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October 23, 1986 San Miguel Basin Forum | ![]() |
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October 23, 1986 |
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2-'San Miguel Basin Forum, Thursday, October 23, 1986
Herring business in
The Naturita Town
Board approved new busi-
ness licenses and the re-
newal of one license at the
October 14 meeting.
An application for Dale
Williams and Forrest
Herring dba Top of the
Heap/Pro Body Shop
faced much discussion be-
fore being put to a vote.
The business, to be situat-
ed at the old bulk plant, is
the sale of used cars and
used parts. The "carcas-
ses" would be removed to
Herring's property in
Several Naturita resi.
dents spoke their concern
that the business would be
in effect, a junk yard.
They further feared that
their adjoining properties
would smell of oil and
grease, and that hazard of
fire would be increased.
After lengthy discus-
parking area, and to clear
the capacity limits with
the fire department.
A business license for
Max Hall dba Ray Motel,
and Sky View Trailer Park,
was approved contingent
upon a fire inspection.
Renewal of a liguor li-
cense for Wilbur and
Katherine Binder dba West
End Liquor was approved.
There was discussion a-
bout using the Commun-
ity Building for exercise
classes three mornings a
week with regular memb-
ership. The board felt that
even regular memberships
would not cover the cost
of such usage.
The next regular meet-
ing of the Naturita Town
Board will be Nov. 11.
j lunch
The Retired Senior Vol- program, RSVP is active in
unteer Program is celebrat- more than one-fourth of
ing its- 15th year, and has the nation's states and
proven to be one of the counties. Locally the pro-
sion the Town Council ap- most valuable programs gram started in 1973.
The Naturita Colts won Bullpups 16-6. Greenwood proved the business license ever sat up by the federalIn Delta, Montrosa and
their final game of also scored Naturita's final for sales only but excluded government. It has enrich-Gunnison Counties, 604
son last Thursday , ridt"ing touchdown but missed the dismantling and painting ed the lives of thousands RSVP volunteers are con-
over the Dove Creek BuJl conversion, of vehicles at the location of people and helped make tributing 94,000 volun-
I pups 22-6. Jon Coach Ken Barnes said stated, communities across Amer- teer hours annually.
baugh scored in the first some outstanding playing Another new business li-ica better by allowing re-* Some of the activities
! quarter and Gene Green- by Kevin Redd at defen- cense for Robert and tired adults the chance toRSVP volunteers are in-
i ......... w0od ran in thetw0'p f t sive taClde and offensive Martha Nelson dba Video remain active through vol- volved with in Nucla in-
conversion, guard Frank Neeley at de- Land Game Room was ap- unteer service, clude: cooks helper at the
The Colts scored again fensive end and offensive proved, contingent on ade-
in the first half as Green- guard, and Stan Galley at quate lighting inside the
wood made the TD and cornerback and offensive premises as well as in the
extra points to lead the halfback.
Citgo 10W4OOil -= Nabisco 0reos ......
.. 2 Pk. Popcorn
F l
r F
20 Ct. Snuggle Fabric
Softener Sheets, For
Snuggly Freshness.
Pkg. of 100
Paper Plates
To honor the retired Senior Citizens Mealsite,
senior volunteers of RSVP weatherization handymen
here in Nucla, there will be services, cashiers, van driv-
a luncheon held at Our ers, home delivered meals
Lady of Sorrows Catholic transportation, library as-
Church in Nucla on Tues- sistant, and hostesses.
day, October 28th from ;ince RSVP began, over
12:30 to 2:30 p.m. There 800,000 retired Americans
will be door prizes, music, nation-wide have served
entertainment, and volun, and contributed their time
teer awards, and skills in a very cost-ef-
RSVP volunteers share fective way.
the skills learned during a Today, about 365,000
lifetime by serving in a RSVP volunteers are serv-
variety of ways. Some of ing throughout the na-
the many assignments in- tion.
clude working with food
banks, operating runaway
shelters, organizing
widows' support groups, Church
offering counseling to first
c.T --
time offenders, working invites
with literacy programs,
helping troubled youth Public
and teaching trade skills.
Set up by Congress in Dr. Wesley Cooper of
1971, RSVP is a part of
ACTION, the national voi- Montrosa brought the
Message for Church on
unteer agency, and is spon. Oct. llth Sabbath. His
sored locally through pub- wife, Joan, played a beaut-
lic agencies and non-profit iful rendition of The Nine-
organizations. A nationalty and Ninee on her Casio
I I and the pian° f°r °ur spe"
cial music. Dr. Cooper al-
Son Miguel '
so showed his slides on
I Bo$1n:Forum ! Hondurus for Sabbath
I us ss7a- oo ! Pastor O.R. Henderson
|Is published Thursday. $131 will bring the Sabbath
| per year. for San M uei & I Message on Oct, 25th.
IMontrose Counties. ( )ut ofl Evelyn Herring will pro-
ICounties for $16 per year.| vide our special music. A
IRoger Culver, Publisher,! covered dish dinner will
IEditor P.O. Box 9 Nucla, Co.I follow church. Come and
1804-74 . I celebrate the Sabbath at
the Nucla Seventh Day
Adventist Church,
Sale Priced
Mon-Frl 9 a.m.-6 p.m,
Sat. 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Sa/e Pr/ced