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May 10, 1984 |
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Nucla seniors will
receive their diplomas
May 17 this Tuesday
See story on pg 12
Thursday, May 10, 1984 Issue 41 Volume 31
Norwood seniors will
receive their diplomas
May;13, this Friday
See story on pg 5
Nationally acclaimed and
professional storyteller
will be at the West End schools
on May 14...7:30 p.m. in Nucla
See story on Pg 16
Norwood acl
pts cabl
Nucla woman find
Local talents are used to design and sew Divots and Moguls,
barret holders, quilts, toss pillows and dozens of other crafts that
after finished are taken to craft shows and sold. Orders for
finished products has created local jobs through the Cottage In-
dustry here, and now dubbed "Basin Crafts".
Joan Elliott of Nucla
was at the right place at
the right time when she
was introduced to the op-
portunities of Cottage In-
dustry last year in Denver.
Being an admirer of
hand-made craft items, she
found herself talking to a
group of people from Oak
Creek, Colorado who had
made a variety of beauti-
fully hand-crafted items
and discovered they were
getting paid for their ef-
"1 learned that the peo-
ple from Oak Creek were
producing . hundreds of
hand-crafted items from
their homes, then selling
their product at shows and
to retail store's wholesale
buyers and were finding
their cottage industry
quite successful," said
So successful, in fact,
that she found herself be-
(cont on pg 3)
At the last Norwood
Council meeting, Wednes-
day, May 2, the Board
adopted the Cable TV
Franchise between the
town and Ted Dumis of
WLTV Inc. with minor
changes. Dumis has 90
days after the adoption to
accept the franchise agree-
ment as drafted. When
WLTV accepts the agree-
ment, the company has six
months to begin construc-
tion and one year to com-
plete the system. This time
frame extends the comple-
tion period from the previ-
ous draft of the agree-
Another change in the
franchise draft is to allow
WLTV to submit a letter
of credit rather than bond.
ing, which, according to
town attorney, Dan
Wilson, is equal in its ef-
fect and will save time.
The Council stated in the
agreement that WLTV will
be annually reviewed by
an independent auditor.
Because of the time
frame stipulations, WLTV
is expected to begin con-
struction this year. If the
agreement is accepted at
deadline, WLTV would at
the latest be required to
begin construction in late
January of 1985, but
could begin as early as this
In other town business:
-The Board voted to al-
low $500 to be used by
town librarian Barbara
Youngblood for the sum-
mer reading program, the
money to be used for pur-
chasing reading materials
and to buy some large
print books. The Board
will determine whether the
funds can be taken from
lottery monies received, of
which consists of $2,300,
or if the funds must come
out of revenue sharing.
-The Council renewed
the liquor license of Grand
Liquor, owner Jean
-The Board set as an
agenda item at the next
(cont on pg 2)
Twenty-six year-old
Dale Williams of Nucla suf-
fered a severe gash under
his chin, fractured jaws
and massive facial injuries
around and in his mouth
from an explosion last
week. His condition re-
mained critical during last
weekend while in St.
Mary's Intesive Care Unit.
He's listed in fair condi-
tion and stabilized at this
According to Nucla
Marshal John Connett,
Williams was kneeling face-
level in front of a bonding
pot that was under as
much as 125 pounds of
pressure. Williams owns
and operates Pro Body
Shop in Nucla.
About 2:25 p.m., Karen
Proctor, a next door neigh-
bor heard a loud noise. "1
went outside to see what
had caused the noise," she
stated. "The wind was
blowing so hlad thought
something blown
down. I looked toward
Dale's shop. It was guiet
there and I saw nothing so
I went back inside."
About 30 minutes later,
Rocky York who works
for Williams returned from
lunch. He found his boss
lying on the shop floor
covered with blood and
semi-conscious. York ran
to Dale's parents home to
call an ambulance a short
distance away.
About that time Gary
Proctor arrived home,
walked over to the shop to
see Dale and found his
neighbor trying to sit up as
blood drenched his shirt.
Proctor ran for help,
An ambulance took
Williams to the West End
Medical Clinic where
EMT's and a physician be-
gan efforts to save the in-
jured man. Dr. Mark
most of his teeth.
According to the report,
there is no medical insur-
ance coverage. With one
!surgery over and others
~coming up, the Williams
!family face serious finan-
!cial problems. A fund has
Ibeen started for the
William's at the Montrosa
County Bank.
on sale
A Pancake breakfast
sponsored by the Nucla
Chamber of Commerce
will be held May 20, Sun-
day between six and ten in
the morning at the Nucla
Moose Lodge.
The cost is $2.50 per
person for a serving of
pancakes, eggs, sausage,
juice or coffee.
Advance ticket sales are
available at Chamber mem-
ber merchants or you may
contact Bob Freeman at
Riders will
seek wild
horses, May 20
Tabeguache Trail Riders
will hold it's ride to see
the wild horses on Sunday,
May 20, for information
call Nancy Enstrom at
864-76 | 6.
Apling of the Basin Clinic
came to the West End ! We are sorry we over-
Medical Clinic to help 'looked naming Mustang
stabilize Williams. Air-life Donna Thormalen as being
from St. Mary's transport, an all-conference basket-
ed Williams to Grand Junc: ball player last week.
tion. i It was an oversight on
The nut stripped and the part of the editor, who
the metal door struck 'knew she made all-confer.
Williams full force in the ence, but somehow did
face. Teeth that were not include her in the arti-
knocked out had fillings cle. It is small compensa-
jolted out of the teeth, tion, Donna, but we do re-
Williams reportedly lost gret the mistake.