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Newspaper Archive of
San Miguel Basin Forum
Nucla , Colorado
May 17, 1979     San Miguel Basin Forum
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May 17, 1979
Newspaper Archive of San Miguel Basin Forum produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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2.San Miguel Basin Forum, Thursday, May 17, 1979 ley ion ml ucla Council Op ning an alley.way be- tween West 5th and 6th streets in Nucla was petitioned by sev- eral residents living in that area. The petition was pre- sented by Dale Williams to the Nucla Town Council last week. The alley -way, which has been dedicated by the town, is located between Grape and Heron streets. Re for o- pening the alley are!'Tb allow access to back lots of proper- ties; trash cam placed at rear of shop which would be access- able from the alley. Williams said whether or not the alley was opened, he still plans con- struction of the shop. Councilman Charles Kurz said if the street department approved opening the alley, he would donate road base, pro- vtded the town assumes haul- ing loads. The town has instal- led a culvert at the south end of the alley on West 6th. The street department planned a lots inst dot main streets; feasibility study to determine process of opening alley, mrs- cost and benefit. ses of mesqultoddden willows would be cleated away;and an amet to the fire department in case of backyard fires. Williams pointedout, he had a hidden interest in open- ing the alley, He reported plans of comtmcting an auto body -The town council discmNd the San Miguel River wet well project at length with the pro- ject engineer. Alternate designs were thoroughly discussed by members and the engineer. -A raise in Nucla Marshal Bill Bachman's salary was ap- proved by the town council. Bachman will receive $950 per month. -After meeting was con- cluded, Dale Williams stated to Summer Summer time is fun time- is what the Norwood Recrea- tion Department is saying a- bout the Summer Program that is now being planned for the kids this year. Tennis les- sons, craft and art classes, movies and sport activities will be only a part of the program being offered from June 13-July 27, 9 azn. to 12 pro. every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Com- plete information and registra- tions forms will be available The hot sun. the high mountain air. the green scent of floral fife-un intoxk ting experience. The equalizing of beautiful nmer with high runoff and" hot weather to color our summer green. Al- ready, reerecttionfJts are pre- paring to leave their winter homes to make themselves temporary nests in the wilds of natUreo ' Bicyclists are oiling their chains, tightening the gears on their ten speeds, charting their cross country course& Hikers are taking inventory,of their climbing fear, testing the ropes, dreaming of a heighten. in& experience on mountain peaks. Fow Wkeelen are be- to drive country roads testing the wavel condition. Kites are flyin&, Sprite-March 21-k Ol nWcl g. a time when day and rdght meet in length. Joggers are jubilant with an- P ctpatlon as the trails are dry. in$ Campers have marked on ¢alendurs those weeks and months when they shall disap- pear Into ?he: mountains of Colorado to escape from the familiar, " from technology, from routine obligations. mountain brooks wild ais watching in the silent forests. Fishermen hooking large rainbow trout with "gnats and worms and cheese by Kraft. An eagles screnln riding pas iyou in the wind. ltidden_ @ys where there are no people, just is ever present. As the Rockies become a more popular area for recreationists, more and more news of tragedies fill the local media, In the, last few years moun- tain dimbers have fallen to their death, hikers have wand. ered off and become lost and died, young women have been raped, other women have been Mdnapped or have been pro- nounced missing, one young women's bones were found in the forest the Basin area. Many have drown in the rivers. Tourists become easy prey to the "the rapist and the border line insane. There really do not exist those handiwork-the ultimate in remote and excluded areas that art.nelure, a by :God. may be driven up to with no Tke thOu Cre a of one else around. Tourists at,. s m.mer in the Roe/de& They temping tO mb;O'y-/icg'msc/i s iro will be inten this But the uvnmt-let their guard . cold renti of lurking down. They tardy, dM..w-in eyes enrepee, ; ho r the Forum, "This was the first time I've went to a town coun- cil meeting. I felt that the council members were genuin- ely concerned about the town's business and problems." He said more residents should take an interest in town board meet- ings. "I'm going to attend more often and participate." Fun Here the week of May 21. Plans are also being made for adults-tennis lessons, a bee keeping seminar, modern jazz dance, natural foods cook- ery and more will be of- fered. If you have any questions or suggestions please call Sharon Davidson at 3274214 or 3274350. Also volunteers are needed for the various youth activitie and if you can volunteer a few hours a week, once a week it can help, of rest they are taken advant- age of in their t dnerable state. A stranger nppean unex- pectedly and your summer dream is popped, a li¢ing night. mare suddenly enters your life that cannot be erased, As humanity in all its mrleties and aspects races to the cool mountains this summer, you need to take precautions for yourself and your family. It does not always happen to someone rise. Have fun-but learn be safe. RC May it of many more San Miguel Nucia ROBERTS REPAI R CENTER *AUTO REPAIR *WELDING *TRACTOR REPAIR *DIESEL Nucla 10th & Main 864-222 . % .... _ -- _ "..__ .... -- • I I SAN MIGUEL BASIN FORUM USPS 5'73-6Q0 . Rates: $7.50 in Montrose County and Norwood $9.00 outside the county. Published every Thunday by Forum Newspapers Inc. Second class postage paid atNnela. Colo. 81424 Roger Odver .................. Editor - Publidlar Becky Hammond ............. Typist -.Office Manager AnnGbeik Almond ............. Production Monqer VikM MeKMney ........................ Layout Clyde Brt s .................. Advertising Manager Marlnn Duffel ........ , .................. Writer Dorothy Cre r ........................ .Writer Address: p.o. Box 9. Nuda. Colorado 81424 " Phone Number 864.7425