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12 - San Migud Basin Forum, Thursday, July 29, 1999
Your Right To Know ,,
The Board of Educalmn of West F.Ud School D4suicl in the cmmty of Monuose, State of Colorado. calls for
no~natto~ of candi4ato~ for school di~tocs to be ph~ on the ~l|Ot for the regular biennial school elec-
tion to be held on Tuosday, November 2, 1999,
At thi~ election three directors will be elected representing the following director districts for a four year tetra.
Dktrk'l ill consists of all residents wRhin the following boundary, Stoning from the intersection of Ray
Street and Highway 97, heading soothwest on Highway 97 then taking Highway 97 east. Turn ",,ves~ on DD31
Road. then north at DD30 Road. Follow DD Road west and then turn north on Lincoln Street. Take 5th
Avenue west. then 271h Road south. At 10th Avenue. head west to Calamity road and take it soothwest m the
San Miguel River, Follow die San Miguel River upstf~m pa.~ Vancomm sontheasl into Natorita~ Where the
river ~s north of 3rd Ave.ea~ and touches the nort~..n't city limit, follow the city limit across Crablree
Road. Residents living in Naturita. north of Highway 97 and east of but not including Ray Street also fall
within this boundary.
lYalrkt IV consists of residents living in RE-2 norlhwe..~ of Nucla Delta Road and the above distri~. Its
somhust boundary ts compos~ of Highway 90 from the San Miguel River in 'v~,corum. south along'~
Cn~k This disttict represents all of Parndox, Badroek and Utavan Commun hies. "~
V consists of resideo~ living in RE-2 south of Highway 90 east of Naturi(a. South of District I11
boundary in Namrita. sooth of the S~ Mtguel River west of Natorlto ~ east of Highway 90 from Vancorum
along D~ Creel This district represents the majo~ty of Voncorum and West Naturita.
To be qualified, a candidate must have been a registered ©lector and a resident of the scbuol district for a kast
twelve consecutive months before the ek:ctk~ ~ n ~ of the director disttk:t which will he represented.
A person is ineligible to run for school director if he or she has been ConViCtoCl of comlmtting a sexual offense
against a child.
A person who dasires to be a oandtd:ate for school director shall file a writtea notice of intention to be a candi-
date and a nominatio~ petition in accordance with law.
Nomination petitions may be obtained at the Mohtrose County Cm~ House. County Clerk°s Office, 320
South lsL Montrose. Colorado. Office hours arc 8:30 AM - 4:30PM, ~y through Friday, And_. complet-
ed pali~s will be mira'ned to the Coumy Clerk's Office in Montroan. Colorado, no laler than 4:0OPM on
AugUst 27. 1999.
IN WITNESS WHEREOE the Board of Edueation of West End SChool District. m the County of Montrosc
and SU~ of Colorado. has caused Ibis rail for ttomthatior~ to be given this twentiath day of July, 1999,
Published in the San Miguel Bt~n Forum. Thursday, July 22, 29,1999
In the Matter of the Petitie~ of:
fW a C'han~ of Name to
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Pelltioaer above named has filed a Pe~tion for Name Change of the above
named petitioner/child to 'ANN MARIE LOWPOUq¢~
The Court will beve a healing on this amae ~Ite o~ the .~J.TAL....~y of ~,
192~, ~ ~ If you trove eay objectioas to tbe name clamp of said petitiooer/chiM, you must file
your objection thoreto wlth the Ck~rk of tbe Conlt or he peesonl al said hearing, if no objeetion is received by
the above dale or if ~ t-e not peeseat tn Cet~ the dry of tbe beatl, g, M Ortle¢ for Name chenge will enter
wi0mut ~ notice.
DATED~is~dayof July ". ., , , 19~..
'Develva Bell
Clerk of ~: Ceert
Published in the
-" __ ; !
San Miguel Bein Forum. ~y. July g, 15.22, 29,1999
The aetrd of Education of Nenmod klmol Dtstri~ in the Counties of Sin Miguel an~ Moom~te. State of
Coinndo, ctlls fo~ neminmion of czKli for school dln~tms to be placed on the ballot for tho regulK
bieonlal school electioa to be beld ea Tuetday, November 2, 19~,
At Ihii einotiO~ tl~¢e dil~cto~ will be de©led to*" foor (4) yosg tm,l,tts lad o¢,e director will be elected for i two
(2) y.t~ term, To be ~. t ctadidae nm.q beve bee~ a ~'egimered tin.or i a redde~ of tbe school
diStdct for at / tw~ve onmwcutive mond~t bofofe Ibe tie,floe. A I~'me b. tlleligible to nm fro. school
dire~or if be or she ha* been convicted of ~r, mitting a scxeal offewse qnir~ a child.
A panton who dnsires to be ~ eaadidaw for school din~clor thall file a written notice of inte~z4lda to be a nandi-
date and a nomlnation petltion in ~ wi~h law,
N~ pm~l~m m~ be olxaia~ at m~ Ofl~ of tbe DImtm Sul~rima~t Oflke hoe~ a~e g,'00 a.m.
to 4.'00 p.m. Comple~ petRiem shoeld be ~lbmilted to§upefintelldimt P.ob~ Conder. the ~ district'a
dealgaated tie.ion off,,0ttl, no later tlum 4:00 p,m. o~ August 27, 1999,
IN wrrNl~S WHEREOE Tbe Boe~ of ~ of Nm.woed ~kl~d Di~rt¢l R2.~. in the ~eaties of San
Miguel and Momrme i State of Colorado, has caused this call for mwatnttio~ to be given this 20th day of
July. 1999
Published in the San Miluel Basin Pe~m, Tinmlday, July 29, Atq~st 5, 1999
The Colorado Division of Minerals and Geology propuu~ to approve Technical Revision Al~olication No. 7 .
(TR-7) for the Hami~on mine (Permit No. C-91-078), submitted by Honeywoed Coal Company. The appli-
cant proposes to cease all hydrologic monitoring at the mine site except what is requital by its discharge per-
mit, The site is reclaimed,
The Hamilton Mine is a surface coal mine located in Mootrose Coumy, approximately 3; mUe soufltea~ of
Na(urita, Colorado. Coal interest is private, and the surface affected is private land: The Igrrnil,area encom-
p&sseS approximately 1,197.0 acres,
The propused decision is based on a finding thai the proposed operation will comply with all requirements of
the Colorado Surface Coal Mining Reclamation Act. Section 34-33-101, et seq., C.R.S+, and the regulations
pmraulgated thereender.
Copies of the proposed decision, including stipulations, are on file for public inspection at the Colorado
Division of Mineral and Geology. Room 265. Centennial Building. 6313 Sherman Street. Denver. Colorado
80203. Persons with an interest that may be adversely affected by the proposed decision may request a for-
real hearing before the Mined Land Reclamation Board on the proposed decision. Such request must he
made within ten (10) days of the initial publication of this r~ice, must he in writing, and must state with re.a-
sonable specificity the reasons for the request and the objections to the proposud decision.
Published in the San Migu¢l Basin Forum. Thursday, July 29, 1999,
TO: Parents and Staff of the West End School District. RE-2
FROM: Phyllis Harrison. Supe~ntendem
DATE: July 26,1999
In compliance with the U.S, Environn~ntal P~tection agency (EPA} Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response
(AHERA), in May of 1989 West End Public Schools performed inspections of each sebuol building for
ashestos.-containing building materials. The inspection findings and asbestos management plans have been on
file in each schoo~ administration office since that time.
The EPA requires us to perform reinspections of the asbestos materials every three years. The first reinspucUon
was conducted on April 24. 1992; secoed ~¢inspe¢tion wes conducted on February 9, 6995; and F~bromy 5,
1998 the building were ngmn inspected by an accredited asbestos inspector. And. on June 17. 1999. a
Compliance Asbestos Audit was conducted which showed the District to be in compliance.
The access to the crawl space a~ the Industrial Ans building al Nu¢la High School remains restricted.
Appropriate warning sighs have been posted near the crawl space access po.ints ~ left in place until such time
the material is removed, Any onavogisble maintenance or repair work reqoln~l in the area prior to pending
abatement will b¢ cot~ucted in aconedance with an appmvad eshe~. Os work order.
The summary and conclusmn reports for the Nucla Elementary School. Paradox
Elementary School. Natotita Middle School, Nuela Hight School, aad Adrninistratkm Off~ confirm that
records of O&M activities and panodic inslxX'tions are on fde. There has been no apparent chanlte in the phys-
ical condition of the material and that no additional SUSlX~t material has been identified, Six month periodic
,nspuctions will be continued in each school building.
The results of the reinspncfion ate on file in the management plan at the administrafio~ ofl'w.c and at each school
building. Anyone may view these inspections anytime during normal schooblmalness~honrs.
Published in the S~m Miguel Basin Forum. Thursday, July 29, August 5. 1999
Case No.._~,Divlsion_~
Dale D. Williams
[] Protected person [] Incapacitated Person
A hearing on
[] Petition for Appointment of Guardian for Incapacitated Parson.
[] Petition for Appointment of Conservator,
a copy of which accompanies th s Not ce~ w he he d at the following time and lecation or at a later date to
which the hearing may be continued.
Date and "rtme: Aueust31. 1999 @ 1:009,11h
Courtvnom or Division: Division 2. Jud£e J. Steven Pahick
Address: Montrose County Courthous~
1200 North Gran~ Avert~e
Momrose. Colorado 864{}I
The outcome of this proreedlng my limit or completely take away your right to make
decisions about yanrself or your flnon¢lal affairs.
in addition to other rights, you may have Ihe right to be present at the court hearing, if
you object to or want to comment Ulma the appointment of a guardian or eousorvator, you
my present iouy on your beludf. You also have the right to be represented by an
attorney of your choice. If you cannot afford an attorney, one my be appointed for you
at State expense.
Laurie A. CahiB. Rt~. No. 19704.
Gre~ K. Kanm_ f. Ree. ~o. 5796
Hoskin. Farina_ Aldrich & gamrff. ~C.
Po~ Office Box 40
tswatiem o~y for Person Givins netee
~e~70= Junction, Colorado 81502
Greet IC Kanmf fsi~ecl~
Diana M. Williams
530 Grane Street
Nucla. Colotado 81424
f97ffl 864-7447
Type o¢ ixmt ume. adding, and tete~oae umb~ ot penm~
Giving Nmic~
NOTE: This form should be used only to give notice to the protz~d p¢~n or incapacitated person who must
be served personally. CP(~ should be used to give notice to all other inked persons. NOtice to the spouse
and the parents of a Ixotected parsoo or an incapacitated person may hltve to be served pet,sonally. [Sections 15-
14-405, C.R.S.]
Published in the San Miguel Basin Forum. Thursday, July 29, August 5, 12. 19, 1999
Share the
Harvest Food
Boxes Available
Share the Harvest Food
Boxes will be available on
Thursday, August 5, 12 - 2
PM, at the Our Lady of
Sorrows Catholic Church in
Nucla and the Norwood f" [~
For a $13 cash donation,
residents can receive a large
box of nutritious foods val-
ued at much more. The pro-
gram is open to anyone.
Western Slope Livestock
Auction, lne
Montrose, Colorado
(970) 249-62O2
Market Report for Friday,
July 23, 1999
We had a small sale Friday with
prices steady to strong on all
classes of livestock.
Cattle STEERS 400# (Hol),
78.00; 505# (14oi), 66.25; 532#
(Beef), 85.50; 700# (Hol),
50.25; 730# (HOD, 48.25, and
874# (Beef), 67.75 cwt.
HEIFERS 770#, 68.00 cwt.
40.50: 1030#, 37.00; 1550#,
36.50, and 935#. 34.25 cwt.
BULLS 1905#, 49.75; 1945#,
49.25: 1810#, 46.25; and 1830#
(Hoi), 44.50 cwt.
SHEEP LAMBS 95#, 83.00;
74#, 80.75; and 92#, 79.25 cwt.
EWES 120#, 37.00; and 155#,
33.75 cwt.
Our next sale will be August
13. This will be our August
Sheep Sale and we're expecting
around 600 Hd of Lambs and
130 Hd. of Ewes along with a
good run of Butcher Cattle and
our normal run of odd consign-
ments. Through Labor Day, we
hold sales 2nd & 4th Fridays of
each month.
Saturday, July 31: Farm
Auction for Juan Archuleta at
Delta beginning at 10:00 A.M.
He will be offering 80 Hd. of
Churro Sheep, MF 30-B
Tractor w/Loader, GT- 262 JD
Tractor, some farm equipment's
and raise, farm supplies along
with furniture, tools, and
household items. Also a Doll
Collection and Accessories.
The fliers are out.
Got livestock to market?
Thinking of having an auction?
Let us visit with you. Jim
(Evenings) at 249-4126; Doug
at 874-2647; Lawrence at 872-