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Newspaper Archive of
San Miguel Basin Forum
Nucla , Colorado
December 1, 1994     San Miguel Basin Forum
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December 1, 1994
Newspaper Archive of San Miguel Basin Forum produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday December 1, 1094- 13 CLASSIFIED .&amp;DS (303) 864-7425 O P.O. BOX 9 • 807 MAIN NUCLA, CO 81424 THANK YOU: I would like to thank Dr. Homer and Nancy Enstrom at Basin Clinic for everything, espe. cially their concern. Where s my purple heart, Nancy? And I would also llke to extend my thanks to the EMT's - Kathy, Nancy and Randy - for nmklng my trip to the hospital as pleasant as possible - and good conversation to pass the time and keep mY mind off things. Thankfully, every- thing's turned out okay so far. Thanks again, everyone. Kerri Ixtrson 20-1TC LOST: German Shepard Puppy, 5 to 6 months old, wearing orange coller. Last seen out by Enstroms. His name is TAZ, ff seen please call Trago Staats at 864- 2162. 19-2q'C PUPPIES; Shepard mix, 859- 7245 Free to good home. 17-TFC The most precious stone in the world is my Krystal - Happy 4-year anniversary, I pray for 100 more happy earylars togeg,.er. I love you. 20-ITP THANKYOU: I would lJke to give a special thank you to Leah, Charlie, Kenzie, and Kasie for all their help and opening their home, and kindness through hard times. And I wouldalso like to extend a special thanks to Tosha and Marc for flowers and support you have given. All of you have been wonder- ful and will never be forgot- ten. It has been greatly ap- preciated. Thank you all very much. Kerrl, Rod and Jessica ITC FOR SALE ART's GARAGE HAS CLOSED. Due to health reasons, we are moving and would like to thank all of our friends, neighbors, cus- tomers and alI our business ,<miate_ for all .your kind- ness and support during our 23 years of business in the area. We could not have made it without your help and support. A very special thank you goes to e veTyone that has helped us during the past year with the re- zoning anddurlng the tlme of Art's surgery and recovery. So, as we get ready to leave, we want you to know we will ,. " llss each and every one of (, u. It has been our pleasure 0 know you and to do busl- ne_ss with you all. It's with sadness in our heart that we say good-byed to all our wonderful friends. Thank you, God bless you all, and good luck in your future. Art's Garage - Art, Lawana Johnson and Steven 20- ITC ATT]N.IO N URA MINERS AND UNDER- GROUND URANIUM WORKERS, THEIR WIVES, SONS AND DAUGHTERS: IF you suffer from a lung condi- tion, or are an heir to a miner who died from a lung condi- tion, you may be elible for compensation under the Radiation Exposure Com- ,pensatior[ Act of 1990. Our law firm is experienced in handling this type of claim. For free consultation, Call collect: (303) 565-8581; or write: Dyer & Dflts, P.C., 140 W. Flrst S L Cortez. CO 81321 35-'rFc I WOULD LIKE to express my appreciation to all. the folks who helped out when I caused the propane spill on Main Street. Also. I d like to apologize for inconvenienc- ing everyone who had to be evacuated. Thanks for your patience. Sincerely, Dale Williams 2O-l'rP LOST- Sunday at the Con oco in Naturita, a white Lynx (no tail). Divorce pending on return of cat - Rewardl write PO Box 341, Nucla (sorry, no phone). 2i THE CITIZEN STATE BANK. Montnx county Branch in Naturita, CO will close at 4 p.m. on Friday, December 9th. 20- I'IX ATTENTION: Weimer Ranches will have cattle on Hwy 141 from mile marker 74 to mile marker 96. Please Drive Safely. Thank You. 18-TFC i TEXAS REFINERY CORP. needs mature person now in NUCLA area. Regardless of training, write W.J. Jopkins, Box {i i, . Worth, "I 76101 19-'P .o" , FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Residential- Land- Commercial ' Also... Seeking Listings? EAGLEWOOD PROPERTIES 327-4000 Member of MLS i i HELP WANTED: HOME CARE RN- Progressive home health agency seeks registered nurse to visit people in Norwood and sur- round areas. Part time, pay per vlsIL Medicare knowie¢Ig preferred. For more informa- tion call Sherrill Conner, Total Home Health: 1-800- 593-3750. 19-TFC HELP WANTED: The Town of Naturlta is accepting applica- tions for the poaition of Town Marshal. Interested ap- plicants must have a current Colorado Certification. Send resume to the Town of • Naturita. P.O. Box 505. Naturlta, CO 81422. Applica- tions will be accepted until December 13. 1994. 19-3"1 HELP WANTED: Two full time rental agents and car wash, computer skills help- ful, 40-hr. week, must be able to work weekends and holidays. Apply in person at Budget Rent-A-Car, Tei- luride Airport or at 675 W. Colorado, TeUurkie, or call Candle at 728-4642. I9-TC There is a vacancy on the Uncompahgre Combined Clinic board-for Precinct 8. Anyone interested in serving asked to submit a letter to the UCC, P.O. Box 535, Nor- wood, 81423. 18-TFC FORUM NEWSPAPER is look- hag for a writer, full-tlme or part-tlme. Call the Forum, 864-7425 for an interview ap- pointment. ., 20-'II, TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR APPEARED IN LAST WEEKS PAPER FOR 911 EMERGENCY SERVICE DISPATCHER. (Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused, and the S.M. County Sheriffs Of- flce.] HELP WANTED: The San Mguel County Sheriffs is aeeevtir avplica- ttons for CY SgRVICg Applicant m.ustbe 21 years old with antg h school diploma, be ame to tyve 35 wpm and pass ectensive bacK- groun.d check. Applicants must oe able to work rotat- ing shifts, weekends, and holiday. Applications may be picked up at the San Mlguel County Sheriffs Office, 1120 Summit, Nor- wood, CO or call 303-327- 4291. Applications must be received by December 9, 1994 at 5 p.m. San oMiguel county is an Equal pportunity Employer. HELP WANTED: Norwood Public School is accepting ap- plications for an Aide posi- tion. Responsibilities include working with In-School Suspension students, Lunchroom aide, and sup- lies purchasing. Come to 510 Grand Avenue for ap- vBcaflon or call 327-4712. Norwood Public School is an Equal Opportunity Employer. THE;-BOARD OF EDUCA- "lION for the West End Public School District, RE-2, is ac- cepting applications for the position of BOARD MIM- BF.,R. To qualify you must live in Director District IV atd must be at least 21 years o! age. Director District IV is Uravan and that area on the west edge of Nucl starting at Uncoln StreeL Shawn Lea, both sides of 7th Avenue, Road 2800, Road 2810. and north of county Road whic h is West 10th, and Second Park. To apply, please sub- mlt a written statement of intent for this position to the Administration Office, P.O. Box 190, Naturita, Colorado. Applications will be accepted until 7:30 p.m. on December 15, 1994. The Board of Education will hold their Regular Board Meeting on December 15. 1994. Ap- pllcants must be present as Interviews and appointment for the vacancy will be con- ducted. I3TC Martin A00enog, Inc. HOME-AUTO-LIFE" HEALTH -FARM -RANCH COMMERCIAL.BONDS Norwocxt. 327-4276 INSU.RANCE WANTED: Part-time secretary/bookkeeper for Family Link Center. Call 864-2245 to apply. C "Local Cralte" Caff now and reserve your tab/e space. The more the  Whu Dec. 10. 1994 I0 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Where: Nucla Elementary School Call Diana at 864-7266 or 864-2252 Everyone come by and see what these crafters have to offer. Those last minute gifts might be right here among your own community. HELP WANTED: HOME HEALTH AIDE - Total Home Health, a progressive home health agency, seeks home health aide to provides ser- vices in Norwood and sur- rounding areas. Need to be certified by the State of Colorado. W-ill provide funds for education and certifica- tion. For more information call 1-800-593-3750. 19-TFC i i i ii iiiii ii i i ii CO-WEST INSURANCE GROUP For all your Insurance needs Claireen Cline - Agent 1525 Grand Ave. Norwood, CO 327"4578 FOR  29 Emille Lori_ , .50 cents each= NEW LISTING: 7.4 acres MOL, city water, sewer, natural gas available, nice view. $30,000 Call HOMETOWN REALTY 865- 2525 l l LARSEN TRANSPORTATION Decomoosed Granite: Perfect material for Horse arenas, corrals, feed lots. clreways, parking lots. and more. Material consists of approximately 75% crushed granite, 25% sand. Low dust. great compaction, good drainage. ca, for your or needt kxt00.." Pdced by the yard. (303] 931-2820 Gateway 1 I iii i I i /i