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4 - San M/guel Basin Forum, Thursday December I. 1904
Help Available Through Family Link For Seasonal Ills
help me up
my friend
dust me off
feed me warmth
you are comfort
let me lean on you
until I can stand alone
I will then stand a little
and you will be proud
to have a friend such as I
When you hear or see the
words Holiday season what
pictures or thoughts occur
within yourself? For many
the pictures and thoughts
will mainly be pleasant, yet
for others it will include more
stress, anxiety, self-lsola-
tlon. and depression. Did you
truly know that you have a
choice In how your hollday
season occurs? Usually we
spend so much of our time
trying to do everything as it's
always been done, or put on
a mask to hide what we really
feel. To be perfect and have
Street Talk
What do you think about Geoffrey Dahmer getting
killed in prison?
I " If he was guilty, he should
have went straight to the ex-
ecutfon room."
Dale Williams
" Got what he had coming to
Rose Johnson
" l think he
got what he
Mike Buniger
Thanks to the response for our request for leaders, we are now
able to offer the following 4-H classes:
Horse: English and Western Riding • Dog Obedience & Showmanship
4-H Guide Dog • CeramicsWest End & Norwood
Senior Sewing * Family Sewing Club * Unit I Clothing • Unit II Clothing
Intermediate Clothing • Decorate Your Duds
Beginning Cake Decorating • Intermediate Cake Decorating
Livestock: Market Beef, Beef Breeding, Market Lamb, Sheep Breeding,
Market Swine, Rabbits/West End
Livestock: Market Beef, Beef Breeding, Market Lamb,
Sheep Breeding, Market Swine
West End Child Care Club
Paradox Uvestock: Beef, Beef Breeding, Market Lamb,
Sheep Breeding, Market Swine
Pocket Pets • Dairy Goats, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Poultry, etc.
Computers • Aviation
Shooting Sports/Norwood Area & West End
Foods & Nutrition: Beginning Members
Leatherc.'ft: Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced
If you are interested .n any of the above classes, please contad Julie Shupe or Steve
Aagard immediately at the San Miguel/West End County Extension Office
by calling 327-4393.
everything perfect during the
holiday season is a con game
of society and family. Why
does everything need to be
perfect? Why mustn't anyone
know what or how we are
feeling? These are all self- or
family-lmposed rules. Maybe
it is time to break a few.
So, what does people do ff
• they feel they cannot cope
wlth the difficult life events?
Maybe it is time for a change.
Changes are not always easy.
in fact they can be quite
hard, It is not a sign of weak-
ness or self-lndulgence to
seek help. It is smart. There
are always options even ff
you do not see them yourself.
Several options are: talk to
someone, call a Hotline num-
ber, join the West End Dad's
Support Network 249-4081,
join the West End Family
Link Support Network (con-
fldentlallty in both support
networks is kept), but do not
self-medlcate on alcohol or
drugs. A good book as a
Christmas gift is "The Wln-
ning Family" by Dr. Louise
Remember - "You may not
be responsible for being
down. but you are respon-
sible for getting up." --Jesse
May you have a memorable
holiday season.
school gym. Nucla Elemen-
tary School will present its
Christmas program the fol-
lowing week (the date was
under consideration at press
time}. In Paradox Elementary
School the Christmas pro-
gram will be Friday. Decem-
ber 1O, at 7 p.m.
In Norwood the band
Christmas Concert will be
held on Wednesday. Decem-
ber 14 starting at 7 p.m. and
the elementary school
Christmas program will be
The annual school
Christmas concerts and
musical programs have been
The Nucla High School and
Naturita Middle School band
Christmas Concert will be
held on Wednesday. Decem-
ber 8. at 7 p.m. in the high
Notice is hercIrf given that a proposed
Imdget has Ien submitted to the Norwood
Sanitation District for the enmflng )'ear of
1995, That a cop), of such proposed bttdgdt
has been flied in the office of the Norwood
Town HaIL 1130 Lucerne where smme is
open for public inspection. That suc h
proposed bridget will he considered at
regular meeting of the Board of Trustees t
be held at the Norwood Town Hall, 1130
Lucerne on December 13.1994 at 6:30 P.M.
Any Interested electors within such Nor-
wood ,%anitatlon District may Inspect th
proposed budget and file or register any
ohJecUona thereto at any //me prior to the
final adoption of the trudger.
Patti Parker, Seeretmy
Pttldished in the San Mlglel ImMn forum on
Nov. 17.24, Dec. l.&8. 1994.
New Members
In order to be a chartered
chapter of the DAV and Viet-
nam Veterans of America.
ten new members need to
sign up In addition to those
who transfer from another
chapter. Anyone interested
in Joining either organization
can do so by contacting Doc
Shrum at 864-7615.
Estate of DAVID EDWARD BLAKE. a/k/a
Decoa sed
Case No .t.ER.O
All persons having claims against the
above-named estate are reqvllred to present
them to the personal representative or the
District Court of Montrose Connty.
Colorado on or before March 20. 1995. or
the claims may he forever barred.
Post Office Box 431
Nncla. Colorado 81424
(303l 864-7875
Published to the Finn Mtguel Basra Fon:m
on November 17, 24. and December I.
Notice of Annual Meeting and Election
Notice Is hereby given of the annual meet-
ing and election of Board of Directors of
BasIn Clinic. inc.
Time to be on Wednesday. December 14,
1994, 7:00 p,m. at Naturtta Town Itall.
Three board positions wtll be open for
elections. West End Montrose County resi-
dents are eligible to fill these positions anti
may ohtatn an applcation of Intent to rnn
at Naturlta Tmvn Hall. Nucla Town thdl or
from the Basin Cltoic Inc.. secretary, Ann
tlolland. Applications must he returned to
the Secretary or sent to P.O. Box 14,
Naturlta. Co. 81422 by Friday, December 9.
Pttlfllshed in the San Mlgnel ImsIn Forum
Nov. 24, and Dee. 1.8, 1994.