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Newspaper Archive of
San Miguel Basin Forum
Nucla , Colorado
June 3, 1999     San Miguel Basin Forum
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June 3, 1999
Newspaper Archive of San Miguel Basin Forum produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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San Basin Fotmm, 1999 -13 PERSONALS The Williams family wishes to thank all our friends and neighbors, law officers and all the wonderful people who are helping in the search for Dale. If anyone has any information would you please call the dispatcher at 970-864-7333. 47-1TP HELP WANTED Westran, Inc. a leader in the transportauon of bulk mate- rials, has an immediate opening for a qualified driver to fill one position open at our Nucla New Horizon Mine Coal Haul. Westran offers excellent pay, medical bene- fits, 401k contributions, and life insurance. Westran oper- ates late model conventional power units. Qualified appli- cants will meet the following criteria: *No more than three moving violations in past three years. ,No serious traf- fic violations. * 1 yr. verifiable experience. *No DUI in previ- ous five yrs. *Current DOT long form physical. *Good Accident and work record. For immediate consideration and to join a excellent work environment contact. Carl McKinney at 970-327-4619. 47-2TC Citizens State Bank is accepting applications for an immediate opening for build- ing Janitorial services. 865- 2255. 47-2TC To pl e an ed ceme by 807 Main Ihda call 864- 74|S. 47-1TP Norwood Public Schools located in the beautiful San Juan Mountains close to ski and outdoor activities has the following opening for the 1999-2000 school year. i. Elementary Classroom Teacher self contained posi- tions. 2. Music Director K-12 grades. 3. High School Principal. Send letter of application, resume, creden- tials or placement file to Norwood School District R2- Jt., P.O. Box 448, Norwood, CO 81423. Norwood Schools Is an equal opportunity employer. 47-2TC ANNOUNCEMENT Jon Wells, son of Jim and • Gretchen Wells, will be receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in engineer- ing from Stanford University at the commencement exer- cises on Sunday, June 13m, 1999. Jon, a 1995 graduate from Norwood High School, has maintained a 3.9 GPA and will be attending gradu- ate school at Stanford next fall. 47-2TC The Resource Center FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL Service for domestic abuse and sexual violence survivors Call us if you need help due to family violence. 24-Hour Abuse & Rape Hotline 865-CARE CANCER-HEART ATTACK The 2 highest risk medical categories. We pay 820,000 lump sum upon diagnosis. Great rates. 1-800-211- 8972'. 46-2TP , TUTORING Tutoring Program offered at the Family Link Center. Does your student need catch-up help? Did your stu: dent fail a subject? Does your student have a learning disability and needs help staying up with his peers? For more information call 864-2245 or come to the Family Link. GED tutoring alSO. 46-2TC WANTED A Responsible 16 year old Is willing to babysit in your home. She is willing to start anytime. She can be reached at 865-2270 evenings. 46-2TP FOR RENT ONE I bedroom apartment for rent. $300.00- 8250.00/deposlt. Includes utilities. Also, garage for rent. $90.00. 864-2123. 47-ITP IN NUCLA: 4-2 bedroom apartments, 1-2 bedroom trailer in nice park, I bed- room apartment with utilities included. Call TEEPEE MAN- AGEMENT 864-2255. 44-TFC FOR RENT: 2 bedroom, I bath, large Eat-in kitchen located In the country. 8300 per month. 864-2125. 47-1TC FOR SALE FOR SALE: Two year old 7ft.X 7ft. eight person hot tub, upgraded Corrian finish, upgraded insulation pack- age, no concrete slab required, two 3 horse pow- ered pumps, cover, redwood sidling, Moving must sell. $3000. OBO, 864-7809. 47-1TP "Hooked on Phonics" com- plete w/tapes and work- books. $65. 864-2126. 47-ITP REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR LEASE: approximately two-thirds of an.acre In town of Redvale. Most utilities available, water tap included- 81,500.00 down-S150.00 per month, reasonable interest, and price at $16,900.00. Call Jim Hunter 970-874-5349 early evenings. 47-2T FOR SALE BY OWNER: 1800 sq. ft. ranch style home. 3 large bedrooms, 1 3/4 bath, open floor plan, immaculate condition inside, hot water heater, 3 clty lots, and edge of town. Nice mountain view. 490 Ash Street, Nucla. $82,500. 864-7526. Call for appointment. 47-2TP Place an ad In the Forum Classifies for only 85.90 per week, for 25 words. All clas- sifies must be paid for in advance, unless you have a business account. We take Visa/Mastercard or Discover. Call 864-7425. 47-1TP NATURITA SHORT ON DOWN? Get into your new home and land using equity or trade equity. Competitive rates, terms to 30 years, new home from l to 5 bedroom models. 249-8275. Ask for Bob Sr. 31 -TFC NATURITA CITY IXYI~, 5000 sq. ft. paved street, includes water and sewer taps, natur- al gas, approved mobile homes, 30 year terms and land and homes. 249-8275 or 1-800-864-4547 ask for Bob Sr. a -T C II fer dj r .e e7 • Dn C~w. Aeew.. ll~llm~ Clflseu State Bank xatm. 865.22S5 865-2203 lB. MANUFACTIJRED HOUSING 1981 14X70 MONTROSE MOBILE HOME, large bay kitchen w/plenty of cabinets, gas range, refrigerator, dish- washer all stay, large master bedroom w/built in cabinets, great set up in bathroom, mostly all new carpet, 8X12 ddck, fenced, set up in nice park in Nuclat Appraised at $15,500 asking 89500. Owner may carry 864-7809. 47-1TP NEWER DOUBLEWIDE For Sale. Very clean, many cus- tom extras, real wood trim, wool carpet, drywall, and 1300 sq. ft. 327-4429 days or 327-4557 evenings." 47-2TCR DOES YOUR HOME NEED REPAIR? West Central Housing Development Organization offers [¢~dlllggtf~g~ for home repair and improvements. Typical repairs are related to health & safety concerns such as heating, 31umbing, and structural. Please call for more information & an application (970) 874-8204. West Central Housing Development Organization 120 W. 5th St., Delta, CO 81416. Equal Housing Opportunity Lender FOR SALE: 1972 2 bedroom trailer in Redvale. Call 327- 437 I. 46-4TP NATURIT/~ NEW 16x60 Manufactured home on 5000 sq. ft. lot. $2,000 down, 30 year rates includes sewer- water, natural gas hookup, off street parking Payments less than $285 per month with 10% down. For details call Montrose 249-8275 or 1- 800864-4547. BOB'S QUAL- ITY HOUSING. 31-TFC SERVICES Pet Grooming and Training House Calls by Lane Conrad; Groomer, Obedience & Behavior Trainer, Veterinary Technician,Specializing in first time grooms, Terriers & Spaniels. "Poor Attitudes" Welcome! Caring experience and a good groomed She also offers pet & horse photogra- phy at your home, ranch or show. 864-7626. 47-TFC For All Of Your Office Supply Needs Custom Printing and General Office Supplies 807 Main St. Nucla 864-2298 VisaJMastercard or Disqover