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San Miguel Basin Forum
Nucla , Colorado
August 19, 1999     San Miguel Basin Forum
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August 19, 1999
Newspaper Archive of San Miguel Basin Forum produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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12 - San Miguel Basin Forum, Thursday, August 19, 1999 Board Undermined Cont. From Pg. 6 how the process should work, according to ordinance Title V chapter 1 section 1-10. And not only was I denied this request, I was cussed and yelled at by this commissioner as he shook his finger at me. I guess I hit a nerve! I was simply quoting the same ordinance that the town was quoting to the own- ers to have the building con- demned two months prior. My point would be the same as Mr. Radan's: "Laws and rules are for everyone". No one should get to pick and choose who can undermine the law. Most businesses in our town comply willingly to laws because of their honesty and integrity (I did), and those folks should be hopping mad that some chosen and favored individuals are allowed to completely ignore local, coun- ty and state laws. This stuff is all small stuff. The big stuff is going on at your town board meetings. Don't take my word on this, go observe for yourself the town board, 4-5 members who seem honest and committed to Naturita's best interest, and the other 2-3 members who fight and apparently conspire to undermine the town's best interest, (There is an ordinance against conspiracy to under- mine ordinance!) These indi- viduals have good ideas and they volunteer their time for these positions. ~,. However, that do'~not give free reign to pick and choose when to be honest. That should come naturally and con- sistently. All of this information is documented if anyone is inter- ested in the facts. The next board meeting is August 24th, 7:30 p.m. at the town hall. Don't miss it folks, this is your town- take it back, and lets all move forward together! Patty Allan Naturita Your Right To Know PUBLIC NOTICES i i NOTICE OF HEARING TO PROTECTED PERSON OR INCAPACITATED PERSON 12i,MIig~COU RT, COUNTY OF Mpmmse ,COLORADO Case No. 99 PR 52.Diviston___.g~ NOTICE oF r. mnG To FRorr.crm PERSON CAFAcrr, HSON IN THE MATrER OF In THE ESTATE OF Dale D. Williams ItI !t~,~,t~a~l i~ i-'lir, cq~imuxl pe~ Ahearingou [] Peti~ for Appointment of ~dian for lucapucitated Person. f] htition for ~ of Ccne'vtu, O a copy of which aocomponies this Ne~ice. will be held at ~ following time aad location or at a later date to which the heariag ratty be continued, I)atelu~l'l'hrt: /,uott~l~ll. 1999 O I:00n.m. Coortroonl or Division: Division 2. luda, e J_ Sleven Patrick Address: Mpmm,r.e C.oulev Courthouse 1200 North Gramt Avenue ~tl't~. Colorado 81401 The antcome el this pneelir4 my limit or Ceml~tdy ake away your dight to make dedstene about yourself or your flnatwial affairs. In addlUon to other right~ yea my have the right to be present at the court hearing. If you object to or want to comment upon the appeintn~nt of a guardian or conservator, you may present testlmany on your behalf. Yan also have the right to be repRsented by an attorney of ybur choice. If you cannot afford an atterney, one my be appointed for you at State expense. G~e~ ~, Kamnf isiRned~ Laurie A. CahilL ~. No. t(~,~34 ~re_a_g K. Kamnf. Re~. No. 5796 Hoskln. Fariqa, Aldrich& Kam~f. P.C. Post Office Boa 40 Diana M, Wiltiam.xt 530 Gm~e Street l'qt~:la. Colorado 81424 (q701 g64-7447 ]~go~ ~ mll~t, tdt~ett. ~tle~ot~ ~bu lid Type ot print naiad. Idd@ct~. laid lelcphot~ P.el~lgr of Persoti Amy foe Perso~ Giving ncete~ NOTE: This form dmuld be used only to give notice to the protected pursc~ or incapucitatnd person who must be served personally. CPC'2 should be used to give notice t~ all other intereste.d persons. NOtice to the spouse and ibe parents of a p~.~ted person or an ineaf, ucitated person may have to be served pontonally. [Sections 15- 14-405. CR.S.] Published in the San Miaual Basin Forum. Thursday. July 29. August 5. 12. t9. 1999 Wilderness survival skills instructor, Richard Cleveland, West End Senior Meals for August 20 - September 1 Friday, August 20 - Hot Beef Sandwich, Mashed Potatoes/ Gravy. Zucchini & Carrots AuGratin; Fresh Orange Wedges; Peanut.Butter Cookie. Monday, August 23 Lasagna, Green Beans, Tossed Salad/ Italian Dressing, French Bread, Plums. Wednesday, August 25 Baked Ham, Sweet Potatoes, California Mixed Veggies, Roll, Baked Custard. Friday, August 27 - Roast Turkey, Combread Dressing with Gravy, California Mixed Veggies, Roll, Chocolate Cake/ Icing. Monday, August 30 - Baked Breaded Fish, Gresh Potato Wedges, Green Pea Salad. All Bran Muffin, Cantaloupe. Wednesday, September 1 - Turkey Salad on a Bun, Sliced Tomatoes/Leaf Lettuce, Green Pea Salad, Peach Shortcake/ Topping. will be in Southwestern Colorado again this fall to teach two 6 day intensive courses. These programs will be held near Ridgway from Sept. 20 through Oct.3. Tl~e Introductory course, while incorporating an enor- mous amount of material, is not physically difficult and is open to anyone 18 and over who has an interest in expanding their skills, knowledge and under- standing of the natural world. For graduates of- the Norwood High School Pre- Registration to Pre-registration for all high school students will be Wednesday, September 1, and Thursday, September 2, in the Library/Media Center. Seniors will come from 8 AM to 11 AM on September 1; Juniors will come from 12 noon to 3 PM on September 1; Sophomores will register from 8 AM to 11 AM on September 2; and Freshmen will come in on September 2 from 12 noon to 3 PM. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PROPOSED DECISION The Coloredo Division of Minerals and Geology ~ to aplwove Technical Revisions Applicetion No. 39 (TR-39) f~ the New Hortton Mitre (Permit NO. C-gl-00g). sutmdtted by Western Fu~is4:ololndo. The New Horizon Mine is i surface coal mine located in Montrose County, approximately 3 miles northwest of Nucl& Coal interest is private, and the surface affected is private land. The permit ~ elgompass~ ~roximatel~ 6511.9 ~ras. This proposed decision is besed on a finding that the Wopused operation will comply with all requirements of the Colorado Surface Coal Mining Reclamation Act. Section 34-33-101. et seq.. C.R.S.. and the regulations proronlgated thereunder. Copies of the propueed decision, including stipulations, are on file for public inspection It the Coloeedo Division of Minerals and Geology, Room 215. Centennial Building, 1313 Sherman St .qua.. Denver. Coloredo 80203. Persons with an interest that may be adversely affected by the proposed dacislo~ may reqonst a formal hearing hefo~ the Mined Land Reclamation Board on the Woposed decision. Such OnlU~t must be made within ten (10) days of the initial publication of this notice, must be in writing, and must state with ~able specificity the ~ fro" the request and the objections to the p¢opusnd decision. Published in the ~ Mignel Basin Forum. Thursday August 19. 1999, LEGAL NOTICE DEMAND FOR DUPLICATE CERTIFICATE Notice is hereby given that The Farmers Water Developmem Comply has received a demand by Hongr Boyd OlivedBoyd Oliver Family Tt,ast for the ~ of duplicate certificate representing 35 shtues of stock of The Farmers Water Development Company. The demand of Homer Boyd Olive~Boyd Oliver Family Trust states that the certificate number 556. representing the 35 shares of Tha Farmers Water DeVelopment Compe, ny stock was misplaced, lost or inndvertentiy destroyed. The said Homer Boyd Oliver/Boyd Oliver Family Trust further states in his demand that he has paid all assessmcnUt levied by the undersigned Corporation against such stock to date, YOU am hereby notified thai the undersigned Corporation will issue on or after the 12th day of October, 1999. duplicate certificate(s) to Homer Boyd OlivedBoyd Oliver Family ~ his legal rewasentative or assignee. rewesentmg the above specified stock un~ss a contrary claim is filed with the Cm'puratlon prior to said date. The Fanr~rs Water l~velopment Company By Carol A. E~strom Se.eretarytrreamRr Published in the San MilFel Basin Forum, Thursday, Augus~ 19, 26, September 2.9, 1999 Introductory course or equiva- lent, an Advariced survival and awareness course will be. held the following week. y.he Advanced course is more ri" | ous and essential to any avid outdoorsman, conservationist, guide, hiker or backpacker. The course will include the following topics: shelter, water, food (cooking and storage), primitive firemaking (4 meth- ods), wild and medicinal plants, hunting and trapping, animal sign and behavior, tanning hides, clothing - primitive and modem, tracking basices, prim- itive rockworking,primitive fishing techniques, bowsmaking environmental issues and Y2K applications in your community, and much more! Western Slope Livestock Auction, Inc Montrose, Colorado (970) 249-62O2 Market Report for Friday, August 13, 1999 We had a good sheep sale Friday with prices steady to strong. Cattle were steady. Doug does a real good job for all of you sheep producers. Give him (and us) a try. Cattle STEERS 523#, 85.00 cwt. ~ 732#, 71.50; and 875#, 67.25 cwt. Not many calves offered. COWS 1125#, 39.00; 1035#, 34.75; and 1195#, 33.25 cwt. BUL~ 1870#, 51.00; 1615#, 47.75; and 1715#, 46.50 cwt. SHEEP LAMBS 53#, 83.25; 70#, 82.50; 120#, 81.00; 107#, 80.50; 101#, 80.25 and 78#, 78.00cwt. W~ 115#,33.25; 195#, 30.00; and 145#, 29.25 cwt. BUCKS 180#, 27.25 cwt. Our next sale will be August 27. This will be a Butcher Cow and Bull Sale along with our usual run of calves and odd cattle.' REMINDER: Sales 2nd & 4th Fridays of the month. Sept. 11: Need Hayward Farm Sale. Watch for fliers. Sept 18 & 19: Going out of'Business Auction for the Crazy House Store. Got livestock to market? Thinking of having an auction? Let us visit with you. Jim at 249-4126 (evenings); Doug at 874-2647 (evenings); Lawrence at 872-2176. WE WORK FOR YOU! %, d