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Newspaper Archive of
San Miguel Basin Forum
Nucla , Colorado
April 19, 1984     San Miguel Basin Forum
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April 19, 1984
Newspaper Archive of San Miguel Basin Forum produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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t t" 8-San Miguel Basin Forum, Thursday, April I9, 1984 S are Preliminary reports of cultural products accord- the 1982 Census of Ag- ing to preliminary reports riculture show that the from the 1982 Census of number of farms in San Agriculture. The 1982 Miguel county increased sales figure represents an from 69 to 78 since the average of $42,013 for 1978 census. All land in each of the county's farms totaled 156,956 a- farms. cres in 1982, an aver- The census reports that age of 2,012 acres per $522, 000 or 16 percent farm. The Census Bureau of total sales were for defines a farm as any place crops, while $2.8 million from which $1,000 or or 84 percent of the total more of agricultural pro- came from the sale of ducts were sold or normal-livestock, poultry, and ly would have been sold. their products. Preliminary data indi- Land from which crops cate that expenditures for were harvested increased feed for livestock and to 11,958 acres since poultry were $324,000; 1978. total farm energy costs The county's farmers were $377,000; fertilizer sold $3.3 million in agri-costs were $77,000; and Cotter elected president Mesa College junior Music Education major, Ken Cotter, will begin his term as State President of= the Student Chapters of the Music Educator's Na- tional Conference on Feb- ruary 1, 1984. Mr. Cotter was elected at the S.M.E. N.C. meeting in conjunc- tion with the 41st Annual Music Educator's Conven- tion at the Broadmoor Hotel in Colorado Springs January 18-21. His job will be to coordinate the many functions of the ten col- lege and university chapt- ers. Mr. Cotter is a 1980 graduate of Nucla High seed costs were $25,000. Of the total farms in the county, 18 had gross sales of $40,000 or more; 37 reported sales of less than $10,000. Farms operated as sole proprietorships rep- resented 83 percent of the total. In 1982, the average age of farm operators was 53.8 years. The proportion of operators reporting farming as their principal occupation remained es- sentially unchanged at 58 percent since 1978. Marshal receives raise (cont from pg 1) 16 years, would consider taking the marshal's posi- tion? He stated, "No way !" At that point Cyote made the motion to raise the salary. Connett reported that he checked on the requir- ed 40 hour training. De- cember 31 is the deadline School and, has performed with many' 'Mesa College to complete the 40 hours. music ensembles. He is a He also said that last week when Bob Wilson ran piano student of Veronica Cukrow and succeeds State President Stan Scott from Colorado State Univ. Spring is officially here with kite,, astin and Becky Bohl of Norwood watch their spring flying kite in Norwood. For =s .ale .. $2.50 you can all • into the grade school fen- ce, he had asked for back- up and assistance. Connett was ill and at home at the time. No county officers responded. Sheriff Tom Gilmore was informed of the no response. "He said he'd check into why none of the three deputies res- ponded. He hasn't got back to me yet," deKoev- end stated. Burns stated that Conn- ett should be credited for a day on duty instead of a sick day when the incident occured. The board con- cu rred. Cyote and Burns, both leaving the board this month, cleared up "un- finished business" before vacating their places on the council. Cyote told Carl Pender to fix the cen- ter partition at the dog pound. "Dogs were a prob- lem and so was police when I was ejected. That's been resolved and com- pleted," he concluded as old business was conclud- ed. GAL NOtiCE STATEMENT AND CERTIFI- CATE OF DETERMINATION OF THE REGULAR ELECTION HELD IN THE TOWN OF NUCLA, COLORADO, APRIL, 3, 1984: Barnes, Bertha G. -85 votes, Trustee - 4 years; Yates, Robert V. - 80 votes, Trustee - 4 years; Pulliarn, Dock - 72 votes, Trustee - 4 years; Melrose, Joseph E. - 40 votes; Min- ick, Christine - 49 votes; $chellen- bach, Cooper - n votes; Williams, Dale -21 votes; Burns, Walter - 2 votes. CERTIFIED, APRIL 9, 1984. Mayor John F. deKoevend Patrlcia-Brown, Town Clerk Pablished in the San M/Sad Dada Forum April 19, 1984. Obituary S. P. "Pat" Clyborn 30S'6 P. "Pat" Clyborn, Chipeta Ave., Grand Junction, died after a lengthy bout with cancer at 8:50 a.m. Friday, April 13, at Hilltop Rehabilita- tion Hospital. He was 78. Mr. Clyborn, a retired accountant, had been a Grand Junction resident for 48 years. He was born Feb. 26, 1906, in Ross County, Ohio. He spent his child- hood and was educatid in Ohio. He also graduated from Blair Business Col- lege at Colorado Springs. He moved to Ouray in |928 and Uravan in 1937. Healso lived in Rifle and Cincinnati, moving to Grand Junction in 1946. Sunrise Service Our fourth annual sun- rise service will be held in the Basin this Sunday. The public is invited to attend this non-denominational service. We meet at the Basin store at 7 a.m. You also are invited to attend a pic- nic lunch afterwards. Bring a sack lunch, al ¥OUII • L( OTICE OF ELECTION " TO WHOM IT MAY CON- CERN, and particularly to the elec- tors of the San Mignel Soil Conser- vation Distr2ct. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an election will be held on Tuesday, the 8th day of May, 1984, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. The Board of Supervisors of the District has designated the following polling places within the District: San Miguel Coun" ~Lnnex (Royer Building, 1510 Gr ~ve.) Norwood, Colorado. "" The names of persons nominat- ed and terms of office for which nominated are as follows: Ted Swain for a FOUR (4) year term. Mont Snyder for a FOUR (4) year term. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that an elector of said District for the purpose of said election is every person who is a qualified elector of the State of Colorado and who owns land within the district; or who is a duly appointed represent- ative of a corporation owning land within the District. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that application for absent voter's ballots may be filed with the Sec- retary of the District, Dale Phip- peny at Bedrock, Colorado 81411, not earlier than thirty days be- fore the election nor later than 4:00 p.m. on the Friday immedi- ately preceding the election. San Miguel Soil Conservation Dist- rict Dale Phippeny, Secretary Published in the San Miguel Basin Forum April 19 and 26, 1984. NOTICE OF ELECTION TO WHOM IT MAY CON- CERN, and particularly to the elec- tors of the Nucla Sanitation District of Montrose County, Colorado. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an election will be held on Tuesday the 8th day of May 1984, between the hours of 7:00 o'clock a.m. and 7:00 o'clock p.m. The Board of Directors of the District has designated the following polling place within the District: Polling Place: Nucla Town Ha]] At said election, the qualified electors of the District shall vote for Directors to serve the following terms of office on the Board of Directors of the District: Three Directors for a four year term. The names of persons nominat- ed and terms of off'~e for which nominated are as follows : Francis Series for a four year term. Martin Templeton for a four year term. Dale Williams for a four year term. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that an elector of said District for the purpose of said election is a person q~ed to vote at a general election in the State of Colorado; and (I) who has been a resident of the District for not less than thirty- NOTICE OF ELECTION TO WHOM IT MAY CON- CERN, and particularly to the elec- tors of the Paradox Fire Protection District, of Montrose County, Colo- rado. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an election will be held on Tuesday the 8th day of May, 1984, between the hours of 7:00 o'clock a.m. and 7:00 o'clock p.m. The Board of Directors of the District has designated the following polling place within the district: Paradox Grade School, Paradox, Colorado. At said election, the qualified electors of the District shall vote for Directors to serve the following terms of office on the Board of Directors of the District: Two D~rectors for a FOUR year term. The names of persons nominat- ed and terms of office for which nominated are as follows: Mike Baird for a FOUR year terra. Ruth Phippeny for a FOUR year term. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that an elector of the District for the purpose of said election is a person qualified to vote at a general election in. the State of Colorado; and (1) who has been a resident of two (32) days or (2) who or whose, the District for not lem than thirty- spouse, owns taxable real or per .... ~,tWO-(32) days~ and (2) who, or sonal property within the District, whether said person resides within the District or not; or person who is obli~ted to pay general taxes under a contract to purchase real property within the District shag be considered an owner of real proper- ty for the purpose of qualifying as an elector, NOTICE IS FURTHER GWEN that applications for absent voters ballots may be filed with the Sec- retary of the District, Roy Knicker- bocker, thirty days before the elec- tron nor later than 4:00 o'clock p.m. on the Friday immediately preo~ding the alection. NUCLA SANITATION DISTRICT by Roy Knickerbocker, Secxetary whose spouse, owns taxable real or personal property within the Dist- rict, whether said person resides within the District or not; or person who is obligated to pay general tax- es under a contract to purchase real property within the District.shall be considered an owner of re ..~roper- ty for the purpose of qu~ing as an ~eetor. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that applications for absent voter's ballots may be f'ded with C • Sec- retary of the District, Ruth Phip- ~ny, no sooner than th/rty days fore the election nor hter than 4:00 pJn. on the Friday immediate- 13, preceding the election. • PARADOX FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Rues K. Phippeny, Secreta~ Published in the San Mbuel Bastn Published in the San Mtlrael Basin Forum Ap~ 19,1984; s " • Forum April 19 and 26, 1984. m