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September 2, 1982 |
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San Miguel Basin Forum, Thursday, September 2, 1982-3
is year
Classes are being combined,
fewer teachers were rehired,
and the possibility of some
courses may be dropped if stu-
dent enrollment continues to
drop throughout West End
Schools. "Union Carbide's two
month delay in reopening
couldn't have come at a worse
time," stated Roy Johnson,
Superintendent of West End
"Our attendance count date
is September 27 which is really
going to be affected by Carbide
being shut 'down," Johnson
said. "Between 40 to 50 apart-
ments and houses are vacant in
the school district which shows
population still decreased. With
Carbide not recalling the 90
laid-off workers until Novem-
lber,,our student count will be
'~,~ low,' he added.
When President Kennedy
started the PL874 federal im-
paction program, West End
School received $74,000 the
first year. This year, Johnson
said that about $5,000 may be
realized. "By next year we'll
probably lose PL874 funds,"
he stated.
State assistance may be
somewhat higher this year, ac-
cording to the report; but as-
sessed wdulatitm will go down
with a student count decrease,
resulting in less local funds for
West End Scholls.
Salaries for bus drivers,
cooks, custodians and teachers
take up 82 percent of the bud-
get. Cutting out three teachers
saved the district $58,000 but
still leaves the budget $21,000
short. Co~t for hospitalization
premiums for employees has
nearly doubled in one year.
Johnson said that for a family,
the cost went from $148 to
$332. "We'll have to hunt for a
different and lower quality in-
surance at this rate," he re-
From two years ago,the to-
tal population has fallen from
more than 800 to just over 600
when school started last week.
On May 27, 1982, total enroll-
ment was 632 students. When
school started August 23,
1982, the enrollment was ex-
actly the same, showing no in-
crease at all. "That's not good.
We needed an increase," John-
son st ressed.
Loss and no increase of sttl-
dents made adjustments neces-
sary. In addition to not rehir-
ing three teachers, Paradox and
LIravan classes are being com-
bined. There are 2.5 teachers
for Paradox's kiuderga,'ten
through 6th grade, and 3.5
teachers for the same grades at
"We're really going to have
to be conservative when we
prepare the 1983 budget,"
Johnson stated. With federal,
state and local funds diminish-
ing due io governmental ovts
and student decrease, West F, nd
Schools really feel lhe pinch t31"
the depressed economy here.
High speed chase cost driver $68
Nancy Brooks, who sped
through Disappointment Val-
ley, Gyp Gap and Broad Can-
yon at reported speeds of 100
mph last April, paid $68 for
speeding after pleading guilty
in court. She also lost six
points off of her drivers li-
According to the .report~
Mrs. Brooks was traveling at
high speeds in her RX Mazda,
'attempting to catch up with
her husband. For 40 miles, at
high speeds, County Deputy
Bert Battu gave chase with
overhead lights flashing and
County warrant leads to cocaine arrest
derson was taken to the Mont-
rose County Jail.
-A Gul-Super-Het radar de-
tector was reportedly stolen
from a parked vehicle in TeUu-
ride. The detector, valued at
$199, belonged to John Hop-
kins. The crime was a class 1
tresspass offense.
extradition to Colorado this
week. Bond was set at
-Deputy Ken Brackett ar-
rested David B. Anderson, 20
and a transient, for alleged pos-
session of stolen property and
having a concealed weapon.
The gun was a .22 revolver. An-
Wanted on a San Miguel
County warrant for alleged
phone harassment and posses-
sion of cocaine, Rodney Mar-
vin Shoup, 32, was arrested by
Long Beach police officers.
Sheriff Bill Masters said that
Shoup is currently in the Los
Afigeles County Jail pending
siren blaring.
When the Mazda reached
the Colo. 141 - 145 Junction
southeast of Naturita, "she
faced another depuD who was
resting a shotgun over the hood
of his vehicle. Mrs. Brooks
claimed that she didn't see
Deputy Battu at any time dur-
ing the 40 mile chase.
She was charged with speed-
ing and reckless driving. She
Births ......
Lancle Jo Marolf
Lancie Jo Marolf was born
August 22 at Montrose Memor-
ial Hospital, weighing 6 pounds
14 ounces. His parents are Mr.
and Mrs. Ernie Marolf of Nor-
Paternal grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Marolf.
Maternal grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Dayton, and
Keith Hovey, all of Norwood.
Sara Lynn
posted $750 bond. Her attorn-
ey, Dan Wilson, said that
whereas she pied guild to
speeding, the reckless charge
was dropped. She was fined
$45 plus $8 ,'ourt cost and $15
for the victin~ conapensation
fund. The $68 was subtracted
from the $750 bond with re-
maining money returned to her
Debois, Wyoming address.
Tonee Williams would like
to announce the arrival of her
new baby sister, Sara Lynn.
She was born Aug. 17, 1982at
the Osteopathic Hospital in
Grand Junction. She weighed
8 pounds I ounce and was 20½
inches long.
The proud parents are Dale
and Diana Williams of Nucla.
Maternal grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Lee V. Flora of Price
Utah. Paternal grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Williams
of Nucla. Great grandparents
are Mrs. and Mrs. A.B, Warren
of Cedaredge.
Count date
West End
September 7, 1982, has
been disignated as the 874
Count Date in the West End
School District.
On this date each student in
the District will be given a
form to take home. This form
asks for information about the
place of employ-
If parents work on pro-
perty' which can be considered
"Federally connected" on the
count date, the School District '
can receive approximately
$103 per child.
Your cooperation in return-
ing these forms is very impor-
tant. All data collected will be
maintained in ..... 60nfidential
San M/lu,l i
Basin Forum I
osps 573-600 I
!Pvbllahed every Thur. I
is day by Forum I
; Newspapers Inc. Second I
class postaEe paM at I
! Nucla, Colo. 81424 I
[ Roger Culver I
[ Publisher [
| Subscription rates: $10 in |
I San Mlguel county and I
Montrose county; $13out of I
county. I
Addresl, P.O. Box 9 i
Nucla, Colorado . I
81424 |
Phone 864-742S .... J
This Friday at 4:30, the
Norwood varsity volleyball
squad will host Monticello.
Norwood Coach Anne McCabe
and assistant Penny Buderus
say their girls should be strong
competition for Monticello, al-
though the team is young.
The single senior and cap-
tain of the team is Carol Lup-
ton, "a strong leader and excel-
lent volleyball player," says her
Sandy Allridge co-captain,
junior, is the second person on
the team with varsity experi-
ence, and her six-foot height
will make the Mavericks strong
at the net.
Coy Hardman, junior, with
some varsity experience, is the
Maverick ace server. Lisa Gard-
ner and Nannett Mitchell will
also be seeing varsity action.
Trina Thompson, Sheila Woods
and Dede Bryant are also vying
for a starting position.
Sophomores Dru Noble,
Tammy Bennett and Sonia
Rogers "are showing excep-
tional skills and will be playing
for us," said McCabe. Sonya
Raabe and pamela Franklin are
also vying for a varsity posi-
Friday &
At The Ml r's in Nat dt
Cover Charge
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