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San Miguel Basin Forum
Nucla , Colorado
June 8, 1989     San Miguel Basin Forum
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June 8, 1989
Newspaper Archive of San Miguel Basin Forum produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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San Miguel Basin Forum, Thursday, June 8, 1989 - 9 FORUM CLASSIFIEDS P.O. BOX 9 807 Main, Nucla, Co. 864-7425 Forum Classified page rate is $2.50 for 30 words, 5¢ a word there-after. Deadline is Tuesday at noon. What? Auctionlll When? 5:30 p.m. June 17 Where? Nucla, Co Why? Make/Save $$$ Who? Showtime Auctions 366 Main St. New Phone 864-2292 Dale Williams 45-3TC Cutting XRoping )¢Ranch Horses )¢Sales Training )¢Prospects Janice Jomensen Bunker Ranch 303-327-4448 P.O. Box 872 Norwood, Co. 81423 I would like to thank everyone for the prayers, flowers, Cards, & calls while I was in the hospital A spe- cial thank you to Dr. Bichon & the ambulance crew. Betty Pilfer 46-1TP The Redvale & Norwood Senior Citizens would like to thank Dock Pulliam for donating the quilt back to us so we could sell chances on it again. Thanks Again. Revale & Norwood Senior Citizens We would llke to ,thank all our friends, and relatives for the flowers, food, cards, phone calls, and their kindness before, during and after our time of sorrow. The Homer Christian ~llby's Greenhouse would like to thank everyone for their patronage during the bedding plant season. I want to thank everyone who bought tickets from me, and a special thanks to Dale Williams who drove me in the parade. Shelly Hightower 46-1TC Thanks to my family and friends for the cards, flo%ers, prayers and other acts of kindness and earing during my recent hospitalization and recovery. I Love You all very much. Sincerely, Midge Carriere 46-11"0 The NaturRa Lioness Club wishes to thank everyone who helped make Naturita Days a success: Traveling trophy-Nancy Walker, Alice Richardson, and Colorado Wood Shapers; Ping pong ban-Yellow Rock, Gabby's, Montrose County Bank, Country Market, Norma's Chuckwagon, Nucla Liquor. The Apothecary Shoppe, Per- manent Solution, Western Slope Beauty Supply, Gambles, DJ Fashions, Hilltop Market, West End Liquor and Sports, Nucla Merc, Ferrell Gas, Blair Sales, The Broken Spoke, Mustang, Country Flowers, Nucla True Value Hardware, Radio Shack, Nucla Co-op, Suzie Q, Dave Cook, San Miguel Power, and Rick Gabriel, Denny Erwin for tossing the ping pong bails. Those that helped with the kids games-Untied National Real Estate. Nucla True Value, MWR Coke-Cola, Bob Nylund, Reams Construc- tion, Queen candidates Shannon Reeder, Ronda Neely and Shelly HJghtower and Stev~ Lowrance. Reams Construction for getting the trailer, pulling it during the parade and returning it, Dan Hammond, Dan Crane, Jack deKoevend and Stan Austin for their help in cleaning up. putting up flags and packing ice and everything else they did. Our special thanks to anyone and everyone that we inadvertly forgot. Naturita Lioness Club ~-ITO "Reliable Motors" is back in business 'V'Auto Repair VTuneups to major rebuilds tfWork Guaranteed Phone 864-7974 9 a.m to 5 pm. Chris Sanders Thanks to all those Lioness for their help in getting the Children's Memorial Park in shape before Naturita Days. A special thanks to Ben, Cliff, Dan & Joe for their help. We could not have accomplished what we did without them. Also to Barb for her extra efforts in getting the equip- ment painted. Last but cer- tainly not least, thank you Gambles, Cotter Corp and San Miguel Power for the materials you furnished. Kim Hammond Chairperson of Park Com- mittee 4~-1TC Supervisors Needed! Hire and train demonstrators for party plans. Home Decor Christmas Around the World. Toy & Gifts. and fashions, free training and supplies call Margaret at 1- 565-8738. '. ~, 45-2TC HELP W~: N~w taking applications fore'part-time and full-time help~, see Sid or Francis at Naturita Texaco or call 865-2279 or 865 -2334 8 a.m to 12 noon. 48-IT0 FOR SALE: Volvo 4 cyL boat motor. Call Lynch's at 327- 4662 Redvale. 48-ITP FOR SALE: Long-bed camper shell for pickup, $350; 1978 Kit Companion self 25 ft camp trailer, see to ap- preciate 864-7259 or see at 440 Heron st. Nucla. ae-4~P FOR SALE: 19 ft. cabin Crestllner day cruiser, 4 cyl. I-O with Merc. drive all aluminum welded hull, light to pull and handle. A- 1 con- dition- wlth extras, $5,000 865-2559 after 5 p.m. ~-IT0 m FOR SALE: By Owner mobile home, 14x66, two built-ons, two bedrooms, two full baths. Landscaped with trees, decks, garden spot, and lawn. also garage and carport. Come see. Phone 865-2219. FOR ~ALE: 1975 VW camper FOR SALE: In Naturita, 3 large lots with 14x70 mobile home w'.th an addition with a nice shop, fenced yard, water well garden spot, priced to sell 864-7238. 29-TFe FOR SALE: CJ7 Jeep 1979 45,000 ml., 258 ci, new top new tires, excellent condition $3,500 firm. 864-2162 45-2TP ORGAN TRANSPLANII. Mary needs to sell her Wurlltzer Organ. Davis needs the exer- cise to help loadR into your pickup. Asking $250 or best offer by June 23. Call Mary Watson at 327-4221 in the p.m. - 45-TFC REAL ESTATE Come in to our branch office at the Montrose Coun- ty Bank in Naturita. We have nice property of an types listed come in and see us, Harry A. Lowe Real Estate, Dennis Reece or Dan Crane. 865-2255. I am so alone here in Nor- wood, I only have Davis Wat- son, Broker of First Investment Realty to take care of me. My c vner has leR me and moved to Thailand, my renter who has taken goodCare of my 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths and large yard is moving to Grand Junction. I am so, alone. Please, I need a nice family to come and love me and buy me with my assumable loam Call Davis at 327-4221 for your private inspection. s~-W-O -- ____. FOR SALE: 7 ft. bar John Deere mowing machine for 3 point hitch $250, also good used hollow core doors 24 & 30 inch $10.00 4~ITP Come in to the Knick Knack Shop we have the latest top ten in paper back, a good selection of new westerns, your favorite magazines. All our used books sell for 1/2 of original price with out trade. 147 W. 6th SL Nucla, co. Open Mon-Frl I0 a.m to 5 p.nL Saturday 9 a.m - 1 p.m. ,~-4TP FOR SALE: "Civilized" baby ferrets, 14 wks old, neutered, descented, litter trained, very loveable, siamese, sable, and albino, Cages food & accessories also available, see Owen Jackson at 865- 2687 LONE CONE PAWN-& GUN: We sell fishing and shooting supplies, reloading equip- ment & supply, coins and jewlery. 327-4751 46-3TP ~iome for sale: 3 bedroom, utility room, garage, chain- link fenced yard, Shawn Lee Subdivision. You got your monies worth with this ~el Call Bin Stewart at 864- 7296. 44-2TP FOR SALE: 12 ft. aluminum boat with 7, /2 motor with accx~ssorles~hll 327-4751. 46-2TC SHENANDOAH GREENHOUSE Opens May 3rd Bedding plants of assorted vegetables and flowers Vegetables at $1.50 per dozen and up Flowers at $1.75 per doz and up. Days Open.. Wed s ay-Saturday Ho rs 10 to 7 prn. 2 mL N. W. of Redvale on hwy. 145 327-4715 Advantage Realty, Rentals Available 2 bedroom house, small• unfurnished, shaded lot in nice location. Nucla. $200 mo. Furnished, I bedroom apartments, on Main St. Nucla. $200 mo. includes utilities & maintenance. ~rPartlally • furnished modern apartments, near town, Nuela, $150 mo. plus utilities 1510 Gnmd t mmxf 3274203 or 864-7391 i i i