritos, cheese stick, combination salad, upset supervise I't is 'for us ¢it~- stated.
As for Naturita,s re~ ....
fruit basket and milk. zens together to share our sponse, Mayor Wilbur Schools
Thursday - Pizza, seasoned corn, cookie bat, fruit and mi/k. exoectations and suedes- Binder said, "We will not
F w
riday- Fish ich, macaroni and cheese, seasoned green beans, tions with the Board rath-act upon it (the proposal) sports
'e ......
cherry pt and mdk. ,- Subject to change, er than wait until things until or unless Nucla
does." No comment has schedules
come from the Naturita
board yet. The winter sports sea-
McPherson's proposal son begins this week with
....... ...... makes him chief adminis- both wrestling and basket-
trative officer with sole re- ball. Naturita Middle
ill !11sponsibility "for the super- School plays host to Tellu-
il vision and operation of the ride on December 6 for
Town police force. All di- basketball.
rection by the Town Norwood travels to the
~ .' .,,~ ...... :f:, require0. H01idayspecial! I =!1=1 ll]Jl Board shall be made to the Cedaredge Tournament on
Contractor(McPherson) or the 5th and 6th while
his designee and not to the Nucla opens at Grand
ass0r, d holiday designs t0 ~ street officer." Junction on the 4th. On
chOoSe |rein, Top quality hezw-
weight paper. Sa/ePriced Deputy Marshal Me- December 5 the girls play
Pherson told the Forum he
at the Palisade Tourna-
0nePound did not expect either ment and the boys play at
............ ' M&M ;Candy board to accept the propo- Grand Valley.
. sal because of "lack of December 5 finds the
m. control" of the police de- Mustang grapplers at the
partment by the towns. Olathe Dual and on the
12 oz. box
864-2100 $02 Main
0no Pound M & M's Candy
Plain Or Peanut
Mon.-Frt 9 a.m :6 p.m.
Sat. 9 a,m :5 p.m.
6th at the Hotchkiss
..... Tourney while the Maver',,
L tlristmas ick matmen are at
.......... Montrose Tournament.
Dartu... All the teams are Iook-
..... " .... ............. ----J log fo.rward to.the .season.
The Nucla Chamber of ......
Commerce and Nucla
Moose Lodge are planning San MJgueJ
i 3 p.m. at the Moose Hall.
the annual Children's
Christmas Party set for De- Brain Forum
comber 20 from 1 p.m. to ,USPS 573-600
Santa Claus will arrive byIs publbhed Thursday. $13|
fire truck to distribute per year for San Migue[ &l
fruit and candy to all theMontrose Counties. Out ofl
kids. Elves, courtesy of Counties for $16 per year.!
Doylene's Aerobics will as- Roger Culver, Publisher |
sist Santa. Punch and Editor P.O. Box 9 Nucla, Co I
cookies will be provided 864-742 . "J
by the Women of the Postmaster, Send form 3547 J