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San Miguel Basin Forum
Nucla , Colorado
June 17, 1999     San Miguel Basin Forum
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June 17, 1999
Newspaper Archive of San Miguel Basin Forum produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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10 - San Mi~uel Basin Forum, Thursday, June 17, 1999 ,cl[ "I have never been so frus- they are searching for. "Dale on the Thursday that he disap- trated in all of my life," said wouldn't have cared about the peared. "We have a gap during Tami Lowrance. rumors," she said. "He always that afternoon," she said. It's a sentiment that has been made time for people, no matter "Between 1:30 and 5 PM on expressed often over the past who they were, and he didn't May 27, we don't know what three weeks, by friends and fam- give up when things got hard. Dale was doing. I'm asking ily of Dale Williams, who unex- It's time for us - the people who once again that anyone with any plainably vanished from the area knew him and who live in the information, give us a call. Or if on the evening of May 27. comunity that he calls home - to you think you saw Dale after 6 It's been a hard three weeks give a little of the care that he PM on that day. It doesn't mat- for everyone involved in the showed us back to him. We will ter how small the piece.of inf'or- search for Dale. The rumors are not give up until Dale Williams mation is, just let us know. It thick, the information little, and is found." may not be anything, but then the trail to finding him disap- Tami, wlto became involvedagain, it may be just enough to pointingly cold. in the search ~'during the first give us an idea of where to look But Tami and others gain days after his disappearance, now." strength in this search from the explained that surprising little She continued, "As a mem- character of the very man that information has been reported ber of this community, I find it f -N an on WEEKLY SYNDICATED COLUMN by PERCY ROSS Milliollaire Percy Ross is known for his philanthropic work. He offers help and encouragement for those in need. He has earned a fortune and a wealth of knowledge during his lifetime and wants to share both. His motto: " He who gives while he lives,., also knows where it goes. " Backside Exposure Is No Laughing Matter Dear Mr. Ross: Recently I was very disappointed by a comment that you had written in a response. The letter was from Ms. Y. L. of Tempe, Arizona. She had requested money to purchase robes and nightgowns for her disabled mother. To quote you, "Hospital gowns were designed as a cruel joke, allowing the nursing staff to have a cheap laugh." What an outragel I have been practicing nursing for five years and that state- intervened. I'm now on medication and can see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. I've missed a lot of work in the process, let bills slide to a screeching halt and pretty much made a financial mess. Wouldn't you know my car insurance had lapsed when I got in a minor fender bender. I count my lucky stars that the police didn't need to be invblved. But it got me thinking how dangerous it is to be without insurance. Finan- ment really took me aback, especially coming from cially, it could ruin a person for life. So, I'm appealing yout NursingisalabeE.,oflqyg=T0~gl~St e~ast,~ to u fer,.$720-a ear's remium for m auto in u th ' ,. ....... yo ~ Y P y sr- at nulses would submit aperient tohdmlhatlo~tf0r our ance. I guess it's the foundation I'm basing my come- own enjoyment is absurd. Please apologize to your back on, whether you respond positively or not at all. readers who are nurses. I know in this day and age of political correctness that it seems like we walk on eggshells with virtually everyone, but in some cases it is not a matter of a currant fad-it is a matter of choosing your words wiselyl Ms. J. B .... Community Newspapers, Wayne, MI Dear Ms. B.: lapologtze. Itwasn't myintentlon to take a cheap shot at the nursing profession. So many nurses wrote to explain the practical design of hospital gowns for administering care, etc. So I had a bid experience years ago and was humili- ated. Get over it, right? The bulk of you gals and guys are wonderful at your profession and are to be applauded. Funny thing, thought, I didn't hear from one doctor, physi- cal therapist, registered dieUcian, X-rsy tech or ph lebotomist in defense of you nurses. Could it be that perhaps they also had a good laugh at your expense? Again, my apologies, Deer Mr. Ross: i don't quite understand how I got to this terrible place, but some time ago I arrived at the station and can't seem to get back. No, I haven't chafiged physical locations. I've fallen into a terrible depression and in my fall I've brought everything down with me. Thank God for a concerned co-worker who Mr. C. J .... Thrifty Nickel, San Antonio, TX Dear Mr. J.: Now that the grips of despair have released you, welcome back to reality: the land of pay the freight. Let me share an insight. When financial troubles begin, this is how people who write me prioritize expanses from least to most important: car insurance, dental work, medical attention, clothes, utilities, phone, rent and finally food. Some people approach me at the beginning. Other people's pride goes before the fall and they wait until they are homeless. Congratulations on pushing your pride aside because you are now insursd-vehicle wise for the next year. Dear Mr. Ross: I would like to be on the bone marrow donor list. One small hitch--a $70 charge to the potential donor for the initial blood work. All other expenses are paid by the recipient if I am fo~Jnd to be a match. I just don't have the $701 Could you help? Mrs. F. R .... The Enterprise, Lynnwood, WA Dear Mrs. R.: A small request, but such a life- giving one. By way of my modest $100, please register yourself as a bone marrow donor. May the lucky recipient step forward to receive your mar- velous gift-truly a gift that keeps on givingl • ~ ~ www.thanks a m Write Percy ROSs, c/o the San Mtgusl Basin Forum. P.O. Box 39000.B, Mpls., MN 55439. Include your phone ~. AII letters are read. Only a few are answered in this column; others may be acknowledged privately. "Thanks a Million" is brought to you by Percy's generous philanthropic partners It's that good ! Even Percy enjoys Primestar in J his home, at his office.., andJ s A T E L L I T E T V enthusiastically recommends, us! "k No Equipment to Buy NO Up "to 160 Channels TOLL 53-7827 NO TOLL $e Habla Espanoi Digital Picture & Sound very disturbing that someone us or the police with information could just vanish without a before or if you have new infor- trace. Things like that aren't mation, please call us back at supposed to happen here. I'm Showtime (864-2222). We want urging other community mem- to go back over all of the infor- bers, whether you knew Dale or mation again. Maybe we missed not, to help us. We're making something." If callers would up new flyers, we're going like to remain anonymous, they through all of the information are asked to call Crimestoppers, gathered again and again. We at 249-8500 or 242-5217. need ideas. There are so many "It's all we can do," she said. ways to'help." "That and pray that he'll come She added, "If you've called home soon." Chamber "After Hours" Meeting to be Held The Nucla~Naturita Chamber of Commerce will be holding its monthly "after hours" meeting on Thursday, June 17, at Montrose West Regreation, in Nucla. Social time, including refreshments, will begin at 5:30 PM, with the business meeting starting at 6. Wedding Announcement Don and Lila Arnold, of Nucla, and Robert and Jacque Thomson, of Dove Creek, would like to announce the upcom- ing marriage of their children, Summer Dawn and Robert Lee (no). The wedding will take place at Miramonte Lake, on July 24. Your Local West End Office Featuring qualltbl HUD G UBC homes Guerdon, Magnolia, Fuqua, G Patriot r=irujls - Doubles - THlPI m - Quads Complete land/home const, financing with 5% down. * Ask me about our log cabin retreat kits *Ask me about our display model close-outs K.Display center at 4766 N. Townsend Montrose,C