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San Miguel Basin Forum
Nucla , Colorado
July 25, 1968     San Miguel Basin Forum
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July 25, 1968
Newspaper Archive of San Miguel Basin Forum produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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lU On Saturday, July 20, 25 guests gathered &apos;at the home of Mr. an'd Mrs. Victor Brown to surprise G corgis on her h birthday. Teachers, teacher's aids and students from the sum, met school classes at the Nucia Grade School which ended fast week enjoyed a picnic on Highway 25 last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bunker returned home last week from their vacation which they spent visiting their daughter Donna and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle :.rock in Denver znd another #tlaughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- lard Gillette and family in Fort Collins The last week of their vacation was spent at Jackson Hole, Wyoming. This weekend Mr. and Mrs. Bunker attended" a district reunion for C.rilRle Creek and Victor at the Garden of the Gods near Colorado Sprhg s. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Long and family of Pueblo moved to the Elmer Houser ranch on Thursday of last week where he is employed. On Sunday, July 20,mere- bets of the Eades family held a reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Eades in Paradox.. Those attending were Mr. and M tsl Merrill Fades and son from Reason, Washington, Mr. and Mfs. Russelll.Evans and children and Mr. and Mrs. Charley Payne and hails. from Eni d, Oklahoma, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Case? and daughter and Frank (Graadad) Eades from Lucerne, Okla- horns, Mr. and Mrs. Lee :J"/ Wayne Eades and son and \\;n/.Cindy Jones of Sai Lake City, Utah, M r • and Mrs.. Wayne Eades, Bedrock, and Mrs. Frankia Lipsey and daughter, ,Nucla. Among the West ern Slope students named to the Dean's List at Colorado State Col- lege for the spring quarter was Donna N. Wood, daughter of Mrs, Forest Binder, Natur- its. Visiting in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Newell, for a week were Mr, and Mrs. Larry Newell and family from San Jose, Cali- fornia. They I eft last week for Cortez where they will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Swank. A large crowd was on hand when the Seventh Day Adven- tist Church presented their program on Thursday evening, July 18/' with awards being presented to those with per- fact attendance during the Bib/e School session o Mr. and Mrs. Bill gyle and family returned from a two " weeks vacation where they visited in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Stg Simons andMr. and Mrs. Bill Brock in Den- ver and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kyle in Ft Collins. Miss Moni Ass of Cmtez was a weekend guest in the home of " Mr. and Mrs. Cad Williams. Last Wednesday Mrs. Alvin il NI I Farmer, Mrs. Dallas Spiess and Mrs. Pete Douglas at= tended to business in Mona- rose. Audey and Tim Farmer left last Saturday to spend a week with their grandparents, Mr. a:nd Mrs.. Bob F armor of Pla- cerville. A birthday party for Dale Williams was held at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrsi Carl Will,ms Monday ahemoon, July 15. Clare Williams is a patient at Mercy Hospital in Durango suffering from • heart attack. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sherdll and son of Denver spent sev- eral days last week visiting in the home • of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Fulbright. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Hart from Columbia, Conn., visits. ed in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Buzz Zatter- strom the past week. Mr. a nd Mrs. Larry All- bright of Speadish, South Dakota, visited in thehome of her mother, Mrsl Nadine Yardley, last wee. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Karnely and their daughter and noel) in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Nixon and children of Den- ver, were weekend guests Of Mr. and Mrs. Richa<rd DunnL Mrs. Karnely is a sister of Mr..Dana. Those a trending the rodeo at Cedaredge on July 12"14 were Mrs. Anne Templeton, Mr. and Mra..Herb Enstrom and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Temp|eton, .Mr. and Mrs. Mike C.loud,. Paul Coopler and Mon tie Tusks. Elaine- ands Jane Temple- ton, Margaret and Debts Stone and Pete Ens tram were contestants. Margaret Stone placed 3rd in the National Queen Con- test. Debbie Sto n e placed 2nd in the National Princess Con- test and 3rd in the cloverleaf barrel race. Elaine Templeton received a Champion 1st in the Nation- ar Queen contest,,a 1st in the SweetheartRace for a day prize and 3rd our of all coma poring in the event, 1st in poles and 2nd in barrels, both day prizes. Jane Temp/eton received a 2rid in the National Queen contest, Ist in the Sweetheart Race, day prim, ls t in goat tie and 2nd in battels day prizes. Pete Enstrom entered in. tha Flag mce and goat tie. The Original Birthday Bridge  entertained at the home of l/rs. Lloyd Rainwater on Thumd-y, July 18. ,Mrs. Richard Lemmon won high; Mrs. Kenneth Stephens, aver- age; MrsJ Lowell Stunts, low. Mrs, Tom Kelly received the gift for the month and FORUM, Thumdav, July 25, 18. P*Se S null I It It I I I n u I  _ ml I San Miguel Bunker were guests, was taken to Hopkins Field from the Naris Clinic and o..,o,.,,,,.,o.., ,,o. ,o ,_,=,,. Power Gets the Hi-Low Bridge Clubat Meco, by private p[e. her home Friday, July 19. prize winners were Mrs. geith Thomson, high; Mrs. On Vednesday evening, ,.,.. ,=,..o,..,,... ,. ,0, ,,o.u^'" Manager Kenneth Stephens.llow. team defeated the Cole Mines Guests were Mrs. Thom- team by a scoe of 19 to 10. son an d Mrs. Kittie May En- NUCLA - A Craig man. Eu- sttom.. :-LL%-% fL-- f:! gone McLeod. has been appoint- The Birthda Bridge Club was entertained nt the home of Mrs.. Robert Keenan on July 10. Prizes were award- ed to Mrs. Ronnie Christian, high; MrsJ Horn. er Christian, average; Mrs. Art Boulden, low and Mrs. Bob Wilson, traveling. Mrs. Fra ntis Serles receiv- ed the gift for the month and guests for the evening were Mrs. Ronnie Christian and Mrs. Philo Richnrds. The Nimble Thimble Sew- ing Club met a¢ Jean Zatter- strom'a on July 22. There will be a Mother's Tea at CaroI Anderson's August 2 and members will mode1their 4 -H projects. Joan Gather gave a demon- stration on "4-H Club Dem- castrations" and Marcia Por- ter gave one on "How €o Put in a Sleeve.?' Carol Anderson demon- strated modeling. Joan Garber served re-- freshme nts. Dorothy Bonnet was queen at the regular meeting of Tops on Monday, July 15, held at the V.F.W..HaI1. Twelve members were Ixe,. sent at the meeting of Tops on Monday evening, July 22. Lucille Frelras was the queen. The Spruce and Columbine Garden Club met on Monday, July 15,,at the home of Mrs. Fred Sly. The meeting was opened with the dub collect androll call giving a cool dish or drink recipe by 12 members and one guest,, Mrs. Margaret Tucker from Oroville, Ca:ill. It was decided not to have a flower show thin year. Mrs. Sl/ read a poem, "The Spirit of Friendship Lasts Forever") and an ar- ticle on "An Astro|oger Looks on the Presidential Hopefuls." The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Carl Ben- S on. On Tuesday evening, July 16, Beverll/ Barnes, Lands Cooper, Sherrie Garrison, Nancy Kelly and Judi Vigil, all past Wor shy Advisors Of Nucla Assembly # 87, enter- mined with nn ice cream so- ciaI' for Rainbow girls and their dada at the home of Mr. and Mrs2 Tom Kelly. I I Gtsveslde services will be conducted at 2:00 this after- noon for Alva Morrii, of Nucla. He passed away early Tuesday morning in Moat- toss. Valley Funeral Home is la charge of arrangemants. I I Inspection Stickers Number 7 are DUE NOW Complete AutLmotive Repair and . INSPECTION SERVICE Nucla Texaco II I " , NOTICE 1 general manager for the San Miguel Power Assn., succeeding eorge Dobbs, who has retired after 19Z years with the com- pany. McLeed has worked with the 'ampa Valley Electric Assn. ,kince 1951. Joining as a resident engincer for a construction pro- ect, he subsequently became gineer and line superin endent. , McLeod was. instrumental in ! promotmg a "hotline" school or REA linemen in the north- west Colorado in 1965. In coop- ration with Mesa College at  Grand Junction,  the school has ince expanded its enrollment in ,each succeeding year and ex- bects abdut 150 students next ear. , McLeod is currently serving s president of the Colorado peration Group. an organiz- /ation of engineers and superin- tendents of REA eops. He has reviously been both vice presi- dent and'secretary. II @ursuant to the Colorado Liquor Code of 1935, as amended, EMILY B. BLOOD of Paradox, Colorado, doing • business as BELLE'S LIQUORS, at Bedrock, Colorado, hereby gives notice that under date of July I, 1968, she made application and filed the same with the Board of County Commissioners of Montrose County, Colorado, seeking a lic- ense to sell malt, vinous and spiritous liquors containlng more than 3.2 of alcohol by wioht at retail in a retail liq- uor store in sealed containers and not to be consumed on the premises at a location adjacent to the Bedrock Cafe, and situated- in Bedrock, Montrose County, Colo- rado. Hearing bn said application will be bald at the Commissioners Room in the Courthouse in Montrose, Colorado, on Wednesday, the 4th day o September, 1968, at 2:30 p.m. Petitions and remonstrances tn connection with said applicat- ion may be filed at the said Commissioners Room. ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMM- • ISSIONERS,. MONTROSE COUNTY, COLO. By lvid S. Rowan County Clerk and Recorder Published "July 25, August 1 6 8, 1968 in FORUM Newspapers I IJ. II