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San Mlguel Basin Forum, Thursday, June 3, 1999 - 15
The following is a time line of Dale Williams'activities on Thursday, May 27. Anyone else who
remembers seeing Dale on Thursday or later is asked to contact dispatch at 864-7333.
7:00 AM - Sandra Daniels reported serving coffee to Dale at the Chuckwagon Cafe.
7:45 - Kathy Bennet recalls seeing Dale on the sidewalk in Nucla as she drove her son to Nucla
High School.
8:30 - Dale purchased a Veteran Buddy Poppy while Diana waited in the pickup.
!0:00 - Chuck Zunich helped Dale unload some glass at Pro Body Shop.
11:00 - Dale's mother, Ida, stopped to visit him at Pro Body Shop and was leaving when Tom
Ross showed up.
12:00 PM - Dale had just enough time to play one game of darts with Tom Ross. He also showed
Tom how to tie a fly. Dale went across the street to his other building to get a bottle to put the flies
in. While Dale was gone, the phone rang and the answering machine picked up the message. When
he returned, he received another call. Tom heard Dale say to an unidentified party on the phone, "I'11
bring the tow truck and you can ride back in with me... Okay, Tll bring my truck and tile jumper
cable." He then w~ heard repeating directions to this party, "The straightway by Bedrock."
12:25 - Dale stopped by Ferrellgas, and parked his pickup as though he would be continueing
west. He reported to TamE Lowrance that he was in a hurry to go give someone a tow, he just want-
ed to stop by and let her know that he would have to cancel her Tuesday appointment for a wind-
shield and reschedule for Wednesday.
1:00 - Dave Williams passed Dale in his white pickup heading towards Naturita between Herron's
place and Gyp Hill. Williams and his wife, Linda, recall seeing some hitchhikers near the Coke
Oven Ranch or Snob Hill.
Around 1:00 - Dan Cooper may have seen Dale in the Gyp Hill area, but he is unsure.
1:30 - Tandie Morgan, owner of the Quill Pen, left for lunch, and had to pull into the street and
around Date's white pickup in order to leave. Later in the day, Date's pickupwas not there.
1:45 - Steve Lowrance pulled up to the Nucla Grade School and parked his pickup on the East
side. He noticed Date's pickup parked outside of Pro Body Shop, in front.
4:25 - Lorna Rich saw Dale walk in front of her when she was headed to Nucla Floral to pay for
some flowers.
5:00 - Leann Staats, driving south down Main Street, Nucla, spotted Dale in the middle of Main
Street across from the Chuckwagon. He appeared to be looking toward his shop.
5:00 - Cindy Richardson, while walking out of the Nucla Merc, sighted Dale walking from the
Nucla Floral to the Chuckwagon. Sandra Daniels reported that Dale was in the Chuckwagon in the
morning, but not in the afternoon.
6:00 - Brad and Joey Larsen were entering the Family Market, as Dale Williams was heading out.
Unconfirmed reports are that Dale was heading toward Nucla from Naturita at approximately 6
PM in a green tow truck, and two people have stated that they saw Dale on Friday.
On May 18, 1999, members Laveda is the chair of the
of Delta Epsilon Sorority met, Association of the Arts, and
for the final meeting of the year, Laura is the Philanthropic Chair.
at the home of Shelley Archer. Kathy Reed earned second place
President, Laura Robuck, for her scrapbook. Carmen
called the meeting to order. Petersen won the Gold Link
Thank you notes from Ann award for educational programs
Kettle and John and Margie and Delta Epsiion received an
Quenoy were read. A thank you award for having 3 pledges this
note for knitted items donated to year.
young mothers was read, as well DEanna Reams announced
as a thank you card from Jamie that the Norwood Post would be
Allred, local spelling bee win- sharing some recipes from our
her, and her mother, Terri cookbook with their readers.
JamEson. She also requested that a DESA
Ways and means chair, Paula (daughters of ESA) program be
Riley, announced the the yard started locally. A motion was
sale will be at the Naturita Town made and approved for this pro-
Park, starting at 9 AM, on June gram.
5, during Naturita Days. Ann then announced her
Members voted to enter a float theme for the upcoming year
in the Naturita Days parade, will be "It's the Law."
This year's' theme is "water is The dime dish gift was won
Life". by Carmen Petersen. It was a
An auditing committee, com- lovely ceramic container with
prised of Laveda Youngbl.o~, potpourri brought by Kathy
Joanne Woods and Ann Kettle, Reed.
was appointed. The educational program was
Laura gave thank you gifts given by Paula Riley. She
and card to officers and mem- shared her collection of carnival
bers before installing new offi- glass and told its history and its
cers. President for the 99-00 true name, taffeta glass. Her
year, Ann Kettle, then took over collection included pieces,
the meeting. Reports on the fun passed down in her family, of
had at the State Convention this beautiful irridescent glasg.
were given. It was announced Co-hostess, Susan Seevers,
that Laveda Youngblood and and Shelley served a chocolate
Laura Robuck have state offices, cake while members visited.
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