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San Miguel Basin Forum
Nucla , Colorado
June 28, 1979     San Miguel Basin Forum
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June 28, 1979
Newspaper Archive of San Miguel Basin Forum produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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l. [ g /~¢'~Thursday, June 28. 1979 Volume 25 Issue 47 "~ is ¢ url esul ion tess I I" I. Lorena Bell, age 11, of Nucla trusts her ummml pet and says "she won't bite or throw quiil~ " The 6 month old porcupine was found by Loretta when she was about 2 weeks old and was handled m another household pet. The rodent IDes on bread and milk from a bottle "slid follows you around like a dot," says Loretta. Professional Wrestling Slated 0 Three area athletic organiza- tions are sponsoring profes- sional wrestling in Nucla July 9 at 8 p.m. The professional wrestlers, a full card as seen on television, wilt set up in the Nucla High School gym. Ring side seats sell for $5 and back seats sell for $3.50 with babes in arm receiving free admittance. Featured will be two profes- sional lady wrestlers and sever- al well known professional men wrestlers. Advance ticket sales are available at San Miguel Phar- macy in Norwood, Nuda Phar- macy in Nucla, San Miguel Trading Post and Union Car- bide in Uravan and the Yellow Rock Cafe in NaturRa. Area sponsors are West End Piranhas, West End Babe Ruth League and the Nuda Wrestl- ing team, More information will be provided in next week's Forum. Get Booths Now All local artists and crafts people are invited to display and/or sell their handmade items during the Norwood Chamber of Commerce festivi- ties in July. Set up a booth on Main Street. Check for avail- Due to July 4th the deadline for adverti~ will be Monday morning at 10 a.m. able spaces by calling 327-4511, Election Notice Natufita Park Authority Board will hold election for officers on July 3 at 10 a.m. in the library. Any interested members or organizations should attend. Naturita Days was termed a "huge success" by Naturita Lions, participants, and spon- sors. Ada Blake. 91, of Paradox and Charlie Roberts, 76, of Naturita reigned as Queen and King. Union Carbide Corporation of Uravan won the softball tournament with Norwood placing second and Electrical Union IBEW No. 969 of Grand Junction winning third place. The parade, organized by Ken Sharan of Blair's Sales, was larger than past years. Sutherland Bros. won first place float, Yellow Rock Cafe- second, and Burt Explosives - third. Best looking vehicle went to Dale Williams who transported the King and Queen. Bob Smith of Bob's Mobile Homes sponsored prize money for best horse and rider, Cur, • -'tie CYOte won first place with Bobby and Brock Benson talc- ing second and third place. Parading decorated bicycle winners: Ages 8 and Utader- Hightower girl, f'trst; Kevin Echols, second; anti Eric Franklin, third. Ages 12 and over-girl in huh skirt, first; Steven Unterseher, second; and girl in red blouse, third. Horse shoe contest: doubles Calvin Rutherford and Jim Garner; singles-Ron Christian. Childrens Potato races: First race-Gordon Swain; second race-tie between Robert Dan. iels and Scott'Geor ; third race-Mike Latta. Needle and thread races: flr t raee-Karrie George and Holly Hunt; second race-Lucy. Robinson and Esther Walgrcn. Three-legged race: first race Brandy Williams and Crystal Larilie; second race-Mike Lat- • ta and Keilie Ludernan. Sack races: first race--Bran- dy Williams; second race-Rick Robison. Baking contest: Darroyl Sharan, first; Sue H~ese, se- cond; and Gerthie Pool, third. Drilling contest: David Hightower and Tom Blood, first; Williams and Narramore, second; Joe Davis and John Reams, third. Mucking contest; Dale Kelley. first; Gary Williams second; George Ross, third. Larry Steibe donated $I0 for the greased pole climb. Tommy Lynn won. Barrell float was won by David Reed of Nucla. Actual time for the barrell to arrive at its destination was 1 hour, 10 minutes, and 53 seconds. Reed's guess was l hour, 10 minutes and 46 seconds. Hot air balloons, a ping pong drop, and hand fishing were extras during the two day celebration.-Montrose County Commissioner Bob Corey do- nated trout from his Silver Springs Trout Farm for the childrens fishing event. Oven. sized fish were kept by youngs- ters who captured their catch by hand. Somewhat over 600 people attended the open air dance Saturday night. Music was by the Ben Hatch Band of Cortez. About 400 people were served "world famous" pit bar- be-cued Colorado beef Sunday. Sidedishes were baked beans, pickles, potato chips, bar-be- cue muee. Dan Crane and Neff Reams served the bar-be-cue. Ken Heldman of Naturita bought $50 worth of raffle tickets on the Great Give-away. As a remit, one of the tickets won Heldman the three day holiday on a house boat at Lake Powell. ~aere were several dona- tions of by-grade ore, plus three entries. All ore was do- nated to the Naturita Lions Club. The winner of the by- grade ore contest will be an. nouneed upon analyah. Gene- ral Electric donated their ana- litieai lab for assaying. The mining companies paid exhibi- tion fees to show their equip. ment. The mining exhibitions f were organized by Run Hor- ton. Bond winners: $100 bond from Brook's Minerals, T.L Hammer of Grand Junction; $50 bond from Montrose County Bank, Truman Tooker of Nuela; $25 bond from Mountain Credit, Joe Pilon of Dove Creek; $25 bond from Rooney's Chev., Dorothea Daniels of Naturita; $25 bond from Naturita Electric, Wilbur Binder of Naturita. Eddy Clements, owner of Turn to Pg. 9 III Have A Happy 4th i