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4 San Mlguel Basin Forum, Thursday, June I, 1989
Robin Hood Ban
By Betty Zatterstrom
Historical Columnist
After the whole scheme had
been fully exposed by Sep-
tember 3, 1929, the TelluDde
bank was closed, and all the
involved banks initiated a
nation-wlde man-hunt for
Charles D. Waggoner. Most
major newspapers published
a description of him: "About
5' 8" tall, 140 Ibs, medium
complexion, dark hair,
English-cropped mustache,
well-dressed, with rather
nervous and Jerky man-
nerisms." a typical headline
was that which appeared in
the New York Times: "A
Seedy Country Banker
Swindles Six New York
Banks out of $500,000." (Ac-
tually, he was far from
"seedy" but rather dapper,
Judging from his picturesJ
The American Bankers' As-'
sociatlon hired a bunch of
detectives who fanned all
over the United States and
Canada, looking for the
"seedy country banker."
Three days later, they
found hlm in a tourist camp
in New Castle, WyOming.
Again, headlines flashed
throughout the nation.
Waggoner wasn't par-
tlcularly trying to hide. He
knew they would find him
sooner or later. He was calm-
ly tun-surprised, and ready to
"take his lumps", and pay the
price for his actions. He felt
quite conscience-clear, his
sole motive having been the
protection of his bank
He made a full confession,
taking all blame upon him-
self, saying "Neither my wife,
my family nor any of the Tel-
luride bank officials had any-
thing to do with the affair.
The bottom had dropped out
of things in Telluride, and a
desperate move was neces-
sary. I would rather see the
New York banks lose money
than the people of Telluride,
most of whom had worked
hard all their lives for the
savings which were
deposited in my bank."
"Are you sure that all this
financial meddle you've
caused Will protect your
depositors?", an officer
"Deflnltelyl" Waggoner
replied.'~'he money Involved
is so widely scattered
throughout the country that
it can never be retrieved. The
debts of my bank have been
paid with that money, and
since I, alone am the guilty
one, the Bank of Telluride
cannot be forced to make
good the loss. Only I can be
punished. It is the 'perfect
Waggoner was then trans-
ferred from Newcastle to
Cheyenne, then to New York
to stand trial.
Today's bankers, as well as
the general public, can be
thankful for present banking
laws and deposit insurance,
maklng a terrible choice
such as the one Waggoner
faced unnecessary. ("And
lead us not into temptation".)
If he had had"avallable
modern computer; codes, he
probably could have pulled
offthe whole scheme without
even leaving TeUurldel I find
this thought mlnd=bogglingl
The Defense Attorney, Alan
R. Campbell said "Charles
Delos Waggoner is a Robin
Hood who stole from the rlch
to protect POOr depositors.
He did not profit personally
from the deal, but used all
the money for payment of
claims against the Bank of
• Telluride."
Waggoner had othing to
gain but a fifteen year sen-
tence in the Federal Peniten-
tiary at Atlanta, Georgia.
After serving six years, he
was paroled in May, 1935.
: By Dr. Richard Kauffman
Running has been Ihe exercise of
choice of millions of Americans. It
doesn't requh'e a lot of expcnsi~,e
equipment or a club membership, and
it's a year-lound activity that ~n be
done anywhere. Itnt many of tile
runners have becn injured.
Most. of tile injuries are to the
legs. hips, fecl and the k~wer back.
They happen because the nlnnct wanls
to go too fa; too ~1on, piling.- on lhe
[hilL'5 and lunnillg [00 often bclore the
body has learned l~ adapt to lhe
wolkOIll illt(i Ihe ~;llesses ol illllS;ICl tin
the joints. Another p~ssiblc t;'nlsc:
certain bionwchanical fanlts that don't
show ur~ unit[ tlw I,Cr~ln starls flinging.
Your L~ctor or Chiropractic is
trained to make adjustments thai may
ease tile disconlforl.
Presenied as a service Io the
community by
Tue, :lay
The Chlropractlc Center
853 Main Street
Nucla, Co. 81424
His wife had remained stead-
fastly loyal throughout the
whole ordeal, and was there
to greet him when he walked
out through the prison gates.
His next few years were
very tough. The "Robin Hood"
glamor had worn off, and he
was finally merely an "ex-
con", trying to find any
employment he could.
Summer of 1937 he wrote
a letter to an old Tellurlde
acquaintance, J. Walter
Eames, asking for employ-
ment. Eames had moved to
Grand Junction where he
operated the Bflimore Club.
A sad quirk of fate befell 3.
Waiter Eames. On December
18, 1939, three masked gun-
men attempted to hold up
the Blltmore Club, and in the
process, they shot down and
killed Walter Eames.
Factual material for this
story was gleaned from a
chapter In Wilson Rockwelrs
The West End School Dis-
trlct honored Dorothy Wat-
son and Jeannine Hibbert at
an end-of-the-year gathering
which also was a retirement
party for Mrs. Hibbert.
Mrs. Watson was selected
Teacher of the Year and Mrs.
Hibbert was chosen as Clas-
sified Employee of the Year
for the 1988-89 school year.
The selection was made by
the Accountability Commit-
tee based on several criteria,
choosing those who have
made "an outstanding con-
tributlon to the educational
process in the West End
At the gathering at school
board president Tish
Benson's home on Wednes-
day, May 24, Mrs. Watson
and Mrs. Hibbert received
plaques and $100 each.
Teacher of
the Year
Dorothy Watson was
named Teacher of the Year in
the West End School District
for the 1988-89 year. Mrs.
Watson began teachLng in
the District In 1961 and has
been here ever since, teach-
ing Home Economics, fifth
grade for one year, but
primarily Home Ec at both
the Junior hlgh and hlgh
school level. She has taught
Consumer Math and for the
last two years she has read-
ing for sixth and seventh
grades and Chapter I. She
has been the yearbook spon-
sor for seven years. Mrs.
Watson earned a Bachelor of
Science degree at East
Central State University at
Ada, Oklahoma, and has
done graduate work at the
University of Oklahoma,
C.U., C.S.U. and U.N.C.
the Year
Jeannine Hibbert was
Selected as the Classified
Employee of the Year in the
West End School District for
1988-89. Mrs. Hibbert has
been part of the RE-2 District
since is was organized, and
prior to that was the
secretary/bookkeeper in
District 18, which was the
Nucla Grade School, from
the Fall of 1958 through the
Spring of 1961. ARer the RE-
2 District was organized, she
served as bookkeeper for 18
• months before asking to be
transferred to the high
school where she was
secretary for 26 years - with
one year in that period as
secretary at the middle
school. Mrs. Hibbert, who is
retiring this year, has worked
with four superintendents
vived them alll i
"Sunset Slope", published in
1956 by Big Mountain Press,
Denver, Colorado..also from
an interview with Mrs. Mar-
garet Galley. She says they
were saved from losing any
money, partly due to the
good advice of their friend, C.
D. Waggoner. And it must be
made very clear that the
same situation would not
happen nowadays, because
of banking laws and Federal
Deposit Insurance.
Museum Notes
The Rimrock Historical
Museum is now open for the
The days: Tuesdays
through Saturdays.
The hours: 2:00 through
5:00 P.M.
Days and hours will be ex-
tended informally as special
occasions arise. Two ex-
amples are Naturita Days
this coming weekend, and
the Nucla Water Days,
weekend of July 4th.
Appointments for odd-
hours of days may be made
by phoning me at 864-7918.
Ifrm outdoors when you call,
please try again.
Admittance is free... Kids
Betty Zatterstrom, summer
In compliance with Colorado, ReviBed
statues, begtrming May 15. 1989, the As-
~uor will slt In the oflqce In the San Miguel
County Courthoua¢, 305 West Colorado
Ave., TeUurlde, Co. during regular working
hours Monday - Friday, 9:.00 am - 12:00
pro, 1:00 - 5:00 pm to hear obJectio~ and
protest to valuations for sssese~ment of Real
Property. Current valuaUorm will become
final urfleu protests are filed with the As-
sessor by the end of business June 15,
Objections to valuations for sssessme~t
for 1989, ff marled, must be postmarked
not later than June I0. 1{}89, objecticpat
m person will be co~s/dered only ff made
by June 15th. and cannot, by law, be c~n-
s/dered by the A~tessor ff made at a later
date or alter recetpt of tax bill. The current
valuatton will reflect the new 1988 level of
value and should not be confused with a
tax ataten~nt or bill In our arw]y~ of
what your property could have sold f~
of June 30, 1088, we will be sending
Not~.s to propor~ owners who~ prope~Y
valuation lncreMed. Th~ notice will show
the ACTUAL VAU,~Z ef the In, sperry tn Your
ownemMp rather than the fmcUon~ u-
aessed value listed on the Notice In prior
yearn..~ a rssult of thtl statew~e reap-
pramd, property values for taxaUon pUt-
press will move four and one half years
toward current actual value. {The Ixevtou~
taxable value* were ba~d on t983
1984 cut, tneeme ,rod sales dat~)
l~e~e call the ~aeasor's alice If you
wish to schedule an appo~ntraent or if you
need additional/nfonnation regordmg the
Rlmg of valua~m eb~ectmr~.
San Miguel Co~mty As~uo~s O/~ce
PO Box 506
Tellurlde. CO 8143fi
[303) 728-3174
Publmhed m the San Miguel Basin Forum
o~ Thursday, May llth, 18th, and June
8th. Img.
Doctor on Call
For the weekend beginning
June 2nd, the doctor on call
will be Dr. Lenderts. For fur-
• thee . atiart .call Ills-