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Newspaper Archive of
San Miguel Basin Forum
Nucla , Colorado
September 7, 1989     San Miguel Basin Forum
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September 7, 1989
Newspaper Archive of San Miguel Basin Forum produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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San Miguel Basin Forum, Thursday, September 7, 1989 - 9 IT); FORUM CLASSIFIEDS P.O. BOX 9 807 Maln, Nucla, Co. 864-7425 Forum Classified page rate is $2.50 for 30 words, 5¢ a word there-after if it paid when the ad is placed. $2.90 for 30 words, 5¢ a word there-after ff it is to be billed to you. Deadline is Tuesday at noon. ff you or someone you know is in need of financial help for food, clothing, or the means to get to somewhere you need to be.please feel free to write to us in care of San Miguel Basin Forum Newspaper, P.O. Box 9. Nucla. colorado 81424. No questions asked. All of us sometimes need help. an anonymous fund to assist those in temporary need has been established for helping ~114" ATTENTION: To who ever borrowed my soldering gun, please return it, thank you. 864-2292. Dale Williams DBA Pro Body Shop 0-21D K & B Repair I mile W. Naturita 24 hr. phone Auto - Domest/c - Diesel repair ( Cm..d , De.z, Detroit) AIl andord & auto tr rel dr , used parts, I would llke to express my heartfelt thanks and gratitude to all the people of our area for all the kindness shown to me and my family during the illness and death of my brother. Tyler Randall. Thanks again, Freddie & Arlene Smith and Famh 7-1TP Thank you in everyone for all the cards, calls and flowers while Joe was hospi- talized. Your concern and kindness is greatly ap- preciatecL Joe .& Lucflle Weaver ' ~' - 7-17P ................ ....... , We want to express our most sincere thanks to all our neighbors for their con- cern during the loss of our loved one. W ,thout the sup- port of you dear people our tragic loss would have been so much more pamf The continuous stream of phone calls, food, flowers and visits expressed a true caring for our family. We thank you all, each one, for your efforts to ease our sorrow. For the food, flowers, cards, visits and prayers we thank you all. A special thanks to The ambulance crew, Bill Chadd, Bethany #148 O.E.S., Monte and Dean Naslund. Vikkl, Nicholas and Brian Norman & Thelma Tomlln- son David & Leona Merrlck & famay Leroy & Sally TomlLnson & Famay Richard & Ilnda Lemmon & famay Danny Tomlinson Norman & connie Tomlin- son&family Michael & Judy Tomltnson & fam.y Mark & Kandls Tomlinson & family Kent & Kelly Torrdinson & famay Bruce & Dorlta McKinney Pat & Tricla Woosley & family Jett & Virginia McKinney ?-ITC Who do we owe thanks to for such a lovely 50th Wed- ding Anniversary party? Terry&Chris, Denny&Mar- lene, and of course, Pat & Elaine, and lets not forget the grandsons, Todd & Jeremy l Isnl it wonderful that two wonderful people could spend 50 years together and we hope, many more. It was so nice to see so many of their friends and also ours, and their relatives. Thanks to all the Daniels Crew for a great time. TOm & Esther Kelly ,, ~ATTENTION HIRING-] Government Jobs - your area. Many immediate openings without waiting list or test. $17,840 - $69,485. Call 1- 602-838-8885 Ext 115706. 8-4TP PREITY PUNCH embroidery simple, easy, fun, Knick Knack Shop 147 W. 6th SL Nucla, CO f~4TP GOVERNMENT SEIZED Vehicles from $100. Fords, Mercedes, Corvettes. Chevys. Surplus. Buyers Guide (1) 805-687-6000 Ext. S-I025 r~Tp Country Swing Dance Lessons Beginning Sept. 14 For more info. please call 865-2518 or 864-7455. WANTED TO BUY: Slot machine any condition. Write: Bill Huher box 649 Horizon Dr. Grand Junction, CO 81506 7-4~ WANT TO BUY: 1984 Nor- wood Maverick annual. Call 327-4456 ask for Bernice or 327-4687. ?-$TC FOR SALE: Two 4-wheeler #125 good shape, looks like new. Phone 327-4456 or 327-4687 ask for Bernlece. 7-3~ FOR SALE: Custom built 14x70 mobile home. 3 bedroom, 1 bath, woodstove & awning, comes with storm windows and good Insulation Have complete blue prints. Call 864-7362. 7-gTP ---D, The Law Firm of o-] TISDEL & HOCKERSMITH I Ouray Continues to offer the legal service of ROBERT B. BURNS dL, oughout the winter sessoo on the 2rid and 4th Tuesdays of each month at THE MONTROSE COUNTY BANK, Natudlo The firm would like to flmnk THE MONTROSE COUNTY BANK for helping make these sezvices available to the communiwby l oviding office space for Please call Ouray. 325-4414, for appoinunents. Paint on Sweatshlrts Deka fabric paints, brushes, pat- tern hooks, Delta Acrylics, Knick Knack Shop, 147 W. 6th St. Nucla, CO. 5-4"rP COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR SALE BY OWNER: Zoned commerclal/reslden- ttal, 3 lots on Norwood's Main Street. Current 3 bedroom house with attached, I bedroom rental unit could be remodeled for shop and/or office space with a living unit. Owners will consider trade for undeveloped property. 327-4863, 728- 3666. 5-TFC FOR SALE: 3 bedroom house, den and family room, Z-car garage, owner financ- ing possible 731 W 1 I th Shawn Lea. Call 874-5169 for appointment 7-2TC FOR SALE: 2 used electric dryers, good condition. Call Gambles 864-7358. 7-1TC .'OR SALE OR RENT: 3 bedroom house in Paradox 2.6 acres Call evenL 327- 4710 or Days 327-4227. W-C COLES COZY FIREWOOD: Cedar & Pinion, clean, block- ed, delivered, 864-7266. ?-17C FOR SALE: 1982 Jeep CJ7 New paint Days 865-2355, eves. 327-4595. 6-2TC FOR SALE: Remington model 700 30.06 rifle with 3x9 Bushnell scope, will con- sider trade for comparable .243 rifle. 864-2250. 6-2TC "ATTENTION- GOVERN- MENT SEIZED VEHICLES from $I 00. Fords, Mercedes, corvettes, Chevys. Surplus Buyers Guide. 1-602-838- 8885 Ext. A 5706. s4rp FOR SALE: 2 used electric cook-stoves, good condition, Call Gambles 864-7358 , . 7-IW: REAL ESTATE Come In to our branch office at the Montrose Coun- ty Bank in Naturita. We have nice property of all types listed come In and see us. Harry A. L ve Real Estate, Dennis Reece or Dan Crane. 865-2255. tl I FOR SALE: Used gas cook- stove, 20" width apartment size. Call Gambles 864-7358. ?-ITC WEST END CHRISTIAN CHURCH S.S. 9:30 a.m. Church 10:30 a.m. 864-7464 or 864-2106 "The Family Church" FOR SALE: 4 bedroom home and lots, large yard, also second building on property that can be use for an apart- ment Also for sale is 2 Jack hammers and legs, Call after 6 p.m. Monday thru Thursday or anyttme Friday thru Sunday. 864-7356. 7-2tC FOR SALE: 5 one year old fat laying hens and a rooster, $2 each. Call after 2 p.m. 327- 4225. 7-ITC FOR SALE: 1978 Dodge 314 ton 4x4 truck, 4-new tires, in good condition Call 859- 7489 after 6:30 p.m. &2TP FOR SALE: Used mens 3 speed bicycle, like new. Call Gambles 864-7358. ?-ITC FOR SALE: TWo 1978 Toyota Chinook motor homes, Your choice $3700. Call 865- 2841. ?-17C NEW]! Hunting Vests from Snowbables, powder Jacket material in hunters orange. $29.99 Knick Knack Shop, 147 W. 6th St. Nucla, CO FOR SALE: In Naturlta, 3 large lots wlth 14x70 mobile home w'.th an addition with a nice shop, fenced yard, wste well garden spot, priced to sell 864-7238. Clalreen Cllne agent 1525 Grand Ave. P.O. Drawez 774 Nerwood, CO 81423 3O3-327-48O4 Representing: Transame ca Insurance Comple e'Insunm Service