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San Miguel Basin Forum
Nucla , Colorado
August 12, 1999     San Miguel Basin Forum
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August 12, 1999
Newspaper Archive of San Miguel Basin Forum produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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12 - San Mikmel Basin Forum, Thursday, August 12, 1999 61 Over-the-counter big game and doe deer tags that were not hunting licenses for the 1999 requested by hunters during a deer, elk, bear and antelope sea- limited-license drawing held in sons go on sale on August 17 at April. Limited-licenses are Division of Wildlife offices and good only in specific units. retail license outlets throughout General over-the-counter the state. This year marks the statewide hunting licenses are first time the Division will not available at. any retail license issue general, "over-the-count- sales outlet, but limited-licenses er" buck deer licences. All buck ante only available at Division deer hunting licenses were of Wildlife offices. issued through an application New this year: On August 17, process in April. the first day of leftover limited- The "leftover" limited- license sales, persons in line at license are primarily cow elk Division offices will not, be Your Right To Know PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF PROPOSED DECISION 1"he Colorado Division of Minerals and Geology has issued a proposed decision to aplxove Bond Release Application No. 6 (SL-6) for the New Hmizon Mine, Fennit No. C-81-0~4i. The mine is operated by Western Fuels-Colorado under the provisions of the Colorado Surface Coal Mining Reclamation Act of 1979. The bond release application was submitted by Western Fuels-Colorado on February 23, 1999. This is a request to release $47,219 on 42.3 acres in the New Horizon Mine 2 permit area located I mile west of the town of Nucla. Colorado. Copies of the pfolx-~sed decision are available for review at the Colorado Division of Minerals and Geology office. 1313 Sherman Street, Room 215, Denver, Colorado 80203, and at the office of the Montrose county Clerk and Recorder, Any per;on who has an interest which is or may be adversely affected may request an adjudicatory hearing regarding this proposed decision, Requests for a hearing must be made in writing within thirty (30) days of the first publication of this no~ice, and shall state with rea~sonabt¢ specificity the reasons for the request and objections to the proposed decision, Published in Ihe San Miguel Bat,~in Forum, Thursday, Augtt~;I 5, 12, 1999 NOTICE OF HEARING TO PROTECTED PERSON OR INCAPACITATED PERSON ~COU RT,___~__~__CO U NT Y OF Moat rose ,COLORADO ('ll~e No ~,Division _ -2._.__ NOTICE OF HEARING TO PROTECTED PERSON OR INCAPACITATED PERSON INTHE MAq~I'ER OF" [] THE ESTATE OF ' Dale D Williams [~ Prolecled person[~ Incapacitated Person A hearing on [] Pclition for Ap[×~intluenl of Gualxlian lot lncapacdated Person. [] Petttion fol Appointment of Conservator, [] a copy of which accompanies this Notice. will be held at the lbllowing lime and location or at a later date to which Ihe hearing may he conlinued. Date and Tinve: ~ ~ 1:00 p,nl. Courtruonl or Division: ~~__ Address: ..~ontrose Ct~ntv Courthouse _1200 North Grand Avenue Monlro~ Colorado 81401 The outcome of this proceeding may limit or completely take away your right to make decisions about yourself or your financial affairs. in addition to other rig.hts~ you may have the right to be present at the court hearing. If you object to or want to comment upon the appointment of a guardian or conservator, you may present testimony on your behalf. You also have the right to be represented by an attorney of your choice. If you cannot afford an attorney, one may he appointed for you at State expense. Greag K. Kamnf tsi~ned~ Laurie A. CabilL Retd. No. 19704 Diana M. Williams Gref_~ K. Kanmf. ReR. No. 5796 530 Gra0e Street Hoskin. Farina. Aldrich & Kanmf, PC, Nucla. Colorado 81424 Pma Office Box 40 ~970~ 864-7447 "I~i~ or Imm nw'nc, ~,c~. ~¢id~mc numl~1 ~d ~pe o~ pcim ~. ~ znd ~ uumls~ of Ptrso~ rq~ io]~¢41~r)O~AUtwney [or Perum Giviag t',o4~ Givini Na~k'e Junction, Colorudo 81502 NOTE; This form should he used only to give notk.'¢ to the Ixolected person or incapacitated person who must be served personally. C1~2 should be esed to give notice to all mhar interested persons. NOtice to the spouse and the patents of a i:m0tactnd person or an incapacitated perstm may have to be served personally. [Sections 15- 14-405. C.R.S.} Published in the San Miguel Basin Fonam, Thursday, July 29, August 5, 12, 19, 1999 allowed to make unlimited, mul- tiple purchases for friends, rela- tives or clients. "Each person in line is restricted to pur- chasing four deer, four elk and one antelope tag when buying licenses for other hunters. The measure is a means to provide fairness for those who are standing in line behind them." "We understand that not everyone can come to a Division office on the 17th, so we allow people who cannot attend the leftover sale to send a represen- tative to purchase a license for them," said Phyllis DeJaynes, customer service manager for the Division of Wildlife. "However, there is a ceiling on the number of purchases each person can make." "Each person in line is restricted to purchasing four deer, four elk and one antelope tag when buying licenses for other hunters. The measure is a means fo provide fairness for those who are standing in line behind them." A person buying a license for another individual must furnish the hunter's conservation certifi- cate (cc) number, proof of resi- dency, driver's license informa- tion and proof of hunter educ- tion (if born after 1948). In addition, a person making the purchase for someone else must sign an affidavit indicating that the information they provide is accurate and true. The following is a break- down of the number of leftover limited-licenses: 10,200 antler- less elk tags; 640 either-sex elk tags; 160 bull elk tags; 2,700 antlerless deer tags; 1,100 either-sex deer tags (archery only); 288 doe antelope tags; 41 buck antelope tags; 63 private land only bear tags. Hunters who cannot attend the leftover sale, or cannot send a representative, can purchase a leftover limited-license through the mail. Mail-in forms are available at Division of Wildlife offices. Colorado has more than 200,000 elk, the largest popula- tion in " North America. According to field reports, ample moisture this spring and summer have produced suffi- in the West -- and $30.25 for res- cient forage to keep animals in ident hunters. A deer license excellent, costs $150.25 for non-residents Anyone who has purchased a and $20.25 for Colorado rest- hunting or fishing license in dents. Colorado resident youth Colorado since 1994 already has license are available for $10 for a cc number. Persons who have hunters between the ages of ' "~ not purchased a hunting or fish- and 15 provided they have c ing license since then can obtain pleted a certified hunter educa- a cc number free of charge by tion course and are accompanied showing proper photo identifi- by a mentor who is over the age cation, of 18. A non-resident youth There are three combination license is $75. deer, elk and bear rifle seasons. Detailed information about The first season is Oct. 9-13, the Colorado big game hunting can second is Oct. 16-27, and the be found in the 1999 hunting third is Oct. 30-Nov.3. regulations brochure. This year's two antelol6e rifle Additional information is also seasons are Sept. 25 - Oct. 1 and available on the Internet at Oct.2 - 8. or An elk license costs $250.25 by calling the leftover license for non-residents -- the least information line at (303) 291- expensive non-resident license 7519. Nucla Postmaster, Bill Ferguson, returned this week from a six.month postal detail in the Vail area. Although many days have come and gone since he was last here, Ferguson says "nothing much has changed." He also says he's very happy to be back in the area. "You can have the Vail area," He says. "Because I certainly don't want it. Not at all. It's good to be home." During his absence, it was business as usual for other postal employees, as Joan Woods, Jackie Hubbs and Ethel Reiva made sure the mail got out each day on time. .d