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12 - San Miguel Basin Forum, Thursday, February 18, 1999
Nucla residents will have
cleaner, better tasting water,
now that 40 yards of "material"
has been pulled from the bottom
of the water tank. Public Works
superintendent, Carl Pender,
reported at last Wednesday's
Nucla Town Board meeting that
the material was "the same color
as the paint on the inside of the
tank," and that he'd believed
that the tank was pretty clean
until he saw the stuff that came
out of it.
Trustee Chris Daniels, who
watched individuals from the
company that cleaned the tank
don wet suits and dive to-the
bottom, described the material
as rust-colored and sand-like.
Pender believes it was material
from the flocculator. It was not
hazardous material, so. Pender
dumped it out On the ground
near the water treatment plant.
He explained that this company
recommended that the tank be
cleaned every two to five years.
Your Right To Know
While they were cleaning the End Neighborhood Watch: Last
tank, it was also inspected, month the council had agreed to
Below water level, the tank is in purchase Neighborhood Watch
very good shape. However, the signs for her, as they must be
roof section is in very poor purchased by a governmental
shape, entity, and have been waiting
After an executive session, for instructions as to what the
the board moved to approve a signs would say. Gudermuth
contract with area animal con- explained that it would "proba-
trol officer, John Radan. bly be something generic," such
The trustees opted to have as West End Neighborhood
Dale Williams, of Nucla, make Watch, as there are people out-
the necessary body repairs to the side of the town limits who
1993 Crown Victoria patrol car would like to be involved.
that was damaged by a deer and The question of what would
also a high speed chase. "I like be done with the 1% emergency
to see us shop at home," Trustee care sales tax funding if the clin-
Kathy Reed said, explaining that ic closed was
Williams invests a consid,/'rabJe Nucla's sales tax
amount of sales tax into th~
town and that it is appropriate
for the town to return the favor
by keeping their business with
town residents when possible.
Marshal Matt Gudermuth
reported that area resident,
Roberta Garrett, is currently
gathering support for a West
reads that the money would go
to a provider of emergency care,
so either the money could go to
another provider that wishes to
offer those services in the area,
or the question would be placed
ona ballot for voters to decide.
Pender reported a discussion
with the county road foreman
regarding road damage at the
-intersection of 10th and Main.
He explained that, when the
weather warms up, the county
will countour and patch the road
in that area. Pender said that he
needed to speak with the State
Highway Department, as a cul-
vert needs to be placed on the
"l'~m~ Moycr ............................... c~mtraet lab,, . ...................... $47.(X1
American Linen ............................. janitorial .......................... $48 72
Bruin Waste ...................... garbage disposal ................ $12l)0(I
N-N tclepbamc ................................ Icle pbamc ......................... $145.67
Southwestern redlmlx ......................... road base and sand ................ $9368.36.
Lc~mard Rot'ssncr ............................ contract laha~r ....................... 512tMR)
CIRSA ......................... msurap, ce ..................... $505 IX)
Nu¢la True Value ................. supplies .................... $ l q [ l~
Naturlt~ True Value ............................ supplies ........................ $41(I.72
(~all [:lilll .............................. et,nlracl labour ................. $1599,26
Johll Dcer¢ . ........................ mower lease .................... $259. 18
Xerox f'orp ............... copier lease and supplies .............. $476.71
Valley Ollice Supply ................ supl, bes ................... $2 78
Wc£1Gn,up .............................. legal stfllWarC ................ $53 (~}
Urav~n Supply ........................ . lucl .............. ~" ............ $202.41
T. S I.atldlill .............................. g~rbage disp~md ................ $21.50
San Miguet Basin ..................... advertising ................. $12765
Scl~,n ........................... load signs ................. $20785
Sam's {'lab ....................... supplies .................... $2017
Family M;irkel ........................... supplies ......................$4059
Quill Corp .................. , ........... supphcs ......................... $7984
Macdon,dd Equip ........................ Pairs .......................... $109 03
Stvvc I.t,wntn¢c ..................... legal .................... $75 IX)
Kclchum Mantffacluri.g ..................... dog lags ...................... $46.54
K-N Energy ............................... utilities ........................ $71995
Richard 1 lerlk'nradcr .......................... bt,nd refund ................... $1(X},0()
I:ruila ('o!~p .......................... supplies .......................... $159
Purchase [hx~¢~ ...................... p~stage and supphe.s ................ $7311 t~
('ulllgan Wawr ....................... ¢hcmitals .................... $24411
[)an Crane ............................ ovcrpaym¢.l ................... $91.04
[)tTiwer Post .................................. advcnising ..................$27472
[:errcllgas ..................... utilities ....................... $243.70
Grand JUnction Pipe ................... supplies ........................ $87.42
Haeh ...................................... supplies ..................... 46.t~)
Monttosc Daily I'rcss ....................... advenisin~ ............. $ IB 60
Waterworks Sales .................... ........ supplies ........................ $3255
West End Express .......................... trcight ............................ $33.411
Nell Tripp ................................. water testing ........................ $8(1,(X1
UBC ....................................... supplies ........................ $681.03
Randall Industries ........................ chemk'als ............ * ............. $176.1X)
Gn¢ Mangos ................................. water deposit refund ................ $24.25
Fred Rios ................................. conteact lalnv ........................ $50,00
Tom BhwvJ .................................. ct)ntracl lat~,r . . .$1360,011
Alvin Farmer Ct~nst ........................... contract lai~)r ........................ $575.00
Naturita Residents
A Public Hearing will
be held on making
3rd/Main to Adams a
one-way street,
going North. The
hearing is February
23rd at the next reg-
utar meeting of the
Town Board begin-
nin9 at 7:30 pm at
Naturita ]-own Hall.
Town of Naturita
Nuela Sanitation Dist. " . .$224.25
John Radun ................................ ¢ontrac| lab~,r ....................... $~).(X)
Kathy Zunieh ................................ supplies ............................. $82.14
Brian Jenscn ................................. water deposit rotund ................... $23.51/
Daily Sentinel .............................. udvertisin ~ .......................... $dO9.86
SMPA ...................................... utilities ............................ $3~k5.55
Blair Sales ................................... fuel ............................... $23.62
PC'tly Cash .................................. petly cash ............................ $49,55
Qwest ...................................... tclephoa¢ ............................ $22.26
A to Z ...................................... supplies ............................ $183.34
George Glasier ................................ legal ................................ $78,33
Les Muhannah ............................... repair St. sweeper .................... $920.(X1
Public Notice is hereby given
that on the 10th day ot ~, by
order of the County Court in the County of
MonlroSe, State of Colorado, the name of
Petitioner was changed from T~
.C=~0~gg.tJ to r i m I and, in
accordance with such order, this notice is
Develva Bell
Clerk of the County Court
in and for Ihe Counly of
Montrose, State of Colorado
By: J~,.Y.gJ.Y_P,_ J~
Published in the San Miguel Basin Forum,
Thursday, February 18, 25, March 4, 1999.
Published San Mil~ucl Basin Forum. Thursday, Fchruary 18. 1999.
Co-Op side of 10th and Main to rodeo club and the De~a
prevent drainage from damaging Columbine Senior Services t~
the road there. He also more information could be gate-
explained that 6 signs .were ered.
recently removed from various Nucla's next meeting will be
locations around town and need held on Wednesday, February
to be replaced.. " .. 24, :
In Water Department ,busi-
ness, Pender reported that. the
Elementary School' water prob-
lem had not improved with
plumbing changes, and that the
Kindergarten fountain was still Donated
unable to pass lead testing. He
also e~plained that Nucla's cur- West End
rosive water was not. helping the
problem any and that the Health
Department was working on a
plan for water softening. The
board decided to continue doing
water testing for the school. West End Public Schools
Town Clerk, Pat Brow~ stat- recently accepted a computer
ed that the new operating hours donation from the US
for the town hall, which were Department of Energy by
changed last month to allow the WASTREN, Inc., of Grand
clerk and deputy clerk to each Junction.
have one day off during the The equipment amounted to
week, were working "wonder- nine Gateway 2000 486 corn-
fully." puters with monitors, two large
Breck Richards was present format plotters and a variety of
to discuss his agreement with accessories. The value of the
the town to extend Nucla's equipment is estimated at
water main 7/10 of a mile to his between $5,000 and $7,000.
property. Richards will be doing The equipment will be used in
the work himself, under the the science classrooms at both
supervision of Pender. Nucla High School and Naturita
The board decided to post- Middle School. This brings the
pone donation requests from the number of computers donated
Western Slope Pony Express by .the DOE since October to 12.
Western Slope Livestock Auction for Friday,
February 12, 1999
We had a good sale Friday with prices steady to strong
on all classes.
CATTLE STEERS CALVES 434#, 98.25; 493#, 94.75;
515#, 87.50; 585#, 84.25; and 883# (HOL). 44.75 cwt..HEIFER
310#, 83.00; 385#, 80.50; 460#, 78.75; 535#, 73.75;
and 825#, 57.50 ewt SLAUGHTER COWS 1200#, 36.75;
1045#, 35.75; 1210#, 34.25; 1220#, 33.25; 1210#, 30.25; 1460#,.
30.50; and 1335#, 24.00 cwt ~ 2085#, 50.00; 2035#,
46.75; and 1685#, 43.75 cwt.
SHEEP LAMBS 68#, 67.50; 70.00, 65.25; 85#, 63.25;
and125#, 62.25 cWt. ~ 120#, 34.50; 140#, 32.25; 175#,
28.25; and 195#, 25.75 cwt. BUCKS 225#, 22.00 cwt.
This Friday will be our FEEDER SALE. Already con-
signed, 530 Head of Steer & Heifer Cross-Bred Calves weighing
410# to 730#. These will all be very choice calves. If you have
calves to market, let us visit with you. Also consigned for Friday,
one Belgian Smooth-Mouthed Mare and one Percheron smooth-
mouthed Mare (Team), one Belgian Roan Gelding two-years old
and one Belgian two-year old Filly, both halter broke. Also con-
signed, ten head Angus/Beefmaster Cows, five to eight years old,
bred to Simmental Bull. Will start calving March 15.
Coming up: Fri, Feb. 26 will be the =Pot Of Gold"
Gelbvieh Bull Sale. Bulls will sell at noon. Also on Feb. 26, we
will be offering twenty head of young Black and Black Broc~P
Replacement Heifers.
If you have livestock to market or are thinking of hav-
ing an auction, let us visit with you. Doug may be reached at
874-2647 evenings and Jim 249-4126 evenings or you may call
the Barn at 249-6202.