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San Miguel Basin Forum
Nucla , Colorado
March 1, 2012     San Miguel Basin Forum
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March 1, 2012
Newspaper Archive of San Miguel Basin Forum produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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2- San Miguel Basin Forum, Thursday,.March.l., 2012 • ' t i i i r I I , I Letter: Hello! From "The Grouch"... Dorothy Spindler Hello, f'riends and neighbors and the Forum Newspaper with Forum was absolutely awesome. I best friends. Aren't you all happy that from Nucla, Naturita, Redvale and Norwood. Since "The Grouch" left the little town of 1,000 peo- ple, I had to take my memories me. Every Saturday, the Fortm is in my home mail box. So, y,u all can't hide from me! Now, my February 23rd Prophetic Perspective... Keeping an eye on Damascus Why Iran Will Provoke War... The Real Mount Sinai Found... by Roger Culver, Forum Newspaper Editor Besides warnings about California quakes and the Iran versus Israel front, prophecy is also pointing to the Old Testament book of Isaiah where the prophet proclaims Damascus (Syria) will be destroyed and left uninhabitable. Because of the current upheaval there increasing, some are say- ing president Bashar al-Assad will attack Israel to divert focus from his country's internal destruction. Also, some claim that if Assad is going down, first he will try to create a war legacy for himself by destroying Israel. Syria is almost a 'city-state' with much of its population living in and around the city of Damascus. Some historians and archaeolo- gists believe Damascus may be the oldest continually inhabited city in the world and there is no record in ancient history of it ever being fully destroyed. Syria is also the home of many Islamic terrorist groups and its army invaded and has occupied Lebanon for almost 30 years. Currently, Syria (with Iran) is supporting the Hezbollah in south- ern Lebanon against Israel. Syria, like the rest of Israel's Islamic neighbors hate Israel, have invaded and attacked Israel on several occasions, and have publicly called for the destruction of Israel. It is interesting to note that recently an Israeli general, on commenting on the growing threat of Syria, said the easiest thing to do to protect Israel from Syria would be to drop a nuclear bomb on Damascus. Damascus, Syria will someday be completely destroyed and beco,me a 'ruinous heap'... "The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap." This biblical proph- ecy found in Isaiah. 17:1 has not yet been fulfilled. Meanwhile, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's idea- logical and spiritual pre-occupation with the coming of a Shiite Islamic messiah figure, the Mahdi, or the twelfth imam (leader) should not be underestimated. A recent video produced by the Iranian regime "The Coming is Near" claims that Iran is destined to rise as a great power in the last days to help defeat America and Israel and usher in the return of the Mahdi. All Iran is buzzing about the 12th Imam and the role Iran and Ahmadinejad are playing in his anticipated return. There's a new messiah hotline. There are news agencies especially devoted to the latest developments. In Iran, theologians say endtimes beliefs appeal to one-fifth of the population. And the Jamkaran mosque east of Qom, 60 miles south of Tehran, is where the link between devotees and the Mahdi is closest. Ahmadinejad's cabinet has given $17 million to Jamkaran. Logical western analysts insist Iriln would never launch a nuclear bomb or start a war, but they have no idea of the idealogical passion of certain Shiite leaders to usher in an Islamic victory over all non-Muslims in the last days. As oil supplies wane in the region, the Islamic forces will take opportunity while finances afford bold, now or never affronts. A New Film Coming... It was to be called the "Exodus Conspiracy," but because of political middle eastern risks, Tim Mahoney, Director and Prodtcer of the film, decided to rename the documentary. The new nane and release is expected sometime this year. The film is based onan American family's vision and discovery of the real Mount Sinai,the foot prints of the Israelite Exodus and the rock Moses struck in the Desert in Saudi Arabia. The film will turn the religious world the :est of the way upside down. Jim and Penny Caldwell's story of their 12 year experience liv- ing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia reads more like a riveting novel of danger and intrigue than the true life story of a couple drawn to the Middle East because of employment in the oil and gas industry. With what began as a fascinating job opportunity there for Jim, he & Penny, along with their two small children Lucas and Chelsea took residence in the Eastern Province of Arabia on the Persian Gulf in the late 1980's. Little did they know that four years later they would be riving "fife on the edge" on a tumultuous covert mission, trekking through the ancient desert to research the archeological remains and location of the real Mount Sinai in the northwest comer of the coun- try; a portion of the Hejaz mountain range better known as "Jebel al Lawz." Yes, we're talking about the same mountain of the Biblical account and the 40 year wandering of the Israelites. The Saudis have this area fenced in and actively guarded; a sharp warning to anyone attempting to get a closer look. "WHY?" one may ask. That's where the intrigue begins... You can YouTube the video: Jim and Penny Caldwell - God of the Mountain at even called THE BOSS (Roger) and told him so! Page 2 was the kickoff.,. Prophetic Perspective- California .Earthquake Warning... Israel going to war .... and written by Roger Culver was excellent! I devoured it three times, and made my cussing spouse read it! At the top of Page 2 is Politics... Is Colorado Poised For Republican Comeback In 2012? Good Grief! I hope so! Darrell E. Elder's obituary was so full of sadness since he was born. His twin brother and his mother that he never got to know. The newspaper was dampened before I-could finish Darrell's obituary. I do remember the Old Town Hall burning. Barely a teenager, I learned how to dance there. My Aunt Hilda McKinnon made homemade donuts, and sold themat those dances. Of course I helped her as I stuffed those donuts in my mouth. My four kids were raised in Nucla. Two of them graduated from high school there. I about faintgd when I saw that the little Naturita Post Office and the Bank in Naturita had been vandalized. Last time I drove through Naturita and then on up to Nucla, everything was closed! No dogs, no cats, no people anywhere! I needed gas for my car. I was on my way home to Grants, New Mexico from Grand Junction. NO gas stations open in Gateway either! Nothing open in Dove Creek either! I did make it to Grants on my tank that was refueled in Grand Junction. Where did these little brats. come from? No chores to do at home? Don't they have any par- ents? In Naturita? Oh, I guess they probably found some booze and were bored: Deputy Sheriff's used to hang around Naturita and Nucla. State Police Officers used to live in Nucla and Naturita. There were Town Marshalls in both towns. Roger Culver was my boss, but he and his parents were my Veterans Listen Up! Your Veteran's Service Officer, for Montrose and Ouray Counties, is Tom Wright: he assists Veterans in obtaining benefits. Please call Tom at his office, at 249-2115 for appointments or questions. Tom's office is locat- ed in the Department of Health and Human Services (the old Ute building), 1845 S. Townsend Ave. Vets who are already participating in the VA program also need to keep Tom informed so that he can make sure the paperwork is run- ning smoothly. Tom will be back over in the West End on Tuesday March 13, 2012, from 10:00 am to 2:30-ish. He will be at the Department of Health and Human Service, 851 Main, in Nucla. Please call Tom at 249-2115, to make an appointment , ,(for the-!3th) to discuss benefits. And... Dale Williams is "The Grouch" left in 1985?!!! flways in the back of my mind. Dee, Dot, Dorothy Spindler / Wire Something Stupid It seems whenever I do some- thing stupid, someone is always there to see me do it. Even worse, when I do something really stupid, Sue is there to see it. You husbands out there have probably observed this. The last person in the world you need to have observe a little error on your part is your wife. Sue normally doesn't embar- rass me by re-telling the story. She's very nice about not humili- ating me further. I Suspect she doesn't want anybody to know what a doofus her husband can be. It could reflect poorly on her standing with other wives. I can just hear them now over coffee, "Boy, that Sue sure bombed out when she piked him! Did you hear what he did now?" Regardless of whether she retells the story or even mentions it at all, she knows. You know she knows. She can give you a little look that says, "I know". Along with that little look is also the unspoken threat, "I know and if you don't toe the line I will use it against you." I never know when, where or even if she would use it, but that look says she might. One of my biggest indiscre- tions involved a trip to a pasture several years ago. It was hot, dusty and we were running short of time. Things had not been going very well, my disposition was get- ting a little "stressed". As we were bouncing along across the sagebrush in a pickup that really shouldn't have been out there being treated like that in the first place, Sue leaned over with an observation. "Honey," she said politely, "Your gas gauge is on empty." "Don't worry. I've got another tank," I answered, feeling smug for being so well prepared. "Shouldn't you switch tanks before you run out?" she inquired. "I always let it run out before I switch over," I replied• Women just don't understand mechanical things at all! "I think you really should switch before it runs out," my mechanic side-kick persisted. Pushed beyond the limits of my good nature and frustrated by her lack of automotive knowledge, I explained. "Look, I've driven this pickup seven thousand miles since we bought it this Spring. I always let it run out before I switch tanks. It always works. Men know these things. Now drop it, OK?" No sooner had I "lined her out" old pickup gave a cough and drank the last drop of gas from the left tank. Casually, I leaned over and punched the switch to convert to the right tank. Nothing. Pickup roiled to a stop. Casually, then frantically I pumped the gas pedal. Nothing again. I ground on the starter. Still nothing. I worked the switch back and forth as I ran the starter. Nothing became panic. My man- hood was at stake here• Silence. Silence from the pickup, anyway. Not from my wife, however. Sue was thinking it. I knew she was. She didn't say a word, but she was thinking it. Hood up, temper flaring and flies biting, I worked on my stalled transportation. Vapor locked, I had no gas in the lines. After thirty minutes of crawl- ing under and over the engine unhooking lines, including one brilliant idea I had that blew gas from the tank all over Sue,who I'd meekly asked to help, the pickup finally started. On the drive home'the silence was deafening. Finally, I couldn't stand it any longer. "I know what you're think- ing," I muttered. "Something went wrong• It always worked before!" "All you would have had to do was take my advice," she politely but curtly pointed out. Things got kind of ugly for a while after that, but as usual we got over it. Only now she knows. I have lived under the constant fear she will tell the story at the worst pos- sible time. She gives me that look and I start to cringe. Now you all know. She can't hold it over my head any longer. What a relief. San Miguel Basin Forum (USPS 573-600) Phone 864-7425 • Roger Culver- Editor/Publisher • Lisa Turner, Paula Flowers- Advertising, Sales, Design, Layout • Marie Templeton- History Column • Christina Pierce, Darryl Roberts- Reporter/ Photographer Published Thursday by Roger Culver, Publisher/Editor, at 807 Main, Nuela, CO. Subscription rate: $26 per year in San Miguel and Montrose Counties, & $32 per year outside. Periodical postage is paid at Nucla, CO. Postmaster: Send address changes to San Miguel Basin Forum, P.O. Box 9, Nucla, CO. 81424