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Newspaper Archive of
San Miguel Basin Forum
Nucla , Colorado
February 24, 1966     San Miguel Basin Forum
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February 24, 1966
Newspaper Archive of San Miguel Basin Forum produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FORUM, Thursday. February 24, L966, Pmge 2 SUBSCRIBE TO THE FORUM Ill Rate by mail is only $4.50 year. Mail check to Box 8, Nucla, Colorado FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT STEAM HEAT === COMPLETELY FURNISHED NEWLY REDECORATED $60 Per Month WALISKY'S DEPT. STORE 1109 MAIN uoumoam 249-3803 am IT FITS PERFECTLYI yogi li I ...AND SO DOES OUR LOW-COST BANK AUTO LOAN PLAN Whether you buy a compact small car or a large one, come see us. The Citizens State Bank OURAY, COLORADO Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. f Naturita Newsnotes Adams State College stu- dents home for the weekend were Noel Painter, Paul Pal- mer, AI Thye, all of Natutita, Bob Murray of Uravan and David Puderbaugh o f Nu de. ,Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Kesder and daughter moved back to Naturita kom Cortez Friday. Naturita Grade School teach- ers driving to Delta on Satur- day to attend the Colorado Education Association Help- mobile, sponsored by the De- partment of Classroom teach- era, were Mrs. Miles Naff, Mrs. Owen Bishop, Mrs. Lucile Seabern and Mrs. John de- Koevend. Also attending were Mrs. Daisy Dale and Mrs. Helen Tooker of Uravan as well as Mrs. John Galley, Mrs. Fritz Nylund and Mr. Merritt Vanderhoofven of Nu de. En route home kern a two- weeks' tour of Southwestern Colorado and Arizona, Mr. and Mrs. Ammon Nix stopped in Naturita to spend Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Vear Ray and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Crane. While they were here they visited other friends in Nucla indudhg Mrs. A.J. CI ark. Mr. Tony Tizak of Grand Junction is the new butcher at Everybody's Market. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dyer and family of Montrose spent the weekend with his pents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. Dyer. While they were here they helped Mr. Dyer celebrate his February 22 birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Latta and Janis" Mr. and Mrs. Richard Scheuernan and Ricky and Mr. and Mrs* Dick Starks were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Erwin on Saturday. Mrs. Mildred Williams was rdeased from St. Mary's hosp- ital on Tuesday, February 15, following a week's cvnfine- ment. On Friday Mrs. Jim Jacobsen accompanied her daughter, Mrs. Eldred Staats of Nude, to Grand Junction to visither husband who has been confined at St. Mary's hospital as a medical patient for two weeks. On Sunday Mrs. Forest Bin- der reentered St. Mary's hospi- tal. On Friday Mrs. W. L. Butler o f Dolores accompanied her son, daughter-in-law and two grandchil dren, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Butler and children, also of Dolorhs, to Naturita to visit her daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren, Mr. nd Mrs. John Novack and family. Mr. andMrs. W. T. Butler andfam- fly returned to Dolores on Saturday hut Mrs. W. L. Buder remained for an extended visit. Judy Novack, a student at the University of Denver, spent WINNING ENTRIES LISTED IN WEST END DISTRICT SCIENCE FAIR The annual West End Dis- trice Sdence Fair was held on Saturday, February 19, at the Naturita Grade School Gymna- sium. Students from Ursvan, Nude, Naturita, Norwood and the weekend at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John No vack. Mr, an d Mrs, O. E. Smart and three grsndd/ldren have moved back to Naturita from Green RIver, Utah. Mr. and Mrs, C. C. Spangler moved to Glenvod Springs on Monday. Mrs. Woodrow Weaver was rel eased from St. Mary's hospi- tal on Friday where abe had been confined since Monday, February 14, as a surgical p ati ant. Mrs. Arnel Hunt left on Tuesday, February 15, for Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, to attend the funeral of her broo t h er. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Nielsen of Eckert visited Mr. andMrs. Robert L. Anderson on Friday. Bill Anderson of nurango spent the weekend at home with his parents and sister, Mr, and Mrs. Robert L. Ander- son and Carol. Menno Gripe spent the week- end in Rifle. Mrs. Thomas Keetley recent- ly arrived from Chugiak, Alas,- ka, to stay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harper, un- til April at which time she will go to Florida to meet her husband who is stationed in Hawaii with the U. S. Army. On Monday Gary Hightower, who had been home on leave since February 3 visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hightower, boarded a plane for Oakl and, California, from where he will be sent to Viet Nam. Mr. Jim Nedy and three sons, Burrell, Myd and Mil- fred, spt the we&end in Cahone with Mr. Leonard Neely. On Friday night, Kathy Brammaibr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Brammeier, was taken by ambulance to St. Mm'y's hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sage and ftanily spent the weekendin Montroae where they attended the funeral of her maternal grandfather, Mr. Jesse F. Miller, who had passed away at the Valley Manor Rest Home on Thursday, February 17. The funeral services, held on Sunday afternoon at the Valley Funeral Home, were conducted by Rev. Lloyd McMillan with interment at Granaview Ceme- tery. Mr. Miller was also the grandfather of Mr. Lloyd Steele of Nucla and Mr. Bob Stere of Uravan. Telluride paaicipated in the competition. According to all indications this was one of the best fairs undertaken in this di strl ca. Judges for the fair included the folio wing teachers from the Nucla High School: Mr, Buzz Zatterstrom, Biological Sale ence; Mr. James Spurlo&, Physical Sdence; and Mr, Harry Duffel, Mathematics; and also Mr, Richard Marstor ion Carbide and Mr. Joe operator of the Norwood mac),. The fair entries were divided into three categories, Mathe- matics, Biological Science and Physical Science. Students • were able to enter according to their grade levd with divisions in each catagory as followst 4th and 5th, 6th and 7th, and 8t.h grades. There were no entries tn the 4th-5th Math division, Entries in the 4th°5th Biological Sci- ences included the following students: David Younger, Ur;a- vn, 1st place; Susan Vigil, Norwood, 2nd place; Shawn Richar ds, Nu da, 3rd pl ace; oth entries from Nudain- eluded Bonnie Andrews, Doug Carver, Lyle Bauer, Colleen Elliot, Dale Williams from Naturlta, John Mosher, Chuck Binder and Johnny Mier. Other entries included Patti Wyatt, Uravan, and Cl ernence Young, No tweed. Winners in the 4th*Sth Physh: cal Science Division were Sally Whitsel, Nucla, let place; Lee Ann Tooker, Uravan, 2nd place and Douglas Millis.. 3rd place. Other entrietii cluded John Pinnick, UraxB Mike Javenick and George Hibbert, Nude; Lance Barker, Jimmy Snow and GladysAno dress of Naturita. Entries in the 6th-7th Mathe- rntics Division wre Linda Calhoun, Nude, let place; Terry Boek§out, Naturlta, 2rid plce; Connie Wagner, Nude, 3rd place and Gloria Shriver of Nucia. Contestants placing in the 6tho7th Biological Science Division were Connie Whitsel, Nuds" .2rid place; John Zing and Billy Gillaspy, Naturita, 2nd place; Sarah Johnson, Nucla, 3rd. Other entrlesin this division include David Bishop and Cynthia Elmer, Natufita; Jane Templeton. Nucla; and Debby Kdley, Ads Reed, Debts Trone nad Terri "['one of No rwood. 6th and 7th Physical Science Division winners were Rohhie Bunker, Nude, 1st place; De- rid Andrews" Nuda, 2rid place; Chris Senders, Nuchh 3rd place. Other contestants in- chded Fred Felk, Milton Spot and Edward Netherton of Nllh wood, Perry Champ and G Wanderlich of Tdluride, Jollll  Eastwood and Mary Anderson of Nude and Gary Fink and Gary Williams of Naturita. • Again Nuda was able to edge out all other entries and take the first three positions in the 8th Grade Division of Mathematics, Gene Brltton, let place; Peggy Hibbert, 2nd place; Carol Keeney, 3rd place. Cont'd. Page 4