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10 - San Ml~uei Basin Forum, Thursda~,~ Jul~ 29, 1999
According to the Grand
Junction Daily Sentinel, authori-
ties used dogs on Friday to
search a number of abandoned
mines in the latest search for a
missing Nucla man.
Dale Williams, 42, vanished
under suspicious circumstances
on May 27. He was last seen at
the Family Market grocery store
in Naturita that evening.
A group of swimmers discov-
ered Williams' pick up on July 4
in the confluence of the San
Miguel and Dolores Rivers. The
truck was empty and there was
no evidence specifically indicat-
ing foul play, Undersheriff Dick
Deines said.
S In
The Montrose County rivers, Deines said. The search
Sheriff's Department used dogs was not tied to any new leads, he
on Friday to search for Williams said.
at a series of abandoned mines Deines still finds the pickup's
near the confluence of the two location in the rivers unsettling.
A fund has been set up locally to collect reward money for
information leading to the location of Dale Williams. In order to
contribute to the fund, checks can be made to Williams Rescue
Fund, c/o Citizen's State ~ank, PO Box 160, Naturita, CO,
81422. --" ~,
Anyone with information r~garding the disappearance of
Williams is asked to call the West End Dispatch Center at 864-
7333 or the Nucla Marshal's Office at 864-7601.
Accidentally entering the con-"
fluence by falling asleep at the
wheel or some other means is
virtually impossible, because
the nearby road runs parallel to.
the water, he said. The pickup
was found at a right angel to the
"I am of the opinion that it
was purposely put into that
river," Deines said.
The pickup was found with
its standard transmission locked
in low gear and the ignition on,
he said. Investigators have said
that tire tracks leading into the
water showed no signs of brak-
Divers attempted to search
the river, which contains up to
nine feet of silt in that area, bl |
found no signs of Williams, he
The investigation is still con-
sidered a missing person case
and no evidence specifically
points to foul play, Deines said.
Millionaire Percy Ross is known for his philanthropic work. He offers help
and encouragement for those in need. He has earned a fortune and a
wealth of knowledge during his lifetime and wants to share both.
His motto: " He who gives while he lives.., also knows where it goes. "
Criticism Could Cost
Dear Percy: For the life of me I can't understand
why you send money to some of the people who write
you. Their problems are nothing compared to what my
family is going through, I've written you twice before.
First time was after our only car broke down. Second
time was after our utilities were shut off. By some
miracle, and not through your efforts, we were able to
tackle these problems, Now I write again, but this time
is different because there will be no more miracles.
We're about to lose our mobile home. It's a long story
how we've fallen into money troubles, of which none of
it was our fault. My husband got laid off. I hurt myself
at work and ,will have to wait forever before qualifying
for disability. In the meantime our children are embar-
rassed to use food vouchers.
Oh, t tell you, it's a mess. The arrears on the
mobile total $1,400 including our lot rent. Please, I'm
begging you. For once, help someone who really
needs it. The fact that you're paying for graduation
parties, dog shots, a day at the spa, etc. is areal put
down to folks like us who are struggling to feed our
children and keep a roof over our heads. Think about
that before you go to bed tonight. If you have any heart
you won't be able to sleep.
Mrs. A, S. _: The Reaper, Geneva, AL
Dear Mrs. S.: If you were to stop whining about
your own situation and think about mine, perhaps
you'd see things differently. I am not a social
service. I am not a government agency. The
money I give away has already been taxed and
retaxed. It is mine and i earned it the hard way. To
whom and how I choose to give is entirely up to
me. For youto criticize who I choose as a recipient
is blatantly foolish and has done little to put your-
self in a positive IighL
I can say ell this only because I am going to
help you out with $1,400. Are you deserving?
Probably. Is it going to make e difference in your
life? Temporarily. I suggest you do some long
You A Helping Hand
range planning and find some source of income
because I doubt very much I will be in a position to
help you again.
Dear Mr. Ross: While my needs are many, my
friends are few. A long term disability has rendered me
somewhatof a recluse. Thirty years ago a car accident
left me a quadriplegic. My parents cared for me until
my father's untimely passing 5 years ago. Ma tried to
care for me but it was too much. She developed
Alzheimer's and lives in a nursing home now. At 53, I
can tinker on an old computer but that's about all. No
family and I've had a hard time making new friends.
Except for. one-an elderly woman who lives in the
apartment next' to me. She's in her mid-seventies
although she won't reveal her true age. Now that you
have my history, on to my request.
This elderly neighbor I mentioned has a grand-
daughter getting married next month. She has se-
cretly confided in me that not only can't she afford a
new dress, she can't afford a gift I've met her
granddaughter and she's a fine girl, I'm sure she could
care less wh&t her grandmother gives her as a gift just
as long as she attends the wedding. My request is for
$300 to cover adressl shoes, hair-do and wedding gift.
If I personally had the money I'd give it to her free and
clear. I guess writing you says volumes about my
economy. Time is running out and I'm afraid my elderly
friend's pride will prevent her from attending if she has
to go empty handed.
Mr. M. P .... The Telegram, Superior, Wl
Dear Mr. P.: I've always admired people who
have so little, yet put the needs of others before
their own. The $600 I'm sending should be divided
$300 to your friend and $300 to you. It's obvious
how your friend will spend her share. As for you,
however you spend it, I hope it brings at least some
pleasure end happiness.
www.thanks a m
Write Percy Rose, c/o the San Miguel Basin Forum, P.O. Box 39000-B, Mpls., MN 55439. Include your phone
number. All letters are read. Only a few are answered in this column; others me)
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Gov. Bi, ll Owens has estab-
lished Saturday, July 31, as
"Colorado Cares: A Day to Give
Back" and is encouraging
Coloradoans of all ages to dedi-
cate themselves that day from 8
AM to 5 PM to activities that
benefit their communities and
Taking Owen's call to heart,
and mindful that there are those
in the West End who struggle to
have enough to eat, members of
Union Congregational Church
in Nucla will be devoting them-
selves from 8 AM to 5 PM on
the 31st to soliciting donations
of food for the Community Food
Bank. A table will be set up in
front of the Nucla Merc on that
day so that donors can drop off
contributions after they have
finished their grocery shopping.
Cash donations will also be
Donations of food are always
welcome. Canned and pack-
aged goods can be dropped off
any time at the Community
Food Bank, housed at Union
Congregational's Parish House
at 696 Main Street, in Nucla.
Continued from Page 1
Honath stated. She also
said that, to the best of her
knowledge, Stakes will be
required to serve at least
half of his sentence before
becoming eligible for
Stakes was accused of
stabbing locals, Harris,
Barker and Paul Turner
with a several-inch -long
blade on a Nucla street cor-
ner during a fight in the
summer of 1998. All three
men suffered serious
injuries in the incident.
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