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Newspaper Archive of
San Miguel Basin Forum
Nucla , Colorado
February 12, 1987     San Miguel Basin Forum
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February 12, 1987
Newspaper Archive of San Miguel Basin Forum produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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If we are really good, and promise with all our laws not to mess up...then maybe we can zoom 65 soon Story on Page .10 The Town of Norwood had applied for a $100, 000 grant through the De- partment of Local Affairs for emergency repairs to Gurley Reservoir. The grant money, if ap- proved, will be used to make early, emergency re- pairs to the reservoir in order for some water stor- age for this summer, ac- cording to Dan Noble, who was instrumental in applying for the grant. "We should know within a week to ten days whether it is approved," he said. The water would be pri- marily for consumption by the Town of Norwood and Wrights-Mesa; but more importantly, water will be available for fire protec- tion. An added benefit is, Hunting regulations are up for discussion The Division of Wildlife will hold a public meeting on Wednesday February 18 at 7 p.m. in the Nucla Moose Lodge. Everyone interested is urged to at- tend and provide input concerning regulations and management of deer, elk, and antelope in Units 60, 6 I, 62, and 70. Future hunting, regula- tions, and management of those units will be discus- sed and the DOW requests that all those interested be sure to attend. • Anti-drug poster wlnners/7 • Norwood ponders pool pledge / I0 • Relief fund set for Scogglns/2 • Red Keeton obituary Inside/6 • School Board seats llsted/7 if the reservoir is even par- tially filled, there will be water for irrigation pur- poses. By making emergency repairs to Gurley this spring it will give the Farmers' Water Develop- NorWood player's talent helped spark unruly rivalry at Telluride...Miners may have won had he not moved from there... Story on page:8 Representatives from Naturita, Nucla and Mont- rose County met with the director of the State Water Conservation Board on February 4 to discuss the water rights Umetco Min- erals has designated to the State in the consent decree for clean-up at the Uravan site. John Vanderpool, Nucla Councilman, said the water rights in question are for 50.55 cubic feet per second off the Johns- ton Ditch, these consum- tive water rights; and 240 cubic feet per second non- consumtive, power rights. Bill McDonald, director of the Water Conservation Board, told the group the status of the water rights will be determined and then be negotiated with the three entities. Vanderpool said that the informal meeting end- ed with the State "agree- ing to agree," to sign an a- greement with the Town of Naturita and Nucla and with Montrose Countythat, after the remedial action at Umetco's mill site and ment "some breathing the feasibility study. We space for complete re- plan to do some remedial pairs," said Roy Davis, repairs during that time president of the organiza- (while the study is being tion. Those repairs will not completed), and the engi- be made before fall of this neering plans will probably year. take two or three months. "We're still waiting for So it would be fall before storage areas in Uravan has been completed, the water rights which will be desig- nated to the state will not be moved off the river without the consent of the three entities involved. At the meeting were Vanderpool, Paul Woods, Sue Watt, and Dale Williams representing Nucla; Fred Bellmire, Frank Bell, Darrell Bell and Marg Pottorff for Naturita; Ken Neesham for Montrose County; John deKoevend who attended in the interest of the West End Agricultural Develop. ment; and Dan Noble who is a trustee from the State in the water issue. A second trustee is Earl Shortridge, for Umetco. The Town of Nucla is still requesting a third trustee be appointed to represent the two town's and the county's interests. Vanderpool said, "Our ini- tial concerns were that (Water Conservation) Board has the right, once they have the water rights, to convey, sell, or transfer those rights. They've I I I Illllll II B I I i full repairs could begin," Davis said. In the meantime, the Town of Norwood has taken steps to insure a sup- ply of water for resdential use and for fire protection this summer. agreed now to work out an agreement with the three entities." "1 feel if, it isn't straight. ened out now, who's going to remember 12 or 17 years down the line." The actual agreement has not been fully formu- lated yet but will give the towns and county first right of refusal of the water rights if and when the State releases them. Q Ben Nighthorsa Camp- bell, Colorado's represent- ative in the Third Congres- sional District, will be guest speaker at the Nucla Chamber of Commerce an- nual.banquet on March 13. The banquet will be held at the Nucla Moose Lodge. Cocktails are at 6 p.m., dinner at 7 p.m. The banquet is open to the public, as well as to memb- ers, with dinner at $8 per plate, a $25 business membership for 1987 is paid by March 13, one free i llllll |1| II _ dinner at the banquet will be offered to the member. During the banquet the annual "Grouch of the Year" award will be pre- santed and officers for 1987 will be installed. There will be door prizes given away during the evening. A dance will follow the dinner, $5 per couple, $3 single, with music by Dave Fetherston and Night Shift. For more information call 864-2262. II I I