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Newspaper Archive of
San Miguel Basin Forum
Nucla , Colorado
November 12, 1998     San Miguel Basin Forum
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November 12, 1998
Newspaper Archive of San Miguel Basin Forum produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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6 - San Miguel Basin Forum, Thursday, November 12, 1998 EDITORIAL Getting Paper Back On Track Working your fingers to the bone doesn't just give you bony fingers, it produces a newspaper each week on deadline. But it is not just will power that gets one through unfortu- nate circumstances such as a fire that destroys a business. It is help from others. When I called the Montrose Daily Press the day after, publisher Steven Woody first asked if everyone was okay, then offered full service to allow The San Miguel Basin Forum to con- tinue publishing until we could re-group and stand on our own. Without the help of the Daily Press and dedicated employ- ees, hope would have drained from this publisher. Starting over, not knowing if it is possible, physically, mentally or financially, requires reaching deep inside and finding faith that it is God's will for one to do, Owning a traditional, community newspaper that may go under is overwhelmihg. Had it been another business, perhaps I would have taken more time, not re-started or left to work for someone else. But the thought of this newspaper ending was something I couldn't bear. It's not just my newspaper. It's yours. So we did it. The tragedy behind the fire is personal and pri- vate and more complicated than simple gossip would have people believe. Everyone involved is doing better, now, and our lives are not the first to have lost control of emotions or the ability to always do what is right or acceptable to others. I have learned that intentions were never meant to be taken so far as to cause the damage done. Things got out of control beyond what was intended, that's all.  all are looking forward to making this newspaper as goodlier was and better. I/Ve are hoping that the support from the merefiffils who advertise [nd the readers will get us through this challenge, and allow us to put your hometown newspaper in homes here every week for years to come. Pointing fingers, judging or condemning others for prob- lems caused does not help. Understanding, compassion, support, grace and mercy heals everyone and brightens the future. I am believing there is a bright future for this newspaper and the communities it serves. I have invested everything I have in order to continue publishing on a weekly basis. I also believe the communities want this to happen. The encouragements from so many of you have helped me look forward and not back. At 490 Main Street now, we have a small dark room to develop pictures, some stock to meet office supply needs, and some new computer systems that allow us to produce this newspaper locally. We have entered your names, one by one, line by line, and finally got sub- scriptions mailed last Saturday. We are definitely getting back on track and able to recognize without missing an edition, the local news here, like the Nucla Mustangs' state playoffs. All in all, it's fun running a newspaper. Hope you enjoy it. I cannot end this "state of your newspaper" address without mentioning a few names that stepped forward to help without being asked. Dale Williams, who said this newspaper once helped him when it covered an explosion that injured him and brought forth help, took it upon himself to board up the windows and doors of the Forum building. He also made room for me at his Showtime Video store for a place to rent. Thanks also to Greg Hall. My mother, Marcella, encouraged me and loved me and has always been there for. me. My brother, Allen, who works for San Miguel Power, supported me and has also always been there for me. Special thanks also to Kathy Reed and Susan White who have worked so hard to make continuing to publish this paper possible. We are indebted to the Montrose Daily Press who published us free for a week, gave us a light table and provided assistance as we worked on their new power based Macintosh Apple comput- ers. We couldn't have done this without press employees Brian Betty, Lisa, Kirk, and Greg and publisher Steven Woody. The worst of Circumstances eventually brings out the best in people. I have witnessed it first hand, and my life is better for it. The incident was really no one's fault, just life's hurt and pain camnn$ things to temporarily get out of control. I hope we can all be for each other and help all lives to be better. Again, thank you. .... t ) ........... RC _ ................. ........... ) | .......................... Upper Mountain Humane Society Established Here West End area Animal Con- trol Officer, John Radan, is pleased to announce the forma- tion of a local humane society, The Upper Mountain Humane Society. According to Radan, this humane society will be in sup- port of the well being of all area animals, assuring that they are not abused or neglected, that they have proper housing and competent owners. As Animal Control Officer, Radan currently offers his services to Naturita, with hopes of contracting with Nucla and the outlying areas from Redvale to Paradox as well. The Upper Mountain now has a five-member board of directors and plans to begin holding monthly meetings. "Anyone can become a mem- ber of the humane society," says Radan. "Membership is free to people of all ages." The humane society will pro- vide educational services to area residents, including tips on proper animal care and help in finding specific breeds of ani- mals that may be desired. In addition to the formation of Upper Mountain, Radan says that he has been keeping busy with the animal control part of his job, having recently dealt with a case in Paradox that echoes the need for a humane society. Ttta CJ.i.0YP[Ved four their owners; left chained ip a dirt area outdoors with no food or water for more than two weeks. Radan says that, unfortunate- ly, one of the dogs died before the incident was reported, and the other three were near death. The owners of the animals are being charged with several counts each of animal abuse, neglect, abandonment and cruel- ty, as well as one count of wrongful death, according to state statutes. "I can't understand why someone would have just left those dogs to starve to death or freeze," he says. "And I can't understand why no one contact- ed me sooner about the animals. If they had, then the one would- n't have died and the others would have been in better shape." Radan also says that le cur- rently has, at the animal shelter in Naturita, a very nice two-year old female St. Bernard, who is registered with papers that can. he obtained. The dog is free to the right owners, ones with lots of space for a big dog and lots of love and time too. She's great with kids, he says. Other dogs of different breeds are also available for free, and donations for the shelter are always accept- ed. ,For more information about th humane society, to report I abuse or neglect of an animal, or to find out how the St. Bernard or another pet can be yours, call Radan at 865-2177. Calls to report abuse or neglect of an ani- mal can also be directed to dis- patch (864-7333), and they will pass the information to Radan. Weight Watchers Program in Nucla Weight Watchers is pleased to offer its diet breakthrough to the Nucla Community. This revolutionary weight-loss plan makes it easy for its members to sensibly achieve a healthier weight and a healthier life! According to Weight Watchers Regional Director, Helen Turley, you eat real food in real portions. No one will ever guess that you are on a "diet." And with the 1-2-3 Success Plan, it's easy to keep track of how you are doing each day. No more worry about how many proteins, how many dairy products or how many breads. All of your foods are converted to a simple POINTS system. If you want to lose weight, now is the time. Weight Watchers will be holding meetings at the West End Senior Center, Nucla, on the dates listed below: Organizational meeting: Tuesday, November 24 - 6 PM. .First meeting: Tuesday, , ' Ddcember 1 - 6 PM. O