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San Miguel Basin Forum
Nucla , Colorado
May 25, 2000     San Miguel Basin Forum
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May 25, 2000
Newspaper Archive of San Miguel Basin Forum produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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4 - San Miguel Basin Forum, Thursday, May 25, 2000 i i ii iii A Big Change From Home School To Public Tracy Phippeny began the third grade after her parents home school when she was in decided that the commute from BLONDIES DRIVE-IN Mon-Thurs lla.m, to 8p.m.& Frl-Sat lla.m, to 9p.m. We deliver PIZZA For $1 to Nuela & Natnrita in town. 86-2222 Main St. Naturlta ( REMEMBERING DALE WILLIAMS MAY 27th at 7 PM TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH IN NATURITA On the one year anniversay of the disappearance of Dale Williams we will meet to share memories of Dale. The public is welcome. Paradox to Nucla would prove too much for an 8-year-old girl. "It would have given me a longer day than most adults, with an hour long bus ride to and from school," said Phippeny. "They felt it was too much for someone m, ae to Dental Van On June l through the 3rd the KIND Dental Van will be in Norwood at the San Miguel County Building at 1120 Summit. This dental service will cover kids who do not have den- tal insurance or Medicaid and are low income. If your child has qualified for WIC or CHIP+ he or she should be eligible. Please pick up an applica- tion at Montrose County Nursing or San Miguel Nursing. An appointment can be made by calling 252;8896 in Montrose. [Kory McCollum I EARTHTECH 327-4747 NORWOOD handle." get to know everyone, dkp, Phippeny said her home "(With home schdl;'I like a normal was really isolated and I thought "li'"b" schooling was school day, 8 AM to 3 PM, with I was lacking a social life," said "IV an, hour spent on each subject. Phippeny, "But it'gave me the "It was really good for opportunity to spend,time doing me. I had to have dedication all the things I love. and responsibility," said In public school, Tracy Phippeny. said she lost that freedom, but A year ago, Phippeny she is still excited about her returned to the public school system. Having played volley- ball and basketball the year before, she found the transition into high school was fairly easy. However., she will be graduating soon and said that a tear isn't enough time to really upcoming graduation. "I probably wouldn't have had a ceremony at all if I was still in home school," said Phippeny. As a whole, she believes her home school experience was truly something valuable. Chris Been and Dana Hammond struggle over a pistol in "The Bear..." The NHSDrama class presented A Night of Misunderstanding and Awkward Situations, three one act plays on a very limited budget. Directed by Kalynn Carlton and Ruth Duff y, the actors and actresses performed wonderfully with comic timing and professionalism. Students involved were Yevtte Davis, David Luster, Tracy Phippeny, Shelane Whren, Christopher Robuck, Nichole Stephens, Jacob Johnston, Michael Epright, April Fleming, Justin Tooker, and Josh King. Job Corp Needs Help Wednesday, May 31, at 9:30 AM a meeting to form subcommittees will be held at the School Administration Building board room, 336 Adams St. Help the develop- ment of your communities by lending your expertise and par- ticipation in the ground floor work to establish a Job Corps center. The subcommittees to be formed will include, but not be limited to: Supportive Services - Health School Involvement Vocational Curriculum Site Selection Bylaws land Articles Finance Committee Political Support Strategic Bcsiness Plan 3Y_dth CLINIC Norwood Julie Sherwood, MD Michael Adanuh PA-C IMMUNITIONS Tree Child hnmnintion= San Miguel Basin Forum (USPS 573-600) Roger Culver Editor/Publisher Susan Culver Reporter/Photographer Karen Murphy Advertising Lolly Ross Advertising Published every Thursday by Roger Culvar, Publisher/Editor, at 807 Main, Nucla. CO. Subscription rate is $20 per r J year in San Migud and Montrose I Counties. and $28 per year outside of those counties. Periodical postage is paid at Nucla, CO. Postmaster: L Send addss changes to San Miguel Basin 1' Forum. RO. Box 9, Nucla. CO 81424. |