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Newspaper Archive of
San Miguel Basin Forum
Nucla , Colorado
September 25, 1997     San Miguel Basin Forum
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September 25, 1997
Newspaper Archive of San Miguel Basin Forum produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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r 4 - San Mlguel Basin Forum, Thursday, September 25, 1997 'I Continued lronl Page 1 when the San Miguel River is at or rlear flood stag('... "The propsed lower grades.., will result in more of the site being sub- jected to elevated ground- water, This condition will encourage the establish- ment of wetlands over a larger portion of the site than historically would support this type of vegeta- tion. If wetlands do de- velop, this could render tile property unusable for any future development... "The application of "Supplemental Stan- dards," while not in ilself a problem, will result in material with a higher level of radioactivity than origi- nally contemplated at the site. In the case of the "yel- low" material, described as possibly "yellow cake," it could represent a hazard if in the future it was ex- cawflcd or exposed due to flooding of the silt'. To pre- clude the possibility of fll- ture excavation, these ar- eas should be clearly de- lineated.,, The "yellow ma- terial" appears to extend off-sile and under ltle Highway 141. Slmuid lhe Colorado Department of Transportation be formally ng=n advised of this fact and shot|ld an etl0rt be illadc to determine lhe lull cxtenl of this material, t'aren thetically, why was this large an area of contami- nation not identified dur- ing the original site char- acterization? "In closing, I cannot recommend approving the Revision I plan in its cur- rent form, as presented to me at our meeting. Con- sidering all of the funds which have been expended to date, it would nol be ill anyone's inlercsl Io h'ave the site in such a corldi- lion as It) be st|bjecl to lloodmg duriltg such a llli- nor evem as the 2-year stornt." According to state UMTRAAdvisory. Commit- tee chair, Bert Beall, 'the Naturita project has gone from being a 829 million project to a 853 million project. Beall. in a letter lo Colorado l)eparlment of [lealth's Patli Shwayder, expressed corwern thal this cost overrun was "no| reported to the state by DOE in sufficient time to explore less cosily alierna- lives. Jeffrey Deckler, also of the Department of Health, explained recently ilmt "tlw l:u esl cost !n- ('I(NIN(' ('Of(It'S tl'()llt addl- [ioIl;|l \'O]tlltlC~ ()l mate:'i.-'ll lhal tlced tO be l'Clia'dialc(t." Additionally, Increased quantities and properties in the vicinity property cle.anups, and delays due to weather, added to the cost. There has not yet been an agreement on the grading of the site. As the handful of Paradox children adjust to making the trip to Nucla for school each day, the West Fnd School Board decided lhal 12 is the magic nurnbcr that will reopen the school doors in Paradox. The Board had de- cided, late In the summer, not to have the K-4 school open for the '97-'98 school year. However, they had promised the Paradox community that an enroll- ment number would be decided on so that every- one knew what the mini- nmm number of students could be. Tim board plans to review the situation in Paradox in May. In the meantinm, Nucla Elemen tary Principal Ray Car), says theat the "children from Paradox attending NES are really enjoying the school." ool THIS WEEK'S SPECIAl., Blood Btondlee Drive-In Hrs. 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Hondag - Saturdag We Deliver PIZZA for $1 to Nucta & Naturlta in town. 865-2222 Haln @t. Noturlto Do you think this will Season" for the be a "Superbowl "Yes, I think it will. It's their turn and there's too many people counting on them for it not to be." -Jane Thompson "I sure /lope so. l've always liked the Broncos, and that Elway has got a right arm like you wouldn't believe•" -Craig Foster "I think it will be for sure. The Broncos are the best!" -Dale Williams We know, accidents happen. With ALLIED Group, you'll never have to worry about buying insurance from some guy out of a van, because we'll keep you covered even if your driving hits some bumpy roads ALLIED Grot, p's Premier Service g!ves you the help you need and deserve 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, by simply calling our toll-free phone number. To our employee owners, Premier Sen, ice is more than fast and friendly help. It's our pledge to treat you better than anyone else. For premier coverage on your car, home, business, and life, at prices that are hard to beat, call your ALLIED Group Agent today. ALLIED Group - Without Us, All You Have Is Insurance! Martin Agency 1530 Grand Ave. Suite A Norwood, CO 327-4804 Insurance ALLIED Mutual Insurance Company AMCO Insurance Company ALLIED Prope~y and Casualty Insurance Company ALLIED L da IlxIurance Company l~Oo=ilOr$ Insurance Com~lny Des Morris Iowa 50391.2000 • ,., ...... ? ......